If you've ever seen
Jake and the Neverland Pirates, then you know exactly how to pronounce
treasure like Captain Hook. He says it exactly like this: treas-ah! And Hannah, Jack, and I know it well.
This morning, after we'd had our breakfast, Hannah and Jack went off with construction paper and markers while I checked my email. Before I know it, Hannah came by and asked me if I wanted to use her map to go on a treasure hunt. It sounded like a fun snow day idea, so off we went.
First Hannah described her map to me. As she pointed to each colorful dot, she said, "First we go 'dere, to 'dere, to 'dere. We go to Tumble Mountain, and Florida, and the beach to find the treas-ah! Let's go, Mommy!"
"See those stinky skunks, Mama? Hold your nose!"
"Tumbling Mountain with the tumbling tree falling, hmm, that's a weird place, Mommy," she said as she read the map. "Only step on the yellow ones, Mommy! Don't fall in the stinky swamp!"
Jack joined in the fun and starting cutting down the vines ahead of us with his sword.
Consulting the map together and deciding where to go next...
"Jump over the muddy puddles, Mommy!"
"Ssshhh, be very quiet, Mommy - so you don't wake up the ogre!"
I love watching their imaginations and listening to them as they play. They never cease to amaze me with the things they make, and how they pull from things they've seen...makes me smile.
Later in the afternoon, here's what my little lovelies looked like:
They decided to do a little indoor sledding and put on their safety gear before getting started :)
Gotta love the safety gear!