I'll be curious to see how next week's class goes. He constantly tells me he DOES NOT want to go underwater because then his eyes would get wet. When I tried to explain that's what his goggles are for, he doesn't seem convinced.
* This morning during our snuggle time, Jack was so excited to learn that it was a stay-at-home-with-mommy day. He asked me if Daddy could stay home too, but I told him Daddy had to go to work. When he heard Daddy get up and get in the shower, he raced upstairs to visit. When he came back downstairs, this is what Jack said to me:
"Daddy has to go to work to pay for the house, and then he'll be back, right?" Brad and I couldn't help it - we made eye contact and just busted out laughing. Mostly because it caught me so off-guard since I wasn't present for the prior conversation.
Clearly, Jack had also asked Daddy if he could stay home. And clearly Daddy said no. Jack asked, "Why?" because everything is "Why?" these days. And Daddy said something about paying for the house (trying to be funny and not realizing a three-year-old is very, very literal).
* Jack has been very snuggly lately, but he can't quite get as close as he'd like to since the belly is so large. At some point, I think I said something about how after the baby comes, my belly will be smaller. So tonight during bedtime, he was explaining to Daddy "that when {insert Baby Girl's name here} comes, Mommy will be smaller, and then she can carry me!" He's apparently got it all figured out. Such a sponge (or a parrot)!
* The other night we had Jack on the counter for some reason, and we were getting ready to go into the family room when he asked me to carry him. When I told him no that he could walk, he responded, "But I'm a turtle. I only have fins (referring to a sea turtle)." Again, eye contact with the hubby acknowledging that we are in trouble - a three year old with master manipulative skills.
* Cuddlebug got in trouble this evening for snapping at Jack (she didn't actually bite him, just barked and turned). It was partially his fault because he was trying to snuggle with her and she didn't want to. She gave him plenty of signs and we asked him to leave her alone, but still the snapping. So later on, while the three of us were snuggled in Jack's bed before bedtime, we were talking about it, and Brad said something to the effect of, "He has such a beautiful face." Lucky for me, I was facing Jack and Daddy at this point, and got to see firsthand the all-out grin that spread from ear to ear on Jack's face. That boy doesn't miss a beat and knew exactly who we were talking about:)
Have I ever told you how much we love him!?
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