So many things to be thankful for today...
* the fact that the shorts that did not fit just last week, fit rather nicely this morning
* that seven years ago this week, my hubby asked me to marry him while on a vacation I'll never forget
* my wedding rings are back on my finger! A little snug, but still...
* the technology skills that Jack is already learning at a mere three years old, like how to watch Disney cartoons on my Mac or play alphabet and counting games on the iPad
* While it might make me sad to hear some of the things that Jack has to say ~
Jack: I don't want a Hannah Bear
Me: Why not?
Jack: Because I just want it to be me.
I'm thankful for his ability to articulate his thoughts.
* I'm also thankful that he showers her with kisses and always wants her to be awake. And that he can't wait to show her off to all of his friends at school:)
* Baby yawns
* The ability to see life through the eyes of my children. Just yesterday, Jack bounded outside early in the morning (when I was still trying to focus on being awake), announced what a pretty day it was, and proceeded to "chase the wind."
* That Hannah doesn't mind "carrying" Jack's things for him on the way to and from school.
* That Jack allows Hannah to "hold" his things while he's at school. He's perfectly fine for her "to bring them back when she comes" to get him from school.
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