Grandma's birthday is that same day, and we knew going in that the chances of them sharing a birthday would be high. Grandma was so gracious in sharing her day, and while I was busy with my sister on Wednesday, she and Grandpa helped me with the little lovelies. As it turned out, Brad had to travel for work, and so we needed someone that could help me pick up the kids from school and take care of them that evening until I got home, and, of course, we had no idea what time that would be!
Grandma and Grandpa jumped at the opportunity to spend her birthday with Jack and Hannah, and my little lovelies were spoiled as usual. Aunt Jess joined in the fun, and after everyone picked the kids up from school (along with their 476 items I had to list to be picked up with them!), they went back to their house and played. After that, they took the kids to Chuck E. Cheese's, and finally, brought them back to our house to help get them settled and into bed.
Turns out, I ended up getting home right as Jack was going down, and he ended up staying up later than usual, but it was a special day. Hannah Bear had already gone to bed, and we visited and shared pictures and tried on my bridesmaid's dress until almost 10:30.
I'm sure that Grandma and Grandpa were exhausted.
And Jack? Jack was not exhausted at all, but he was a little disappointed that we didn't have a birthday party for Grandma like we usually do. Usually, I'd put up a birthday banner, bring down our birthday bear, and have cake or cupcakes. But our week was a crazy one, and I didn't have time to prepare all of that Tuesday night.
Jack did make Grandma a special card, and we had birthday cards and a birthday present ready for her at school pick-up, along with the birthday bear (which both kids needed lots of reassurance that he was, in fact, coming back home with them!).
But it wasn't the same. And Jack knew it.
So tonight, we made last-minute plans for an impromptu birthday party for Grandma. We pulled out our birthday banner, and set up a dessert place for cupcakes. Hannah helped me bake, and then Grandma and Grandpa came over, and so did Aunt Jess, and we made homemade pizza. We had dinner, and then we sang Happy Birthday and ate cupcakes!
And all was right with the world:)
Grandma, We hope your birthday was extra special! We love you!

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