This morning was a little tricky. I was overheating in the shower, and we were running just a few minutes late this morning. Again.
It seems that no matter what time I get ready, there is some unexpected time-sucker that occurs as I'm trying to scurry my two, small children and all of our things out the door. We arrive at daycare just in time for me to literally pry Jack from the car and send him straight for the bus that will then take him to school. This is stressful to me...our last moments together each morning are tense and hurried. And I hate it.
The alternative would be that I have to wake them up about 15 minutes earlier than I already am. They would not be happy with this choice, and to be honest, neither would I. I don't get enough sleep as it is, and I have a hard enough time waking them up at 6:30 each morning. And that wake-up time actually begins at 6:00 when I turn their lights on low, open their blinds, and turn on the bright lights on each of their turtle tanks.
I could drop Hannah off at school and then drive Jack to school myself, but then I'm back-tracking and could possibly run into car-line traffic, causing me to be late.
I feel as though there is not a reasonable alternative. And it's frustrating.
My day didn't really get better until my math-time adjustments went surprisingly well this afternoon. It's the little things... I wrapped up my day, and then headed out to pick the kids up on this beautiful, fall afternoon.
Jack was happily playing outside with his friends, and Hannah was skipping down the hallway, exclaiming that she'd had a great day! I breathed a sigh of relief that both kids were happy and smiling at pick-up.
It lasted until we got in the car, and Hannah couldn't find her colored pencil. It all went downhill from there, and before I knew it, she was in the throws of a full-on breakdown.
Somehow, we pulled ourselves together and decided to ride bikes before I had to make dinner. We headed out as the sun started to go down, and the kids rode their bikes around the block while I walked along beside them. It was just what we needed - a breath of fresh, fall air.