My kids love a photo-op :)
Pure joy
This boy loves the slides!
Me and my little lovelies on the hay ride
Summer freckles make their first appearance
Jack showed her just what to do and what face to make!
They were so excited about this ninja course - it's like it was made just for them!
That face she makes when I've taken too many pictures
Funny side story: While we were at the farm, we decided to play a round of mini-golf. It was only the second time the kids have played, but they were so excited! Unfortunately, there wasn't a score card and any of those cute, tiny pencils, so we had to keep track of our own putts which wasn't a piece of cake. For most of the game, Jack was in the lead, and so happily content. Towards the end, I started to gain on him and finally overtook him. At the very end, Hannah announced her score, and I announced mine. Then Jack proudly explained that he hadn't been keeping score; he was just playing to have fun! There was a grandma nearby playing with her grandkids, and she chuckled when she heard that...
"Gotcha there, didn't he?" she asked.
"Yes, definitely. He always does!"

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