I suppose that makes sense when everyone you know cheers and throws a party every.single.time. you go:)
Melted this mama's heart, for sure!
Two and a half years.
That's how long it has taken since I talked to Jack's doctor about the fact that he doesn't willingly eat a single vegetable on his own.
She suggested that I give him daily vitamins and continue to give him a small portion of whatever we eat. She said that repeated exposure would eventually cause him to change his mind. That one day he'd eat veggies without us making a deal or bribing him with treats.
He never changed his mind. Until tonight.
Tonight, Jack ate his mandatory one bite of corn. (You know...the corn that Hannah throws a fit about because she wants to eat it the second it comes out of the oven rather than waiting for it to cool down enough not to burn her tiny tongue.)
And then?
Then, he asked if he could have another bite.
Brad and I tried really, really hard not to react. At all. We just gave him another bite and went on, making eyes at one another across the table. Eyes that said, "OH MY GOODNESS HE JUST ASKED US FOR MORE CORN! WHAT DAY IS THIS? WRITE THIS DOWN - IT HAS TO GO ON THE BLOG! THIS IS A MILESTONE!!!"
He did not ask for another bite. But that's okay - tonight was progress.
Two and a half years.
Oh, happy day:)

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