I also offered soft tacos to the littles. Well, actually, I offered a soft taco to Hannah (who rooted in the pantry and found the bag of tortillas all by herself), and when Jack saw what his sister had, he wanted one too.
Until he tried it and decide he didn't like it.
He asked me how much more he had to eat, and I told him I wanted to give it another try and take another bite.
And that's when he said, "Mom, you're such a good chef!"
And as soon as I smiled, he told on himself. "You know why I said that, Mommy? So maybe you wouldn't make me take another bite!"
Every night when Brad gets home from work, Jack goes off to hide so that Daddy can find him when he comes inside. Usually, Jack hides under the kitchen table and reminds me to say "my part" while Hannah happily hangs out in her high chair and continues to eat her dinner.
Daddy walks in and I make a big deal about how I lost Jack, and that I don't know where he is, and then Brad looks for Jack.
Apparently, Hannah has also learned "my part" because tonight when Brad got home from work, Jack found a new place to hide, and Hannah walked right up to her daddy and said, "I lost Jack."
We both just laughed out loud, it was so adorable!
Tonight, Jack picked an ABC book about the Navy for his bedtime book. It was one of the new books I brought him from IRA, and we hadn't read it yet. While we read the book, Jack seemed to really enjoy himself, and when it was over, he started to flip through and explain to me why he chose it to read. The teacher in me was getting all excited because I thought he was going to talk about how he liked the pictures and he was interested in the planes...
Instead, he shared that when he flipped through the pages, the book seemed really long, and he knew he'd be able to stay up later.
Oh, okay.
He's a crafty one, that boy! I need to be careful:)

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