Normally, I would have tried to try to curl into bed and turn off the lights, and go to sleep.
But I teach first grade, so that was impossible. I took several Motrin - nothing. I pressed on my scalp and adjusted my ponytail all day, to no avail. I pleaded with the little people to whisper, to no avail. I felt like they were shouting all day. I don't think they actually were, although that wouldn't be a first, but I'm pretty sure that was just my perception of their noise level based on the pain in my head. It wasn't pretty.
After work, I went to pick up the kids. We gathered all of their things, and I got them home. We started to unpack the car, when I heard a ringing noise in my ears.
"Kiddos, we've got to get inside, my head feels like it's about to explode."
I think those were my exact words before I opened the door to the garage and realized that the ringing noise I'd heard in the garage was a very loud, piercing alarm that was going off somewhere inside our house. Incessantly.
We came inside. There was no fire. It was not the carbon monoxide detector. I made my way to the basement, realizing that the alarm was a leak detector that Brad had placed around our furnace/hot water heater/humidifier. Which meant that there was also a leak...
Yes, indeed there was a leak. I turned off the furnace, but the sensor was wet and so the beeping continued. I tried to dry it on my clothes. It didn't work.
I texted Brad, but he was at his office holiday party, so I Googled. Immediately, I found the detector and the Owner's Manual, but nowhere in the manual did it tell you how to turn off the alarm.
I went back to Google, and people said to dry the sensors.
I ran back downstairs, ready to blow dry the sensor if need be, just so that the extra ringing in my head would stop. Remember...worst headache EVER!
The sensor wouldn't dry, but I noticed an uneven seam. With, what felt like, Hulk Smash strength, I pulled apart the detector, and pulled the connectors off of the battery.
Silence. Sweet silence. I was oh-so-happy.
And I needed more Motrin.
I went to get the medicine when our littlest peanut met me at the top of the stairs.
"Mommy, you did it! You didn't need Daddy after all - you did it all by yourself! You stopped that beeping noise - I'm so proud of you!"
I love that we've taught that girl what it means to be proud, I really do. Because, at that moment, it was just what I needed :)

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