Tonight, he and his sister spent time playing together and decided to dress up like ninja masters.
{We were impressed with the Samurai cape.}
They keep us on our toes, that's for sure!
Also, in celebration of rainy, chilly weather, we decided to make Taco Soup for dinner. Jack and Hannah are not fans of taco soup, and usually we make quesadillas for them and offer them a tiny bit of soup to try. Today Jack and Hannah earned three Pokemon cards each for helping Daddy to clean up the house, and after showers, he offered them a fourth if they would eat their dinner without complaints.
Jack turned to Hannah and said, "Our probability of success is low on this."
To which our jaws promptly dropped. And then we laughed at the vocabulary and forethought that goes along with such a statement.
Surprisingly, both kiddos earned the fourth card. Jack mostly dipped his quesadilla in the soup and managed to squeak by without eating too many beans. And Hannah whined a bit and then finally tried a taste. She shyly looked up and announced that she'd like a little bit more. It's amazing what can happen when you give something new a try :)

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