Sunday, July 31, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Happy Birthday, Aunt Jess!
Amidst all of the new babyness - we've had a busy family time lately. And we most certainly did not forget Aunt Jess's birthday, although it may have seemed like we did.
Aunt Jess - we love you and are so proud of the young woman you've become! You are a wonderful sister (and sister-in-law) and an even more wonderful aunt to our two (omigosh - I can't believe there are two) young kiddos. You are so smart and successful, and we can't wait to celebrate your birthday and grandpa's birthday this weekend. Thanks for being so patient with us in waiting for your birthday fun:)

Friday, July 29, 2011
A Family of Four Update
I can't believe that Hannah is only five days old. And at the same time - how on earth is our tiny baby already five days old!? Why does time pass so quickly?
We've settled into being at home, and yesterday we even managed to get Jack to school (more on that emotional fiasco later) and Hannah to her first doctor's appointment successfully. I have to say, I feel so much more relaxed this time around. It's funny how with your first baby you think the newborn stage is so hard and overwhelming, but then you have a three year old and a newborn, and you realize the newborn is the easy part. She can only do three things - eat, sleep, and go to the bathroom, and Hannah does all of those things very well. She's such a great baby! She rarely makes a peep right now, and we're lucky - she's nursing like a champ and today at her appointment they confirmed that her weight has gone up since leaving the hospital. What a proud mama am I!
Jack is still reacting much better than I expected him to, but it's still so hard. Maybe it seems especially hard because my hormones are crazy right now, and I can cry about anything at the drop of a hat (back to that emotional school fiasco - I promise I will come back to the story), but I think he does have some mixed feelings about our newest family member. I know it's normal, and I know that one day he won't remember all of this, but I hate that we've made him feel however he's feeling. Confused mostly, I think. He desperately wants to play with her. He's tried Spiderman and trains, and so far she hasn't taken him up on either. He loves to give her kisses and hugs. He does not love when I am busy with her when I normally would have been doing something with him. He doesn't always think that she loves him because she can't say it. Other times he seems sure she does. Last night he told me that he wants her to stay in my belly. I said, "I thought you wanted Hannah to come out?" He replied, "Nope." After tucking him in successfully without crying, I came into our room and cried my eyes out while Brad assured me that this too shall pass and reminded me of all the reasons we wanted Jack to have a sibling in the first place. Which I know, but I just hate to see him sad or confused or however it is that he is apparently feeling.
Quickly, because baby is stirring, I will sum up the emotional school fiasco. Basically, Jack has had a hard time going to school since I've been off for the summer. I decided he would go Tuesdays and Thursdays so that we would still have three days a week to be together, just me and him, before the baby came. Maybe because of the impending changes or maybe because Tuesday/Thursday aren't consecutive days like a work-week, Jack has been miserable almost every time I've dropped him off. His lip quivers, he cries, and I try to leave as fast as I can so as not to cry and make it worse. It's horrible, and I hate it. One day a couple of weeks ago, he started to cry when I pulled into the parking lot, and I just couldn't take it. My heart broke right there, and I made a big no-no. I turned around and we had another special stay-at-home-with-mommy-day. It was great fun, and we both felt better, but I set a horrible precedent that made the next Tuesday feel like the most horrible thing I could ever do.
So yesterday, when I announced I was going to get ready so that I could take him to school, the waterworks immediately began and I was waffling. After seeking reinforcements from Daddy, it was decided Jack had to go to school. I explained to him that he had to go just like Mommy has to go to work and that that's how he learns new things. That part went better than I expected and I was proud of myself for being firm. So I get my two little munchkins into the car and we're off, and we get about halfway there when Jack begins to cry. He put on his brave face, and so did I, but drop off was a struggle. He was crying very hard when I had to leave, and I went straight into the director's office and proceeded to cry my eyes out to her - which I'm sure threw her for a loop. Here I am, four days postpartum, no makeup on (I never leave the house without some kind of makeup on, but I seem to be getting over that feeling), crying in her office. I explained that Tuesday/Thursday is not working for Jack, and that I think he needs a consecutive schedule to clarify schools days and home days. Next week, he'll be going three days a week. Which makes me sad because it's not like I don't want him to be home with me...I really do. Part of me was hoping that Brad would say, "Let's just keep him home with you until you go back to work," when I sought him out for reinforcements, but he didn't. And he's right. That wouldn't be best for Jack either. So three days it must be so that he can feel like he has a more normal schedule and a more structured routine that he can expect. It's what works best for our little man. That is the end of my emotional school fiasco story.
And now, it's time for me to go love on and snuggle our little Hannah Bear. Her chipmunk cheeks are simply irresistible. (And as I type that, she gives me a little smile in her sleep - I am in love. Head over heels in love.)
We've settled into being at home, and yesterday we even managed to get Jack to school (more on that emotional fiasco later) and Hannah to her first doctor's appointment successfully. I have to say, I feel so much more relaxed this time around. It's funny how with your first baby you think the newborn stage is so hard and overwhelming, but then you have a three year old and a newborn, and you realize the newborn is the easy part. She can only do three things - eat, sleep, and go to the bathroom, and Hannah does all of those things very well. She's such a great baby! She rarely makes a peep right now, and we're lucky - she's nursing like a champ and today at her appointment they confirmed that her weight has gone up since leaving the hospital. What a proud mama am I!
Jack is still reacting much better than I expected him to, but it's still so hard. Maybe it seems especially hard because my hormones are crazy right now, and I can cry about anything at the drop of a hat (back to that emotional school fiasco - I promise I will come back to the story), but I think he does have some mixed feelings about our newest family member. I know it's normal, and I know that one day he won't remember all of this, but I hate that we've made him feel however he's feeling. Confused mostly, I think. He desperately wants to play with her. He's tried Spiderman and trains, and so far she hasn't taken him up on either. He loves to give her kisses and hugs. He does not love when I am busy with her when I normally would have been doing something with him. He doesn't always think that she loves him because she can't say it. Other times he seems sure she does. Last night he told me that he wants her to stay in my belly. I said, "I thought you wanted Hannah to come out?" He replied, "Nope." After tucking him in successfully without crying, I came into our room and cried my eyes out while Brad assured me that this too shall pass and reminded me of all the reasons we wanted Jack to have a sibling in the first place. Which I know, but I just hate to see him sad or confused or however it is that he is apparently feeling.
Quickly, because baby is stirring, I will sum up the emotional school fiasco. Basically, Jack has had a hard time going to school since I've been off for the summer. I decided he would go Tuesdays and Thursdays so that we would still have three days a week to be together, just me and him, before the baby came. Maybe because of the impending changes or maybe because Tuesday/Thursday aren't consecutive days like a work-week, Jack has been miserable almost every time I've dropped him off. His lip quivers, he cries, and I try to leave as fast as I can so as not to cry and make it worse. It's horrible, and I hate it. One day a couple of weeks ago, he started to cry when I pulled into the parking lot, and I just couldn't take it. My heart broke right there, and I made a big no-no. I turned around and we had another special stay-at-home-with-mommy-day. It was great fun, and we both felt better, but I set a horrible precedent that made the next Tuesday feel like the most horrible thing I could ever do.
So yesterday, when I announced I was going to get ready so that I could take him to school, the waterworks immediately began and I was waffling. After seeking reinforcements from Daddy, it was decided Jack had to go to school. I explained to him that he had to go just like Mommy has to go to work and that that's how he learns new things. That part went better than I expected and I was proud of myself for being firm. So I get my two little munchkins into the car and we're off, and we get about halfway there when Jack begins to cry. He put on his brave face, and so did I, but drop off was a struggle. He was crying very hard when I had to leave, and I went straight into the director's office and proceeded to cry my eyes out to her - which I'm sure threw her for a loop. Here I am, four days postpartum, no makeup on (I never leave the house without some kind of makeup on, but I seem to be getting over that feeling), crying in her office. I explained that Tuesday/Thursday is not working for Jack, and that I think he needs a consecutive schedule to clarify schools days and home days. Next week, he'll be going three days a week. Which makes me sad because it's not like I don't want him to be home with me...I really do. Part of me was hoping that Brad would say, "Let's just keep him home with you until you go back to work," when I sought him out for reinforcements, but he didn't. And he's right. That wouldn't be best for Jack either. So three days it must be so that he can feel like he has a more normal schedule and a more structured routine that he can expect. It's what works best for our little man. That is the end of my emotional school fiasco story.
And now, it's time for me to go love on and snuggle our little Hannah Bear. Her chipmunk cheeks are simply irresistible. (And as I type that, she gives me a little smile in her sleep - I am in love. Head over heels in love.)

Thursday, July 28, 2011
Hannah's Birthday (in pictures)
Here's a little slideshow I worked up while I was in the hospital, full of pictures, which I know you've been waiting for. We hope you enjoy this tiny glimpse into a very special day!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Hannah's Birth Story
On July 19th, I had my last scheduled doctor's appointment before Miss Hannah was born. It was at that appointment that I was seen by the same doctor that delivered Jack, and it was also then that he asked us, "So when are we going to have this baby?!" I was a little shocked, but he mentioned that he would be delivering babies on the upcoming weekend, and that he had an opening on Sunday for an induction if I wanted to take it. There were no other openings in the upcoming week for a scheduled induction, so if we didn't go on Sunday, then we'd just have had to wait for Baby Girl to arrive on her own.
With Jack, I was scheduled to go in on a Sunday night for an induction because he was a week overdue, but he decided to come on on his own on Friday morning. It was perfect:)
Brad and I talked it over and decided to take our doctor up on his offer. It was something like 120 degrees outside (or so it felt) and my discomfort level was rising steadily each day. Because we had such a successful delivery the first time around, the doctor wasn't worried about an induction in the least. We left our appointment knowing that by Sunday at the latest, we'd have our sweet baby girl in our arms. Secretly, I was hoping she'd decide to come on her own, but it wasn't meant to be.
By Saturday night, I was loving that we'd decided on an induction. I was able to get the house straightened up, spend quality time with Jack, go grocery shopping to prepare for the week ahead, and have a wonderful dinner at Red Lobster as a family of three for the last time. For a control freak like me, induction was the way to go.
Early Sunday morning, Grandma and Grandpa came over to stay with Jack, and Brad and I headed to the hospital for our 7:30 appointment. By 7:50, I was on the IV and Pitocin was being administered. When the doctor arrived at about 9:30, I was still only 2-3 centimeters dilated. When he tried to break my water, I was so uncomfortable that he suggested I get the epidural first. I didn't really want to get it right away because I wasn't in any discomfort other than him trying to break my water, but the doctor explained that it would be better if I get it then so that I could relax, he could break my water, and then the baby would come sooner - especially if I already knew that I was going to want an epidural. So I caved.
The epidural experience was different than it was with Jack in that I could feel it a lot more and it was much more uncomfortable. I think I was in so much pain with Jack that the needle was the least of my worries, but like I said, at this point, I wasn't in any pain. Afterwards though, I could still feel my legs and move them around (not the case with Jack), so I knew this experience was going to be very different.
When the doctor came back to check on me I was only four centimeters dilated, but he was able to break my water. It was after that that things really got going. Before we knew it, I was at six centimeters. The contractions were getting stronger and stronger, and I could feel them. A lot. My pain level was increasing, and I was proud of myself for breathing through the contractions, but it was getting to the point that I thought I might break someone's hand for having squeezed it to death. The anesthesiologist came back in and gave me something to relieve the pain. He said it would take about eight minutes to work. They felt like the longest eight minutes of my life. I was having contractions about every 30 seconds and I wasn't really able to rest inbetween. After about ten minutes, he said he wanted to redo the epidural because it wasn't working. I did not want to redo the epidural - it hurt enough the first time, and now I could barely move due to the pain of contractions. Things were not going well. They made me redo the epidural. And so came the big, splashy tears.
The second epidural seemed to help a bit, but I still wasn't numb and could feel enough to still be hurting. I was terrified of how everything would feel from there on out... Within an hour and a half, I went from six centimeters to being fully dilated. The doctor came in and said it was time to push, but I was exhausted and wanting to sleep. And I could have...right then. And they wouldn't let me. So with Brad and my mom's help, I started to push. The problem was I'd push twice and then with the third push, nothing was happening. I didn't have the strength. So the doctor switched me to pushing only every other contraction, and put me on oxygen. Between pushes, they rolled me to my side, but I don't know why. Maybe to get oxygen to the baby...maybe to try to shift her position, I'm not sure. And clearly, I was not in a state to ask why. My doctor was getting sterner and sterner; he kept saying I had to push harder, and I kept trying to explain that I was pushing as hard as I could.
After an hour and a half of pushing and hearing lots of "one more time" from everyone in the room, Hannah was finally born. She was sunnyside up, and while they did immediately place her on my belly, the nurse explained that the doctor was going to cut the cord and they were going to take her. I felt barely conscious, but I was scared to death. Brad went with the baby to the warming station, and my mom stayed with me. Hannah wasn't breathing on her own, so they immediately cleared out her nose, and then stuck a tube down her throat to clear out fluid. After she cried out, they stuck a really long tube up her nose and down her throat to clear more fluid. I didn't see any of this, but once they told Brad she was going to be okay, he was able to videotape it, and I watched the video after we got home. I'm glad I couldn't see it at the time.
Nineteen minutes after she was born, I was finally able to hold our baby girl. She was so tiny and so beautiful. And healthy. Thank goodness.
While Hannah's birth was a very different experience from Jack's, it was perfect in its own way. I got to feel what labor is like and really worked to bring her into this world, and that is an amazing thing. And now she's here and healthy, and her Daddy and brother and I are absolutely in love.
With Jack, I was scheduled to go in on a Sunday night for an induction because he was a week overdue, but he decided to come on on his own on Friday morning. It was perfect:)
Brad and I talked it over and decided to take our doctor up on his offer. It was something like 120 degrees outside (or so it felt) and my discomfort level was rising steadily each day. Because we had such a successful delivery the first time around, the doctor wasn't worried about an induction in the least. We left our appointment knowing that by Sunday at the latest, we'd have our sweet baby girl in our arms. Secretly, I was hoping she'd decide to come on her own, but it wasn't meant to be.
By Saturday night, I was loving that we'd decided on an induction. I was able to get the house straightened up, spend quality time with Jack, go grocery shopping to prepare for the week ahead, and have a wonderful dinner at Red Lobster as a family of three for the last time. For a control freak like me, induction was the way to go.
Early Sunday morning, Grandma and Grandpa came over to stay with Jack, and Brad and I headed to the hospital for our 7:30 appointment. By 7:50, I was on the IV and Pitocin was being administered. When the doctor arrived at about 9:30, I was still only 2-3 centimeters dilated. When he tried to break my water, I was so uncomfortable that he suggested I get the epidural first. I didn't really want to get it right away because I wasn't in any discomfort other than him trying to break my water, but the doctor explained that it would be better if I get it then so that I could relax, he could break my water, and then the baby would come sooner - especially if I already knew that I was going to want an epidural. So I caved.
The epidural experience was different than it was with Jack in that I could feel it a lot more and it was much more uncomfortable. I think I was in so much pain with Jack that the needle was the least of my worries, but like I said, at this point, I wasn't in any pain. Afterwards though, I could still feel my legs and move them around (not the case with Jack), so I knew this experience was going to be very different.
When the doctor came back to check on me I was only four centimeters dilated, but he was able to break my water. It was after that that things really got going. Before we knew it, I was at six centimeters. The contractions were getting stronger and stronger, and I could feel them. A lot. My pain level was increasing, and I was proud of myself for breathing through the contractions, but it was getting to the point that I thought I might break someone's hand for having squeezed it to death. The anesthesiologist came back in and gave me something to relieve the pain. He said it would take about eight minutes to work. They felt like the longest eight minutes of my life. I was having contractions about every 30 seconds and I wasn't really able to rest inbetween. After about ten minutes, he said he wanted to redo the epidural because it wasn't working. I did not want to redo the epidural - it hurt enough the first time, and now I could barely move due to the pain of contractions. Things were not going well. They made me redo the epidural. And so came the big, splashy tears.
The second epidural seemed to help a bit, but I still wasn't numb and could feel enough to still be hurting. I was terrified of how everything would feel from there on out... Within an hour and a half, I went from six centimeters to being fully dilated. The doctor came in and said it was time to push, but I was exhausted and wanting to sleep. And I could have...right then. And they wouldn't let me. So with Brad and my mom's help, I started to push. The problem was I'd push twice and then with the third push, nothing was happening. I didn't have the strength. So the doctor switched me to pushing only every other contraction, and put me on oxygen. Between pushes, they rolled me to my side, but I don't know why. Maybe to get oxygen to the baby...maybe to try to shift her position, I'm not sure. And clearly, I was not in a state to ask why. My doctor was getting sterner and sterner; he kept saying I had to push harder, and I kept trying to explain that I was pushing as hard as I could.
After an hour and a half of pushing and hearing lots of "one more time" from everyone in the room, Hannah was finally born. She was sunnyside up, and while they did immediately place her on my belly, the nurse explained that the doctor was going to cut the cord and they were going to take her. I felt barely conscious, but I was scared to death. Brad went with the baby to the warming station, and my mom stayed with me. Hannah wasn't breathing on her own, so they immediately cleared out her nose, and then stuck a tube down her throat to clear out fluid. After she cried out, they stuck a really long tube up her nose and down her throat to clear more fluid. I didn't see any of this, but once they told Brad she was going to be okay, he was able to videotape it, and I watched the video after we got home. I'm glad I couldn't see it at the time.
Nineteen minutes after she was born, I was finally able to hold our baby girl. She was so tiny and so beautiful. And healthy. Thank goodness.
While Hannah's birth was a very different experience from Jack's, it was perfect in its own way. I got to feel what labor is like and really worked to bring her into this world, and that is an amazing thing. And now she's here and healthy, and her Daddy and brother and I are absolutely in love.

Monday, July 25, 2011
Hello, World!
Hannah Marie is finally here!
4:30 pm
8 lbs. 4 oz.
20 3/4 in.
Mommy is resting and doing well. Daddy is smitten and tightly wound around the smallest fingers you can imagine. Jack is in love and enjoying his new role as big brother. We couldn't be happier or more blessed - she is perfect. And ours. And we are so thankful.

Saturday, July 23, 2011
Brick by Brick
Jack is a really big fan of the story of The Three Little Pigs. So it makes complete sense to me and his daddy that he's curious about what restaurants, stores, and our house our made of. When we assure him that our house is made of brick, he responds with, "Brick by brick," - a direct quote from a version of the story we've read to Jack.
He also assures us, "No wolf is gonna blow this house down!" He came up with that line all on his own:)
He also assures us, "No wolf is gonna blow this house down!" He came up with that line all on his own:)

Friday, July 22, 2011
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Just Jack
* On Monday, Jack started swimming classes for the first time. He was so brave, and he did really well. It's not a parent participation class due to his age, so I had to walk him onto the deck of the pool and then go to the other side of a very large window to watch. When Jack realized that we wouldn't be swimming together, he was none-too-pleased, but the teacher was great, and he didn't cry. He sat down and watched the other two kids in the class take their turns and then got right into the water with the teacher. I was very impressed. He didn't seem to have any trouble until about halfway through the session, and then I could tell that he was trying his hardest not to cry because his bottom lip was quivering. My heart was breaking for him, but I just sat there and smiled and cheered. I'm not sure he was buying it, but he made it through the rest of the session okay and was able to show me his new bubble-blowing skills during the parent demonstration. Super cute. Here was our little man after his first lesson:
* This morning during our snuggle time, Jack was so excited to learn that it was a stay-at-home-with-mommy day. He asked me if Daddy could stay home too, but I told him Daddy had to go to work. When he heard Daddy get up and get in the shower, he raced upstairs to visit. When he came back downstairs, this is what Jack said to me:
"Daddy has to go to work to pay for the house, and then he'll be back, right?" Brad and I couldn't help it - we made eye contact and just busted out laughing. Mostly because it caught me so off-guard since I wasn't present for the prior conversation.
Clearly, Jack had also asked Daddy if he could stay home. And clearly Daddy said no. Jack asked, "Why?" because everything is "Why?" these days. And Daddy said something about paying for the house (trying to be funny and not realizing a three-year-old is very, very literal).
* Jack has been very snuggly lately, but he can't quite get as close as he'd like to since the belly is so large. At some point, I think I said something about how after the baby comes, my belly will be smaller. So tonight during bedtime, he was explaining to Daddy "that when {insert Baby Girl's name here} comes, Mommy will be smaller, and then she can carry me!" He's apparently got it all figured out. Such a sponge (or a parrot)!
* The other night we had Jack on the counter for some reason, and we were getting ready to go into the family room when he asked me to carry him. When I told him no that he could walk, he responded, "But I'm a turtle. I only have fins (referring to a sea turtle)." Again, eye contact with the hubby acknowledging that we are in trouble - a three year old with master manipulative skills.
* Cuddlebug got in trouble this evening for snapping at Jack (she didn't actually bite him, just barked and turned). It was partially his fault because he was trying to snuggle with her and she didn't want to. She gave him plenty of signs and we asked him to leave her alone, but still the snapping. So later on, while the three of us were snuggled in Jack's bed before bedtime, we were talking about it, and Brad said something to the effect of, "He has such a beautiful face." Lucky for me, I was facing Jack and Daddy at this point, and got to see firsthand the all-out grin that spread from ear to ear on Jack's face. That boy doesn't miss a beat and knew exactly who we were talking about:)
Have I ever told you how much we love him!?
I'll be curious to see how next week's class goes. He constantly tells me he DOES NOT want to go underwater because then his eyes would get wet. When I tried to explain that's what his goggles are for, he doesn't seem convinced.
* This morning during our snuggle time, Jack was so excited to learn that it was a stay-at-home-with-mommy day. He asked me if Daddy could stay home too, but I told him Daddy had to go to work. When he heard Daddy get up and get in the shower, he raced upstairs to visit. When he came back downstairs, this is what Jack said to me:
"Daddy has to go to work to pay for the house, and then he'll be back, right?" Brad and I couldn't help it - we made eye contact and just busted out laughing. Mostly because it caught me so off-guard since I wasn't present for the prior conversation.
Clearly, Jack had also asked Daddy if he could stay home. And clearly Daddy said no. Jack asked, "Why?" because everything is "Why?" these days. And Daddy said something about paying for the house (trying to be funny and not realizing a three-year-old is very, very literal).
* Jack has been very snuggly lately, but he can't quite get as close as he'd like to since the belly is so large. At some point, I think I said something about how after the baby comes, my belly will be smaller. So tonight during bedtime, he was explaining to Daddy "that when {insert Baby Girl's name here} comes, Mommy will be smaller, and then she can carry me!" He's apparently got it all figured out. Such a sponge (or a parrot)!
* The other night we had Jack on the counter for some reason, and we were getting ready to go into the family room when he asked me to carry him. When I told him no that he could walk, he responded, "But I'm a turtle. I only have fins (referring to a sea turtle)." Again, eye contact with the hubby acknowledging that we are in trouble - a three year old with master manipulative skills.
* Cuddlebug got in trouble this evening for snapping at Jack (she didn't actually bite him, just barked and turned). It was partially his fault because he was trying to snuggle with her and she didn't want to. She gave him plenty of signs and we asked him to leave her alone, but still the snapping. So later on, while the three of us were snuggled in Jack's bed before bedtime, we were talking about it, and Brad said something to the effect of, "He has such a beautiful face." Lucky for me, I was facing Jack and Daddy at this point, and got to see firsthand the all-out grin that spread from ear to ear on Jack's face. That boy doesn't miss a beat and knew exactly who we were talking about:)
Have I ever told you how much we love him!?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Nursery Details
Tonight I've decided to share the details of Baby Girl's nursery. The room is 99% finished, with the exception of a few things I can't do until we know the details of her birth:) Hope you enjoy!
I love the way the room turned out, and I can't wait until we have a tiny baby girl who can use it:) Any day now...Mommy, Daddy, and Jack are waiting for you Baby Girl!
Birdie Details
My most favorite book rack
Quilt and changing table
Crib and Girly Bedding
Baby Girl's Diaper Bag (and a sneak peek at her monogram)
Above her closet
From the corner of her room (note the wreath from our wedding)
One of my favorite prints ever - My Yawning Girl
A lovey
Crib Details
A Diaper Caddy
Baby Girl's Dresser
A Snuggle Zone
And a basket full of girly toys...
I love the way the room turned out, and I can't wait until we have a tiny baby girl who can use it:) Any day now...Mommy, Daddy, and Jack are waiting for you Baby Girl!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Man's Best Friend
On Friday, Jack was lucky enough to get to spend most of the day with his grandma and grandpa. When they brought him back to the house, I was telling him how much I missed him and how happy I was to see him. He was being kind of quiet, so I asked him if he missed me.
Jack's response: I missed Cuddlebug.
In fact, he was all about Cuddlebug, and it was pretty darn cute. The puppies had gotten a haircut while he was gone, and Belle had little, yellow bows in her hair. He came in the door saying, "Aww, Cuddlebug, you're so cute."
He kept giving her hugs and telling her he was worried about her and that he missed her. And I'm sure he did. They are the best of friends. Can't you tell?
Jack's response: I missed Cuddlebug.
In fact, he was all about Cuddlebug, and it was pretty darn cute. The puppies had gotten a haircut while he was gone, and Belle had little, yellow bows in her hair. He came in the door saying, "Aww, Cuddlebug, you're so cute."
He kept giving her hugs and telling her he was worried about her and that he missed her. And I'm sure he did. They are the best of friends. Can't you tell?

Monday, July 18, 2011
39 Weeks
Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 39 Weeks
Size of Baby: Baby Girl probably weighs between seven and eight pounds.
Baby's Developmental Milestones: Her skin has lost its pinkish hue and appears more white. Her brain is still rapidly growing.
Total Weight Gain: 49 lbs.
Movement: Yes, but every time she squirms, I feel like my belly may pop!
Sleep: If I can manage to stay cool enough, and I wear my wrist braces (see below), I can sleep well. But it's definitely getting trickier and trickier...
What I miss: Being smaller. And sleeping on my stomach!
Cravings: I haven't really been craving anything specific, but I've been eating like crazy. And my sweet tooth might be a tad bit bigger than it was through the rest of the pregnancy (if I'm being honest).
Symptoms: More frequently occurring Braxton Hicks contractions. Very swollen and sore hands. I'm lucky enough to have developed pregnancy-induced carpal tunnel syndrome (hence the wrist braces) which causes my arms to go numb throughout the day and increasingly so at night. I haven't been quite as hormonal this week, but I've been nesting like crazy. Changing lightbulbs, reorganizing cabinets, vacuuming, disinfecting, cleaning out...insanity around these parts, but I just can't help it!
Best Pregnancy Moment this Week: Packing Baby Girl's hospital bag and getting to listen to Peanut's heartbeat - which once again caused a doctor to say, "Ooohh, she's a wild one." Yes, that's what they tell me. Almost every time I go, in fact. We'll see what tomorrow's appointment brings!

Thursday, July 14, 2011
Peanut's Nursery
I figured it's finally time to share some of the nursery progress:) Here's how our baby girl's room is shaping up...
We started with blue...
Here's Daddy taping while Jack puts together puzzles:)
...and changed it to pink!
This is Jack doing "earmuffs" while Daddy was cutting the wood for the chair rail
And after the cutting was over, he'd help Daddy put the rail up
Cotton Candy on the top, Pink Chintz on the bottom
More pictures coming soon - Peanut's room is done, so I just have to get some pictures organized and posted.
But really...do you love the pink as much as I do?!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011
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