Last night, as I was getting Hannah ready for bed, picking out clothes for the next day, she randomly said something about how Daddy would have failed as a father if they don't go to college. I have no idea how this little idea popped into her head because it certainly wasn't part of any current conversation we had going, but I've come to roll with the punches when the little people bring up a topic that seems totally off the wall.
I tried to explain that Daddy is an excellent father, no matter what. And then, that all Daddy means is that he really wants them to go to school so that they can get a good education and a good job when they grow up.
Hannah continued to talk, sharing how Jack doesn't want to go to college, but that she does.
She crawled up into bed, pulled the blankets up to her chin and announced, "I'm going to college...but first, I'm going to sleep."
Definitely made me laugh - the whole, first this, then that attitude. First things first, Baby Girl. You can see that I've taught her that sleep is a priority :)
After we read to Hannah and we were snuggling down, her college conversation continued. She brought it up somehow, and then Brad asked her what she might like to study in school (math, science, etc.). She explained that she wants to be a police officer. {Brad did so well. It's not the safest field for our girl to head into, and her alternative (being a fire fighter) isn't much safer. Plus, there's the whole idea that you don't technically need a degree to do either.)
I told her maybe she could study laws, and we did explain that while she doesn't have to go to college to be a police officer, it certainly couldn't hurt. Maybe she could even be a detective one day, or be in charge of all the police officers!
Those answers seemed good enough for Hannah. She probably dozed off while dreaming about college and fighting crime :)
Meanwhile, this mama will probably have nightmares for years to come about her babies going away to school. Sometimes, I just want to freeze time!