I know that I'm biased because I'm her mom. But seriously? I think she may be a baby genius. She's definitely the smartest girl I know.
Our sweet Hannah Bear is approaching 20 months, and I'm not lying when I tell you this, but this tiny girl has gone pee pee in the potty SIX TIMES. Six times she has said she has to go potty, she points to down below, she waddles/runs to the potty, and THEN SHE GOES. SIX TIMES!!! We are speechless at this achievement.
That's a lie. We are not remotely speechless. Nearly every time it happens we call everyone we know. We shout into the phone that Hannah went pee pee in the potty. We dance and sing. We have not called the last two times - it seems that once you've had four phone conversations with family members where they are expected to be just as excited about potty business as you are, it might be enough. But not for Hannah Bear:) She gives me a "Yay!" and a double high-five each time. She runs to tell Daddy and Jack. She tells her teachers the next day. Girlfriend is proud of herself.
That's just my first piece of evidence.
The second piece - when she plays in the playroom and notices the monkey on our alphabet rug she says, "Monkey," and then consequently makes the monkey sound.
We have a favorite book that we read before bed, and it happens to have different colored balloons in the story. Miss Hannah points to the blue balloon and says, "Jack," but then she points to the pink and purple balloons and says, "Hannah." We didn't teach her this, but clearly she has observed that Jack likes blue and she often gets the girly colors of things.
When she colors with Jack (and she can now say "color"), she says, "H." Because she's noticed that when I write her name I say, "H for Hannah." When I ask her if she wrote her name, she smiles sheepishly and says, "Yep."
She walks around in the evenings and on the weekends and she sings songs. Granted, I cannot make out all of the words, but I recognize the melodies from songs that Jack learned in the toddler room or songs that he sings in music. Her favorites: "Na, na, na, na, Elmo's World..." and "Hello, Hello, It's Music Time," which sounds like "Huwoah, Huwoah, It's Moosic Time."
Also, she knows how to get exactly what she wants. She hates to be told no or to be sternly talked to. She freezes, opens her mouth, squeezes her eyes shut, pretends to cry, and lets out the most fake, saddest cry you've ever heard. You actually feel bad that you scolded her. You wonder why it matters if there are tootsies on the table. Does it really matter that she eats crayons? Maybe not. How could you scold someone so absolutely adorable? She's really, really good.
Genius baby.
And she's ours.

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