I never got around to my Words for 2013 post, but I've sort of decided that they are going to be:
Organize - I appear to be organized, but really I have piles of various importance hidden throughout my house and to-do lists in every imaginable place. Some of the items on said lists have been there for years. No lie. It's time to hunker down and get stuff done. Last night, I finally labeled hanging folders (infant through senior year of high school) for Jack and Hannah's organizational file boxes (which we purchased before Christmas!). I even put a few piles of their school paperwork into the appropriate folders. This made me smile for hours and feel as though a huge weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. Now I just need to figure out where to place these boxes so that I can easily access them on a daily basis...
Simplify - I'm getting rid of extra crap. As soon as I see it. I'm not writing it down on a to-do list to do this summer. I'm saying no to things I know I can't handle. I'm trying not to create extra routines that are unnecessary. I'm having my groceries delivered (seriously folks? this has been life-changing!).
Enjoy - Sometimes I get so stressed out and overwhelmed by the never-ending to-do list I create for myself that I forget to enjoy the process of things. I'm trying to slow down and enjoy more. I think I do a pretty good job of this when it comes to the kids, but I could do better. And I could also allow myself to just relax and do nothing once in awhile without feeling guilty about it and then stressing about what could have gotten done... It's a vicious cycle. And this year? It stops. At least a little.
Anyway - those are my words, and I'm reading The Happiness Project for inspiration. You should too!
Check out this adorable video I took of Hannah last month:
This year, I wanted to do something a little special for the kids' valentines to their friends. The paper valentines are cute, but I've done that since Jack was in the toddler room and it gets a little boring. Not to mention that there are the cutest ideas on Pinterest, and some of them looked rather manageable:)
Here's what we've decided for Jack:
and Hannah:
I can't wait to show you how our versions turn out!

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