Today, Grandma and Grandpa picked the kiddos up from school and spent some time with them so I could have a few hours to myself. They surprised the kids with some gummy eyeballs, and Hannah was extremely pleased. As we were packing up and heading home, I had my arms filled with bags from our day.
Hannah Bear came over and said, "It's okay, Mommy. I can help you. I'll carry the gummies."
Now, the fact that she wanted to eat the gummy eyeballs on her way home is not lost on me, but I also know that she was trying to help...selectively. And I appreciate the thought.
Later, as I ate my dinner, Hannah watched TV, and Jack drew Pokemon friends next to me, he announced, "I'm so lucky to have you for a mama."
"What makes you say that?" I asked.
He explained that I was a nice mama who gives him nice things (like the Draw Your Favorite Pokemon book he was using), and that he knows that some kids don't have books or nice things. I found it touching that he was being so grateful - in this quiet moment where he was enjoying himself doing one of his favorite things...drawing.
I just love these kids so much.

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