Okay, Sweet Hannah Bear, it's about time Mommy got around to this...
Do you have any idea how much we love you, Sweet Girl? Words cannot explain...
You have been very busy since the last time I wrote - you are changing and growing every day. At your last doctor's visit you were in the 50th percentile for weight, height, and head circumference, but you are anything but average to us:) You weigh about 17 pounds now. Most of the time, you're wearing nine month clothing, but we've been buying up some 12 month clothes since your tootsies are starting to be a little squished. You're still wearing a size three diaper.
You love to eat! You still attack your food like someone might try to take it away from you, and I absolutely love this about you, Baby Girl. It's really the cutest thing. You still love a wide variety of fruits and veggies, and this past month we also introduced you to some Puffs and yogurt drops. You love the toddler foods, but you're still working on getting them smoothly into your mouth. Your pincer grasp is getting better every day. You've even enjoyed some table food - just tonight you were eating peas as we were trying to get Jack to do the same. Thank you for setting such a good example:)
You make the funniest faces! Your little personality shines through in everything you do, that's for sure.
If we place you in a position where you are sitting up, you can hold your position, most of the time. You've also quickly learned how to go from sitting up onto your tummy, but you haven't quite figured out how to sit up by yourself. Certainly not for a lack of trying though...which actually reminds me that it's time to lower your crib already. Not only are you sitting up, but you are also doing your own version of crawling. Just this week, I watched you do a little Army crawl across the floor to get to some of Jack's toys.
You are drooling like crazy, but I don't see any teeth coming just yet (at least, not that I can tell, but I was never very good with that with Jack either). Most days you wear a bib over your shirt so that you don't soak through your outfit from all of the drool. It makes for pretty cute pictures, if I do say so myself.
You are so in love with your daddy and Jack. You just light up when they come into the room. With Daddy, you just can't seem to look away, and then when he looks at you, you get bashful and turn your head into my shoulder. Makes this mama's heart melt, I tell you.
You aren't really interested in baby toys. You like to play with anything that is Jack's, and he's working really hard on sharing with you. Most of the time, he does really well, but he's trying really hard to sort out "girl toys" from "boy toys" for you.
You can blow kisses, and it's the cutest thing. If I say, "Good night, Daddy. Give Daddy a kiss," you pucker up and blow a kiss. Really, you suck in your little cheeks and smack your lips. It's sort of backwards and there's no hand motion, but ohmygoodness do we love it.
You are not a snuggler. I was waiting to see if that would change as you get older, but it seems to be just the opposite. You don't like to sit still at all, which makes it very hard to hold you. You want to be standing and turning every which way. As soon as I put you in that chair for a picture, you started to work your way off. Immediately. That's just the way you are!
Have I told you we think you're beautiful? Because we do.
You love to reach out for us to pick you up. We love it just as much:)
There's some more of that adorable drool I was talking about.
You love to watch Mickey Mouse with Jack, especially the parts with the singing. When the hot dog dance comes on, my, do you smile and shake. Mommy is reconsidering her original first birthday theme because it's seems you've found your own interests, Little One.
You've been to school already. This past week you went for two days and you loved it - not a single tear! The teachers just oooohed and aaaaahed over you, and you soaked it all up. Your favorite was playing with the other babies and going on buggy rides outside. Jack was so thrilled you were at his school, and he told me about seeing you in the hallway and patting you on the head. Such a proud big brother, you have.
I love your tiny, scrunched-up nose!
Sometimes you are quite the chatter-box, but other times you're very quiet. You say Mama (when you're upset and you want something), Dada, and Baba.
That's the face that you make when Daddy comes into the room. Priceless.
Your new thing seems to be sticking your tongue out when you're trying to do something, which is rather funny because I do that very same thing:)
Together, you both just make my heart feel like it's about to bubble over with joy. I love watching you two interact. I hope that you'll be each other's best friends.
Precious Girl, we couldn't be any happier that you're ours. A year ago we all wondered what you'd be like and what our lives would be like with another baby, and now - here you are. And we are simply amazed. Just today you were playing with a tiny Barbie Jack must have gotten from a Happy Meal gone wrong at some point - and it hit me. One day, you and I will play Barbies, Sweet Girl. I could've just squealed with delight once I realized it:)
We love you, Hannah Bear!

1 comment:
She is just so beautiful and happy! I LOVE the headband!
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