Sweet Hannah Bear,
You are already (over) three months old (Mommy is just a little bit behind on the update)!
This past month, you started sleeping in your crib every single night. Most nights you sleep from about 8:30-9 to about 3 or 5 am. You also went on your first vacation (Aunt Ryan's wedding), and drank formula for the first time (success!). We've only had to do that once so far.
At your last doctor's appointment, you weighed over 11 pounds, and I would guess that these days you're weighing pretty close to 13...you are a growing girl!
As you can tell from that picture, you are a very drooly baby. You love to suck on your hands, and we almost always have a bib on you to prevent you from soaking your clothes.
We are transitioning into six month clothing because your three month sleepers are squishing your tootsies and your little leggings are cutting off circulation to your ankles:)
Right now, you're in a size 2 diaper, but the next case I buy will be a size 3.
You have just recently begun to throw your weight around a bit. You want to sit up desperately, and if you're not done eating when I try to burp you, you just try to lay right back down and snuggle in.
You smile, and coo, and chat, and laugh like crazy, and it makes everyone in this house so happy!
On Sunday, I noticed that you are trying to roll over, usually during a diaper change (which you love, by the way, as long as it isn't in the middle of the night when you're really hungry!). So far, you've made it to your side.
When we pick Jack up from school, you look out at the many kids looking in at you with great big eyes until you find Jack. Then you focus your attention and smile at him. Melts this mama's heart, I tell you.
When you're nursing, you love to either hold my hand, hold onto the fabric from my shirt, or rub your little head.
Your feet have found one another!
I've written about this before, but you wake up happy EVERY morning.
Here's a little video of you and I chatting just a few days ago:
Sweet Girl, Mama, Daddy, and Baby Jack love you so much. It seems like you've been a part of us forever, and it's only been three months...but then, at the same time, where did our newborn baby girl go? You are growing too fast! We are so proud of all of your little baby accomplishments:)
We adore you.
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