I'm thankful for my job. I know I complain a lot about having to adjust to my back-to-work schedule, but I'm thankful I have a job, a job where I get to work with teachers and their students that are learning to read and write. I love working in schools, and I'm lucky that I get to go into so many classrooms and learn from so many people every day.
And speaking of work...I'm also thankful for the Kimmee-time I get to have on a much more frequent basis. Kimmee and I have known each other now for eight years and in that time, we've each gotten married and had babies and our friendship has grown stronger every year. We taught together for five years, with only our students' bathroom between her classroom and mine, and in that time, she helped me to become a better teacher. One of the things I missed the most about my current job was that I no longer got to work with Kimmee, but at the end of last school year, she was hired as one of our new team members. Then I was on maternity leave and didn't get the chance to actually work with her again until a few weeks ago. In the time that I've been back to work, she's helped me to do my job more efficiently and effectively because that's what Kimmee does. She comes in and she sees my sheer craziness and my organizational systems, and she makes it all make more sense. It's funny to me that she's the new one on the team, and yet she's teaching me better ways to accomplish a job I've been doing for three years. I'm not sure what that says about me, but I know that it says she's amazing. And not just at work. Kimmee's an amazing listener, and she'd do anything for you. I'd be lost without her, and I'm so thankful for her friendship.
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