I love Saturdays. I love that I don't have to get up early. I love that we don't have to rush through our morning. I love that the kids get a chance to relax and play.
Unfortunately, today was a day that I'd set aside to be sure that the kids got their flu vaccines. I do not get a flu shot - every time I get a flu shot, I get the flu. And so, I'd rather take my chances. But Brad always gets the flu shot - every year. And he's pretty insistent that the kids get theirs, too. Now that they are a little bit older, I was planning on having them get the FluMist to avoid the needles they hate so much.
Except when we got to the doctor's office, there was a sign saying they were out of the FluMist. So we turned around and headed to a local drugstore to see if they had the FluMist. They did not. They also did not give flu shots to people younger than eight. At this point, I'd done a lot of driving back and forth, and now my poor, little people were going to have to have a shot that I'd tried to prevent in the first place. Nobody was happy.
Hannah whined and fussed a bit, but she was brave and volunteered to go first. With a few snuggles, it was done and she was fine. Jack was a different story. The nurse nearly had to call for reinforcements and there was a lot of crying, screaming, and restraining in order to give Jack his shot. I was a hot, sweaty mess by the time it was done and it was only 10:15. Not the best way to start the weekend, that's for sure! My favorite part, by far, was when the receptionist offered my little lovelies a sticker. They usually assume that Hannah would like a princess sticker or a pony sticker. And then when she doesn't say anything, they'll continue to list the other choices. Today it was Spiderman or Jurassic Park. Hannah's eyes lit up and she quickly echoed, "Jurassic Park!" which made me smile. So her and Jack both got a dinosaur sticker and we were off.
Luckily, everyone seemed to recover pretty quickly. In the afternoon, the kids invited some neighborhood friends over to play, and they ended up playing a game of hide-and-seek. Our ever-clever Jack decided to purposely mislead his friends by laying a trail of dinosaur fact cards up the stairs to his room, and then deftly hiding somewhere else. His plan worked swimmingly :)
The kids watched movies in the basement and I had a chance to take a late-afternoon nap, which was lovely. In the evening, Hannah wanted to have a sneak-attack dance party with Daddy. So she and I climbed the stairs, crawled into our room, and played a little Meghan Trainor and Justin Bieber. We danced our little hearts out while Daddy watched, and then we caught Hannah's fancy-footwork on video because we just couldn't resist:
Happy Saturday, Folks!