It was different before Jack was in kindergarten because then his days at daycare were the same, but now, when he doesn't have school, his day at daycare is very different from his normal routine.
I ultimately decided that I'd keep them home with me, and we made plans to meet my friend, Jeannette, for lunch at Chik-Fil-A. I know Chik-Fil-A doesn't sound all that exciting, but it allows us to chat and the kids to eat something they like and then play. They love it! Anyway, we decided to meet at 11 as long as the weather allowed. We'd been expecting wintry weather and neither of us wanted to drive in unsafe conditions. All morning, we noticed that it was only raining, but not a snowflake in sight. After, what seemed like, a few minutes went by, I heard Hannah and Jack squeal with glee that it was snowing - immediately followed by, "Can we go out in the snow? Oh, please, Mommy? Can we? Can we?"
What I didn't take into consideration was the fact that, as soon as the kids saw snow, they would instantly want to play outside. It was just about the time we should have been getting ready to meet Jeannette for lunch, so I texted her to ask if we could push back our lunch date by an hour. She gladly agreed, and I got us all bundled up before we headed out for the first snow of the season.
Storing snowballs
"Take a picture of my snowball, Mommy!"
Hannah's batch
So glad we took a little time to enjoy the first snowfall of the season! The kids had so much fun, and then we came in, got warm, and headed out to a fun lunch with Jeannette.
By the time we got home, Daddy was back from his business trip. We dropped off stockings that Jack and Hannah had filled for some children in need, and then we enjoyed this night before Thanksgiving hanging out together and setting our Thanksgiving table.

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