{for comparison purposes - 8 months pregnant with Jack}
Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 32 weeks (and 1 day) = 8 months!
Size of Baby: Peanut weighs just about four pounds and is topping out at about 19 inches.
Baby's Developmental Milestones: She's busy practicing her survival skills, such as kicking, sucking, breathing, and swallowing. Her skin is also becoming less and less transparent and more and more opaque as she continues to gain weight.
Total Weight Gain: I held steady this week at 35 pounds.
Baby's Developmental Milestones: She's busy practicing her survival skills, such as kicking, sucking, breathing, and swallowing. Her skin is also becoming less and less transparent and more and more opaque as she continues to gain weight.
Total Weight Gain: I held steady this week at 35 pounds.
Maternity Clothes: My clothes are almost strictly maternity clothes at this point...and some of those are a little snug!
Movement: Yep - and the doctor confirmed today that she's definitely got her head up by my rib cage, her feet on my bladder, and her knees in my belly button:) No worries though - the doctor said there's still plenty of time for her to flip herself around!
Sleep: I'm so thankful that I can sleep even when she's wiggling around. As soon as I lay down at night, she's on the go:)
What I miss: Walking without waddling.
Cravings: Cereal and fruit. Salad. Really any foods that are cold!
Symptoms: My feet are killing me, and now I'm in a state of being perpetually too hot. During training this week, I asked the room full of teachers if they thought the room was too warm so that I could have the temperature adjusted if anyone was uncomfortable. Come to find out, they were all freezing to death, and I was the only one sweating like a madman. In fact, one person was actually using a sweater as a blanket she was so cold. Nope, not me!
Best Pregnancy Moment this Week: I got to hear Baby Girl's heartbeat this afternoon at my appointment. And yesterday, while putting together puzzles, Jack looked at me and said, "Maybe {insert Baby Girl's name here} will like to do puzzles with me, Mama. Yeah, that would be fun! I think she will." Melted this mama's heart...
Sleep: I'm so thankful that I can sleep even when she's wiggling around. As soon as I lay down at night, she's on the go:)
What I miss: Walking without waddling.
Cravings: Cereal and fruit. Salad. Really any foods that are cold!
Symptoms: My feet are killing me, and now I'm in a state of being perpetually too hot. During training this week, I asked the room full of teachers if they thought the room was too warm so that I could have the temperature adjusted if anyone was uncomfortable. Come to find out, they were all freezing to death, and I was the only one sweating like a madman. In fact, one person was actually using a sweater as a blanket she was so cold. Nope, not me!
Best Pregnancy Moment this Week: I got to hear Baby Girl's heartbeat this afternoon at my appointment. And yesterday, while putting together puzzles, Jack looked at me and said, "Maybe {insert Baby Girl's name here} will like to do puzzles with me, Mama. Yeah, that would be fun! I think she will." Melted this mama's heart...