We had a two-hour delay due to icy roads first thing in the morning, and while I'm usually super-excited to get an extra two hours in the morning, we had so much to accomplish at work to prepare for a training on Monday, that I had to go in a little bit earlier than I normally would. I got myself and the kids ready, packed up all of their Friday gear and snow gear for school, and off we went. For some reason, Jack was exceptionally emotional about his clothing choices (everything was itchy or didn't fit right). Some morning we have these problems...it's part of the reason that we recently installed an extra closet rod at Jack's height so that he can choose his own shirts.
Friday morning that didn't seem to matter, and I was starting to get worried. I couldn't figure out exactly what was going on with him, but I tried really hard not to lose my cool (which is very hard for me in the mornings when I'm trying to shuffle us all to get ready and out the door), and by the time we got to school he was fine. Thank goodness.
I also learned on Friday morning that my cousin survived a life-saving surgery that he was not expected to survive. I don't quite understand all of the details, but I know that he lived through the surgery and is alert and recovering. Doctors are still concerned and he will need more surgery, but he is a fighter and holding on. I was so relieved to hear this news... On Thursday I was on pins and needles while doctors were operating - the surgery lasted for over 10 hours. My mom was in Cleveland to support her brother, and she was texting updates along the way, but it was so hard to understand what was going on and to get all the details. Friday mornings message brought a huge sigh of relief. Please keep J.J. in your thoughts...
After receiving that message, I had one of the busiest days at work that I can remember in a long time, and at the end of the day I was exhausted. I was a little nervous about entertaining the littles that evening since I literally could have fallen asleep anywhere, but our evening went very smoothly.
We made an easy, kiddie-pleasing dinner and watched them play before baths and bedtime. They are at a perfect age for playing together adorably:)
Hannah went down without her binky again, but this time she cried and cried and cried, and I nearly caved. The doctor did say she could have the binky at night time. And she is getting new teeth. But I held out. I was proud. You should be too - for that small moment.
(Because yesterday at nap time - I caved. And now, as I type this, she is running around the room with Jack, binky firmly in place. She will not let it go. Probably for fear that it will disappear. This could be tricky...)
And then there's Jack. Our adorable Baby Jack who is growing up to be such a big boy. He was just oozing cuteness at bedtime. He wanted to read this story about animals that has magnets, and as you read, you're supposed to put the magnets on the page. He loves it - it's not our favorite because of the magnets and the time. I'm not sure what I was thinking when I bought it on one of our zoo trips, but he loves it, and I very firmly believe in letting him choose his book at bedtime even if we read the same damn book every night for a week. I let it go.
I had to leave the room for a bit to try to console a crying Hannah (it didn't work), so Daddy and Jack finished reading the book and then Daddy somehow convinced Jack to leave the magnets in place so that next time we can just read the story:)
When they were explaining this to me, Daddy said something to the effect of, "Then it will just be a night time story...and not a burden," really talking to me, and thinking that Jack would not understand this at all.
And Jack? Jack goes, "Burdens are, like, so not awesome at all," in his dramatic teenage way, smiling from ear to ear. How is it that they learn this dramatic teenage way in preschool, by the way?!
We laughed and kept talking. We were talking about how on Saturday, we were going to go out and do some birthday shopping for Daddy. Jack, proudly, leans over and whispers into my ear (loudly...loud enough for Daddy to hear and smile at me over Jack's head), "Maybe we could get him a new tool like a screwdriver or a hammer!"
And he came up with that all on his own. Such a kind heart...
After I left, Jack and Daddy were snuggling for a few extra minutes, and later Daddy told me this part:
Daddy was snuggling Jack, and whispered, "You're the best little boy in the world."
"I know," Jack replied.
Kind, and modest, to boot!
On Saturday, I got to wake up to this:
It doesn't get any better than that...

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