Brad fixed the bacon and the littles were overjoyed and eager to eat as much of it as possible. We asked them to share it equally, and Jack was kind enough to offer some of his to me. When Hannah found out I wasn't going to take him up on his offer, she was excited to have a few extra slices. We had to explain to her that he was still going to eat it, and he celebrated this small victory.
Playfully, Brad joked with Hannah by saying, "You got served!"
Jack had a questioning look on his face, so Brad started to explain that it was from a movie called You Got Served, when Jack interrupted to say, "Oh, like you got burned!"
Brad responded by saying, "No, that's a little extreme..."
To which Jack had to explain that the phrases, "You got served!" and "You got burned!" mean the same thing.
And then, laughing to himself, he joked, "You're so old!"
I laughed so hard, juice almost came out of my nose. Dinner with my family is never dull!