If I'm being completely honest, it wasn't our favorite stop. It might have been the sunburn. Or the fact that it was the fifth-straight day we were outside in intense heat. Or that we'd been to Disney World twice and Disney World is AWESOME. But whatever the reason, it just wasn't our favorite. You may get a different opinion if you ask our six year old. I'm pretty sure Jack thought it was wonderful, and really, that's all that mattered.
Legoland is divided up into lots of different lands, but on a much smaller scale than Disney World. There are only a couple of rides or attractions per land, but it still felt like it was taking an awfully long time to get through each of the lands. The lines weren't that long, but it just felt like a slow-moving day.
Everywhere you went, there was a place for kids to build or play while adults waited in line. This was a major plus!
There are lots of Lego structures everywhere, and that was honestly the best part. How people come up with the Lego patterns they do or have the patience to put them together astounds me. I'm fascinated by Legos. I love to help Jack put them together. I love taking a messy pile of Lego bricks, following the step-by-step instructions, and ending with a miraculous structure. It's perfect. I'm not what you would call "a master builder". (Seen the movie? It's pretty cute.) Jack? Jack is a master builder - even though he's also great at following the directions.
Anyhow - we enjoyed our time at Legoland, even if we did not enjoy the rather expensive and not-so-tasty hamburgers we had for lunch. And no one wishes you a magical day at Legoland. Just sayin'.
Jack and Hannah, with a Chima guard. I know more about Chima than I ever could have imagined.
There were little splash parks throughout Legoland, which was nice because there wasn't a ton of shade. Not so wonderful when you are newly sunburned!
Jack, posing as a knight after riding the roller coaster with me
Hannah on a Lego pig
Me and Hannah, on a Lego safari
Lego lions
While Hannah and I went on safari, the boys rode the Coastersaurus four times to get the perfect picture
Times Square, in Legos!
Lego Las Vegas
While we were walking through Miniland and in awe of the Lego buildings and cities, it torrentially started to downpour. We took cover under a large tree until we heard thunder, and then we made a run through the rain with our double stroller and no shoes. We took refuge under the roof of a pizza shop, and to say that we were soaked is an understatement. The rain was not letting up, so we left the park before we could finish the last couple of lands and the Cypress Gardens, which Brad was really looking forward to seeing (I guess this means we'll go back one day). Luckily, I had brought extra clothes for the kids. I changed them in the back of our rental car, and we were on our way. Before we could get out of the parking lot, Peanut fell asleep. Our busy schedule was wearing her out!
We went back to our hotel, and that night, rather than trying to find a nice, affordable local pizzeria that delivered to our hotel, we called Domino's. It was perfect.
Looking back, we did have a nice time at Legoland that day. It was probably just my sunburn that made me a little grouchy:
Perfectly understandable. Right?

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