Take 1:
Jack: How many legs does it have?
Mommy: Two.
Daddy: Is it a kangaroo?
Mommy: Really?!?! Yes, it was a kangaroo!
Take 2:
Jack: What shape are its ears?
Mommy: I don't know - triangular?
Jack: Does it have antlers?
Mommy: Not really. I don't know...
Daddy: Is it a giraffe?
Mommy (kicking and squirming): Are you kidding me?!?! Yes, it was a giraffe.
Daddy (laughing hysterically): There aren't many animals with quasi-antlers.
At this point, Jack starts to feel bad for me that my animals aren't going so well, and Daddy and I are laughing so hard that we're almost crying. He was being very sweet and wanted to make sure that my feelings weren't hurt!
I tried one more time, thinking of the most general animal I could come up with so as not to have an awkward question that would immediately give away my animal.
Take 3:
Daddy: Does it live on land or in the water?
Mommy: On land.
Jack: What color is its nose?
Mommy: Black.
Daddy: Is it a bear?
Mommy: Are you serious? It lives on land and it has a black nose and you know it's a bear?!?!
Yes, it was a bear. Now I'm really done.
We laughed some more and decided we'd give The Animal Game a rest, and I'd do some animal research. Jack suggested I try a snake or a dolphin...
Then - there was this:
{don't worry - I fixed her little leg after I took the picture!}
I'll be back later to catch up on the week and a half I missed. I have no excuses except for the fact that I was tired!

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