Thursday, March 31, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Today, I'm thankful for this little boy.  He's going to make such a great big brother:)

Note: If you don't want to see the baby belly, this video's not for you!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

23 Weeks

{Excuse the jammies that are barely covering the bump, but I've been so tired after work these days that I haven't remembered to take a picture until I'm already in my pajamas!}

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 23 weeks
Size of Baby: Peanut weighs a little over a pound and is eight inches long - still about the size of a small doll.  
Baby's Developmental Milestones: This week begins some serious weight gain for our baby girl.  By the end of this month, she will have doubled her weight!  Right now, her bones and organs are visible through her skin, which has a red hue due to her developing veins and arteries.
Total Weight Gain: 21 1/2 pounds
Maternity Clothes: Almost exclusively.  I'm dying for the weather to get a tad bit warmer so that I can wear some of my new maternity clothes that were purchased with spring in mind.
Gender: A baby girl:)
Movement: Peanut likes to wiggle a bit throughout the day, but mostly at night or in the early morning when I lay on my back.
Sleep: I still sleep really well, but I do roll back and forth from side to side, propping my belly with a pillow.
What I miss: Mountain Dew and caffeinated sweet tea...this past weekend in the south was tricky!
Cravings: Watermelon, apples, peaches.  Cereal.
Symptoms: Just continuing to get bigger.  My skin is finally starting to clear up, so that's a plus.  
Best Pregnancy Moment this Week: While at the beach, my family was able to feel Peanut moving around so that was pretty neat.

Monday, March 28, 2011

A Wedding Planning Whirlwind Weekend

As I mentioned yesterday, I spent the weekend in the Outer Banks with my family to help them plan my sister's wedding.  We left early on Saturday morning and returned home at about eight last night.  It was a quick trip, but we got so much done.  Ryan and John picked out a cake, their flowers, their menu, and they got to meet with their DJ, ceremony musician, and pastor.  We also met with their photographers, and I'm so jealous of their talent!  Their wedding photos are going to be amazing.  I'm so excited for October's going to be such a beautiful wedding!  Here's our trip in pictures:

Getting ready to get on the road

All five of us, packed like sardines (my mom and dad, Ryan and John, and me)

Five people packed for an overnight trip:)

A stop at a Harley-Davidson shop (nobody would let me document our previous stops at Denny's and an Exxon)

My hotel room.  {Side note: I will not be staying here for the wedding.  The office closes at 10 pm (as in, there is not a single staff member on the premises).  There were only four rooms being occupied, and we were three of them.  The lady who checked us in said that I had the coziest of three beds - I found it a little concerning that the concierge knew the comfort of the beds in each room...exactly how does that happen?!  The fire alarm went off from 1-1:45 am three different times, once for 20 minutes.  If I've never told you before, I have a serious fear of fire.  I was up and dressed and had my valuables packed in seconds, but I was alone in a hotel room and the rest of my family did not seem to be evacuating and I was afraid to go outside or into the back hallway on my own.  So I waited by my door until my dad came to check on me...which he did.  The fire department never arrived, but apparently the lady who'd checked us in gave my parents a number that we could call 24/7.  We believe it was she who answered the phone at 1:20 am when my dad called to say that the alarm had been going off for 15 minutes although there was not a sign of fire.  NEVER AGAIN.}

Outside the reception venue

A gorgeous gazebo also outside the reception venue

It was so cold and windy...colder there than at home!

We are freezing in this picture!

Ahoy Matie - I know Jack is going to love this pirate ship across the sound

We had breakfast at a very local diner on Sunday morning...the pancakes and bacon were delicious.  Although, I have to say, don't know that we would have gone to breakfast if we'd known that we'd be tasting cake and Ryan and John's wedding dinner 20 minutes later:)
{By the way - can you not just tell that John absolutely adores my sister?!}

The rehearsal dinner venue

The reception venue - Adrianna's on the Waterfront

Another view

A view of the gazebo from Adrianna's

A playground outside the reception venue that I know Jack will love:)

The Ceremony Spot - Kill Devil Hills, Mile Marker 9.1
We're hoping that it'll be at least 35 degrees warmer:)  Keep your fingers crossed!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Not So Silent Sunday, Alternately Titled: "This Guy"

Daddy and Jack spent the weekend together because I was off to the Outer Banks to help my sister plan her wedding (more about that later).  This is the adorableness that I came home to tonight.

By the way - I realize that Jack has been seen in nothing other than this cowboy Woody shirt in the last several posts, and I assure you that he has only worn it to school once and that it has been washed several times.

Enjoy this little clip:)

Friday, March 25, 2011

Bathtime with Daddy

Last night I was super-tired after work and dinner, so Daddy offered to give Jack a bath for me.  Lucky for Jack, he didn't just get a bath from Daddy, but he got to take a bath with Daddy.  They were so super-adorable, but I promised I wouldn't post any pictures of Brad in the tub:)  These will have to do, and you'll just have to take my word on the cuteness that abounded that evening!  

Crazy Baby Hair

Having so much fun together

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Happy Birthday, Grandma!

Last night we had a birthday party to celebrate Grandma's birthday.  Her birthday was actually on Sunday, but we didn't get a chance to get together until Wednesday.  It was very low-key, but we had a really good time.  Jack loves celebrating birthdays!  

Jack and Grandma

Kisses for the Birthday Girl

Grandma reads her card from Jack while Daddy orders Chinese food for dinner

Time for Presents

Blowing Out the Candles

Time for Cake

Grandma's Flowers (which Jack picked out by sniffing in the store, and a few passersby commented on how absolutely adorable that was)

Stop and Smell the Flowers

Grandpa, Grandma, and Jack

Grandma,  We love you very much, and we hope that you had a fabulous birthday because you deserve it.  You always take such good care of all of us and are so thoughtful in all you do.  We hope that you know how much you are appreciated:)  Happy Birthday!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Good to Get Outside

For the past few days, we've had some warmer temperatures, and today after school, we headed outside for some play time.  

Small side note, Jack got new pajamas this weekend since he's outgrowing his older ones.  He very quickly spotted a set with Woody and Buzz jammies.  Yesterday when we got home from school, he immediately went upstairs and came down in his pajamas (which he'd pulled out of the laundry basket where they were waiting to be washed).  Today, in order to get Jack to school on time, I allowed him to wear the shirt only to school (with his boots, of course).  As soon as we got home today, he stripped down to his underpants and went for the pajama bottoms.  Tomorrow morning should be interesting to say the least!

A springtime snack

Two Friends

Calling the Birdies

He makes me smile:)

Monday, March 21, 2011

22 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 22 weeks
Size of Baby: Peanut weighs a pound and is eight inches long - about the size of a small doll.  
Baby's Developmental Milestones: She now has eyelashes, eyebrows, and probably some hair on her head (if she'll be anything like Jack).  She can also hear my voice, my heartbeat, my tummy, and the blood circulating through my body that keeps us both alive.
Total Weight Gain: 19 1/2 pounds
Maternity Clothes: Pretty much.  With the exception of some of my stretchier shirts and jammies.  And leggings - thank goodness for leggings!
Gender: A little girl!
Movement: She's a wiggle-worm.
Sleep: I've been sleeping very well this week.
What I miss: Nothing right now:)
Cravings: Watermelon and lemonade.  And Lucky Charms.
Symptoms: I'm so tired at the end of the day.  My body is tired!  I'm preparing to make an appointment for a prenatal massage to use one of the two gift certificates I've been given - regardless of whether my skin is clearing up or not.  I can't wait much longer, and surely those that massage have seen worse, right?!
Best Pregnancy Moment this Week: Seeing Peanut move - I even tried to catch it on video, but it's hard to see.  I'll keep trying to capture some video to share of the belly movement.  Much sooner than we were able to see Jack moving around - that's for sure!  Hopefully Baby Girl is not a giant:)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

O Happy Day!

Today was a happy day, as I was reunited with my little family after my work conference in Roanoke.  I've decided I don't like to be away from home when the rest of my family is still there!  I was so anxious to get home, and when I walked in the house, Jack was so excited to see me.  It was definitely a lovey, snuggly day.  Perfection.

I was a little surprised by how quickly my mind adjusted to quiet and then how difficult it was to adjust to constant noise/talking upon my return:)  He obviously missed me so much and had so much to tell me!

After our nap, we prepared for Caelan's 3rd birthday party.  Caelan is one of Jack's friends from SoccerTots and JW Tumbles.  This was Jack's first birthday party where he wasn't the center of attention, and we were a little nervous to see how he'd do.  Surprisingly, he did so well!

Arriving in Style

Climbing on the Inflatables

Flushed Cheeks

So Much Fun

What Jack was doing while everyone else took a picture with the birthday boy

Scooping some icing


Jack's Time to Go Face

Very afraid his balloon might blow away, even after Daddy tied it to his arm

Birthday Party = Success

So good to be home where I belong!