Apparently, the Jamestown visitors came to Jack's second grade class today. They come every year and they bring artifacts from the Jamestown settlement and share with the children how the settlers and the Powhatans survived way back when. They always use student volunteers, and the children are always engaged and enjoy the presentation.
Jack was chosen to de-hair a deer skin. The presenter allowed Jack to choose between two tools: a rock and a clam shell. Our smart, little man quickly chose the clam shell and set to work, and he told me later that the presenter was very pleased with his choice and that he was able to remove a lot of hair from the deer skin with his tool of choice.
When Jack told the story, he was grinning from ear to ear. He was so pleased with himself, and as soon as he finished telling me and Hannah, he announced that he couldn't wait to tell Daddy when he got home.
And he wasn't kidding. Usually the kids run to greet Brad when he comes in the door. But typically, storytelling doesn't follow until dinner or bedtime. But tonight? As soon as Jack ran to greet Brad, he blurted out his story as fast and as accurately as he could - he wanted his dad to be proud of his choice. And, of course, Brad was impressed.
Brad has instilled a love of all things survival in Jack, and it's good to know that should we ever be in a survival situation, my two boys will take good care of me.

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