They were in separate age groups for the hunt, so Hannah went with Daddy and I took Jack.
He was scanning the yard for the golden egg or a jumbo-numbered egg. When the hunt began, he ran past what felt like hundreds of eggs in search of a prize egg before I suggested he start to gather a few for his basket :) Nothing if not determined!
They agreed to pose for a picture before we headed home for lunch.
Hannah took a nice nap, and then after snack we headed outside to practice riding bikes. Jack's been working on balancing on a glider bike, and today, after some coaxing, he felt ready to try his Spider-man bike with pedals and no training wheels. And he did it!
We were so proud of him - truly a happy moment for Brad and I. We both took videos, and Jack was beaming from ear to ear.
{I can ride a two-wheel bike now.}
He still has a little trouble pushing off, but once he gets going, he's pretty solid. He can't wait to go back out tomorrow.
And Miss Hannah? She rode her tricycle all the way around the block. When we got home, she said she was tired, and I bet she was! Those little legs of hers had to work pretty hard to go all the way around.
After we came inside, Brad colored eggs with the kids and I frosted our Easter cupcakes. They were so excited to choose their colors and watch the eggs transform.
Hannah thought for a second that maybe she'd give a hard-boiled egg a chance, until she saw what they looked like, and then she quickly changed her mind. Jack loves them though - which, being the picky eater that he is - makes us very happy :)
After dinner and bath time, we were tucking Jack in, and he asked about the egg hunt that the Easter Bunny may leave for him and his sister. He turned to us, and asked, "Will the bunny leave a note telling us how many eggs there are?"
"What do you mean?" we asked.
"So we'll know how many to find?"
We swear. That boy? We think he's so smart.
And OCD.
But mostly smart. Made us smile, for sure.
What a good day.

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