But it ended up being one of the best mornings ever with my little man. I heard him calling for me (yes, that's right - he has not yet figured out that he could leave the room on his own accord - thank you, thank you, thank you) from his little toddler bed that he had to go potty. I went in and took his little hand and led him to the potty.
He very seriously explained to me that he almost went potty in his bed, but he didn't (as in, next time you may want to move a little faster, Mama). He was dry, yet again! Which made Jack so incredibly proud of himself that he had the super cutest grin across his little face. Ear to ear. Chesire cat-like. Adorable.
After he went potty, we headed back to his room to get dressed, and I asked him if he wanted to wear his Buzz shirt to school today. "That would be good, Mama."
Excellent. So I helped my little man out of his jammies and handed him the Buzz shirt.
"Oh, fank you, Mama!" Like I had just given him something he's wanted all his little life. He was soooo happy.
Do you remember the last time something that small made you so happy? Yeah, me either.
Unless, of course, you count the fact that this teeny-tiny person has made my life so much better just by being in it:)

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