The evening started out at school - they had a cute Halloween parade and then Jack's classroom had a little party with snacks. I was able to make it just in time for the parade -
Ducky in the baby buggy
Our little Wolverine, in his class parade
Mama and Ducky-Girl
Jack, dressed as Wolverine, and his Pre-Kindergarten class
Oh, the ducky feet
My little man
She loves Oreos:)
After school, I took the kids home and they relaxed and played for a bit while I decorated the outside.
Our Boo-banner from Great-Grandma Stella
Jack painted a little pumpkin (which I'm just now noticing is symmetrical)
Our scarecrow
Our "spooky" sign
When I finished decorating, I brought the pumpkins inside to start carving. Aunt Ryan came over to help me cook dinner for the littles so that I could work on the pumpkins and get them started before Brad got home from work. We were creative this year with our carving, and I was proud of the way the jack-o-lanterns turned out.
I carved this ghost completely by myself.
Spider-man pumpkin glowing in the dark
I carved the eye on the right, but then Brad got home. Just in time too, because I wasn't sure how to make the web.
Grammy came over to see the kids in costume, and then we headed out to do some trick-or-treating while Aunt Ryan stayed behind to pass out candy. It was a great big help - I've never been able to do the trick-or-treating before because someone always has to stay and do the candy. Hannah was waving and saying "hi," to everyone, and Jack was getting braver and braver to go up to each new house and say, "Trick or treat!" Brad really worked with him this year on making eye contact and saying thank you, and he did a really great job. We were really proud of our Wolverine! When we got home, Aunt Jess and Uncle Jimmy stopped by to see the kids in costume and share some of their leftover candy.
Daddy and Ducky
Daddy and the littles
Wolverine, Grammy, and Ducky
Wolverine, Jess, and Jimmy
Hannah, trick-or-treating at Grandma's house. We went over there for dinner the Friday before Halloween because Grandma was going to be out of town.
Grandma and Hannah Bear
Me and my little trick-or-treaters. I don't know why, but I absolutely adore this photo.
We had such a blast - I can't wait until next year! Jack's already talking about his costume...maybe a mummy. Or a pirate. So far, he's changed his mind twice:)

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