I guess that's not really new, actually, but still...
Hannah's potty skills are continuing to improve. She doesn't go consistently on the potty, but I've been trying to suggest she try when she wakes up, before nap time (on the weekends), and before bedtime. Most times we're successful:) This week, we overcame a huge hurdle - she went #2 on the potty - two times! I was so proud, and so was she!
Tonight, she kept saying, "Oh, man," at the same time she'd bring her little fist to the table. Very funny, indeed.
While we were eating dinner, she randomly broke into song - "No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"
Before bedtime, while Daddy, Jack, and Hannah were all snuggling on the floor, she sat up and asked, "Picture?" because the last time they did that I ran for my camera.
She definitely keeps us on our toes. I remember with Jack, right around the age of two, I had so many little pieces of paper around the house with all of the adorable things he was doing every day. I still have those scraps - one of my goals is to eventually get them all onto this blog in some organized fashion. We shall see.
I am making head-way on my own happiness project, though. This week, I got completely caught up with scanning the kids' artwork into the computer and getting everything filed the way I think will work best for us. And then, energized by an online sale at Shutterfly and a coupon I was given after our Easter Bunny visit, I made the past years' artwork photo books.
Click here to view this photo book larger
Shutterfly photo books offer a wide range of artful designs and embellishments to choose from.
Anyway, that's what's happening around these parts.

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