Last night, around 1:30, Hannah snuck into our bedroom and whimpered next to my side of the bed. I hauled her up and snuggled her a few minutes before dragging myself from my warm spot and returning her to her nice, warm bed.
At 2:30, she returned. I could sense her crawling up onto the ottoman to find her way under our covers, and my body just couldn't get up again. So next to me she slept, you know, with her foot in my back and her hand on my face. I was that tired...
This morning, I got up, took a shower, and got dressed, and then I came to get Miss Hannah to take her down for breakfast. She sat up and I could see the lion's mane around her tiny head. She looked at me, rolled over, and said, "Mommy, I'm going to sleep for just a little bit longer. Just a tiny smidge."
Daddy, who had been fast asleep, smiled because of that adorableness.
Tonight, while I was simultaneously cooking two dinners (the kids don't like stir-fry...and as it turns out, neither does Brad, but this is not a post on how much I hate making dinner), Hannah came in to announce that she wanted me to come sit with her for "just a tiny smidge". I had to explain that I couldn't because I was making dinner.
She came over to inspect what I was making. She promptly stated that she didn't like broccoli or carrots, to which I said, "Hannah, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."
Johnny-on-the-spot replied, "I do, and it's please come sit with me."
I guess she won? I was certainly speechless...