I've seen blog posts talking about the words that seem to be guiding their author's way into 2012. Is it wrong that these blogs make me think of words like overwhelmed, surviving, exhausted? If I'm being totally honest, that's where I'm at. I'm not sure what the delayed-effect of having two children is all about, but at about 4 1/2 to 5 months, it seems that all hell broke loose, and I haven't been able to regain my footing yet.
My to-do list is longer than I am tall, and I'm paralyzed by the things I seem to have to do before I can do the things on the list. That might sound a little crazy, and partly it is, because I know I make things harder than they need to be. I'm a perfectionist. It's what we do. But it's often to our own detriment. For example - I need to go to the grocery store because we're out of meals. I almost went yesterday. Brad almost went yesterday. But in order to go to the store, I had to make a list. In order to make a shopping list, I had to come up with the menu for the week. And while I'm creating a menu, I might as well make my menu board cards at the same time and get that up and running. Yes, a menu board. I haven't shopped for food this week because I'm trying to figure out the best menu board for our household.
I haven't been able to adequately discipline our adorable (yet seriously sassy) three year old because I haven't figured out the best behavior plan - also on the to-do list.
I haven't been able to consistently expect Jack to help around the house with certain tasks because I haven't yet made the list of those tasks or made the chore chart to go with it.
See what I mean? Crazy!!!
Not to mention the fact that although it's only been a mere three years, I can't remember for the life of me how I fed Jack solids and bottle-fed him at the same time. What on earth was that schedule like? Because I seriously feel like every hour Hannah's awake, I'm feeding her. And why is she always spitting up?
So - long story short - when I don't blog every day, it's because I simply can't. I'm lucky if I can get my little lovelies fed, bathed, and in bed. At which point, I try to do a load of laundry, clean up the kitchen from dinner, organize myself for work the next day {note to self: find mommy blogs of women who also work full-time because reading about women who stay at home is adding to my stress level}, and before I know it, it's 11:46.
This should make you laugh - tonight, I found myself saying this at the dinner table while eating with Jack and Rypie:
"Okay, Baby, we are not going to talk about wieners at the dinner table."
Yes, it came out of my mouth. And yes, I nearly died of embarrassment. And yes, we laughed until we cried.
For the longest time, Daddy and Jack have talked about how they are each other's best buddy. They always ask, "Who's Jack's best buddy?" and Daddy turns his thumbs towards his chest and says, "This guy!"
So tonight, while snuggling before bed, Daddy told Jack he was his best buddy in the whole world. Jack said, "I know." {He's a confident little bugger.}
Then he asked Jack who his best buddy was...and without missing a beat:
Poor Daddy got a little teary-eyed, put on his brave face for the rest of snuggle time, and then came downstairs and told me all about his broken heart.
Watching your babies grow up is sometimes tortuous on us, isn't it?
And just because you've stuck with me all this way, here are some photos I took just-because a couple of Saturdays ago:
{I just love them so, so much!!!}
1 comment:
Oh how I know how you feel! The one thing I can tell you after being a mom for almost 14 years...you are always overwhelmed...that feeling never goes away. That is reality. It changes with the different stages of mommyhood. My stage right now is making sure four kids get their homework finished, study for tests, get everyone to where they need to be for all their after school activities, figure out how to be in four places at once. I get overwhelmed all the time! But there is something unique about being in the toddler and baby stage. You have to watch them EVERY minute. You have to take care of EVERY need. And if the baby doesn't quite sleep through the night you then have to deal with sleep deprivation. I understand. But I'm going to give you two words for 2012.
1. nurture...to feed and protect; to support and encourage, as during a period of training or development; foster; to bring up; train; educate.
This is what you are already doing with those two absolutely beautiful babies! So the next time you are trying to feed Hannah, think that you are not just feeding her, you are nurturing her. The next time you are trying to get Jack to pick up his toys or brush his teeth on his own tell yourself you are nurturing him with your support and encouragement.
The second word...
2. simplify...to make less complicated, clearer, or easier.
I know what it's like to be a perfectionist. We are both first born...we both have a teacher way of thinking. But let me tell you, sometimes you have to step out of your box and just go shopping without a list!!! I have done it and I can tell you...nothing bad happened. I can run through a grocery store in 15 minutes when needed and get all the basics. FORGET the menu board! You want simple right now. Pick three days of the week and three favorite dinner and just know that on that day that is what you are having. In my house Friday night is pizza night. It was pizza night when I was a kid and it's pizza night now. No thinking or planning involved. Monday night is taco night. Everyone likes them, everyone eats them and Monday is a crazy day for us because of CCD and basketball. No planning involved is the key. If you get tired of tacos every Monday then the next month change it to spaghetti night. Right now you what you need is as little planning and thinking as possible.
Finally, know that you are not alone, know that you are part of this wonderful club of mothers and that we are all completely and utterly overwhelmed and that we all know how you feel.
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