Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Baby Dylan ~ 8-9 Days Old

Very quickly, you must know that Hannah Bear apparently caught on to how adorable I thought her, "I dropped the rice," statement was because this morning, as I put on my makeup and she sat on the couch eating her waffle, she randomly announced, "I dropped the rice," just to see me smile.

Have I ever told you how much I love that girl?


Approximately six weeks ago, my nephew was born.  Throughout Ryan's entire pregnancy, I was busy planning for our newborn photo shoot.  I couldn't wait to get my hands on that tiny, squishy little man.  To strip him down to his little bare tushy, bend him in all sorts of adorable ways, and just take picture after picture.

We were all set to take his pictures one week to the day that he was born.  And then I injured my eye.

I was devastated.  And determined all at the same time.  So I went over the next day - wonky eye and all - to take newborn pictures.  Dylan was eight days old.  Neither Dylan nor I were very happy that day.  He was tired, but wouldn't sleep.  He did not want to bend and be squishy.  But take pictures we did.

{I'm a sucker for tiny feet}

{a personal favorite - it made the announcement}

{mama love} 

 {thumb sucker}

{Packers in his blood ~ but NOT from my side}

Since I didn't get any squishy, completely bare pictures during our first attempt, the kids and I went back the second day to see if we'd do any better.  We took some more adorable pictures, but Dylan still did not want to sleep.  Or squish.

{serious thought}

 {again with the tiny feet}


{I told you.  She's jealous.  She wanted to pose, too.}

So, while they might not look like the Pinterest pictures I've been hoarding for nine months, they make me smile.  And I think my sister likes them, too.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Growing Up

We made big strides today in our house as far as growing up is concerned.

Tonight, while making dinner, Hannah said her first full sentence.  Well, that's probably not true.  I feel like she speaks in sentences quite often, but this was the first time I ever really remember it being completely her own thought and pulled together all by herself.  I was originally going to make the kids buttered noodles, but she spilled the half a box of noodles on the floor, so then I decided to make them mac and cheese.  I was making pot pies for me and Brad, and the littles don't really love pot pie, so I was making them something different.  Hannah does like rice, however, and she was eagerly anticipating helping me make rice.  As I was stirring the macaroni noodles, I suddenly heard the bag of rice hit the floor, followed by a very clear, "I dropped the rice."  So stinkin' cute - I seriously made her say it over and over again!


Brad also gave a Jack a much-needed haircut this evening, and now my little man looks all grown-up!  I couldn't believe how much older he looks...he's just so handsome.  And I immediately got a ton of comments about how much he looks just like his daddy:)


And then, to top it all off, I snapped this adorable picture moments before tucking Hannah Bear into bed tonight.

I'm so happy that we have such snuggly kiddos!

Now if only I could stop time...

Saturday, April 27, 2013

happy day

Today was an all-around happy day.

Maybe it's because I'm home this weekend - I can lounge around with the littles in our jammies and make breakfast for our family.

Maybe it's because it was beautiful outside and every pore on my body knows that summer is near.

Whatever the reason, it was just a perfectly happy day.

And we didn't do anything special, either.


This morning, the kids slept in a little bit so that I didn't really head downstairs until about a quarter to eight - that's always nice.  Then we made a late breakfast and the kids played outside for a bit.  We knew then that the weather would be lovely today:)

We got cleaned up and I took Jack and Hannah to Jack's soccer game.  He played well today - in fact, he even scored a goal!  Towards the end of the game, the kids were getting tired, and for a split second Jack was the only one paying attention, and he managed to take the ball all the way down the field and score.  He was so proud of himself!  I actually think that Jack may end up playing defense if he decides to keep playing - he naturally goes to the net to stop someone from scoring rather than trying to take the ball and turn it around.  Very interesting to watch...even the coach made a defender comment today, so it's not just me.

Anyway, after the "game," we headed over to take Jack's soccer pictures, and I was starting to get nervous about the sun.  It hadn't occurred to me to lather everyone up with sunscreen, but I could feel the heat on my arms, and the pictures seemed to be taking forever.  When we were finally finished, we grabbed some ice cream from the ice cream man (who, if I do say so myself, has figured out the best spot to be at on a Saturday afternoon) and headed home.  The kids seemed fine sunburn-wise, but I was feeling a little tingly.  Sure enough, the back of my neck is definitely burned.  Many aloe applications already!  The kids seem to have a lovely tan though, so I'm happy that they don't seem to have my skin.

We had a quick lunch, and then we actually all laid down for a nap.  It was wonderful.

We got up, and the kids played on the deck in their sandbox and with bubbles, and we worked on cleaning up the piles of paperwork in our office.  We didn't quite finish the job, but we got a good start.

This evening, Jack and Daddy went to the hardware store and the pet shop while Hannah and I headed to Target and then went to dinner, just the two of us.  We had so much fun, and we got all of our errands run so that tomorrow we can just hang out around the house.

When we all got home, we straightened up the house and got everyone ready for bed.  We listened to music, danced, and read lots of stories before snuggling the kids into bed.  At one point, Jack came up to me and said, "Whoever wrote that tiger song, The Eye of the Tiger, is good at writing tiger songs."  He makes me laugh so much!  We didn't even realize he knows that songs have to be written.

Like I said, nothing super special, but just a day that makes me smile.  Sunburn and all:)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Hannah Bear

We were reading stories tonight before Hannah's bedtime, and I got to the page that reads, "Have you ever hugged an octopus?"

when Hannah quickly responded, "No."

Completely matter-of-fact.

Smart girl.  She's certainly right - to the best of our knowledge, she's never kissed an octopus:)

Sunday, April 21, 2013

San Antonio

It's 4:17 am, and I am wide-awake.

I'm pretty sure I haven't gotten this much sleep in years, unless my eye was injured or I was really, really sick.

It's pretty amazing how when you are in a new town, staying in a hotel room, and without your family, you're exhausted and ready for bed before 10, and then wake-up feeling completely refreshed at four.  I suppose that six hours of sleep is probably my norm, but at home, I don't feel completely refreshed when the littles wake me up at 7 and we go, go, go until Jack goes down at nine.

With children, it is a different world.

But still, even without that waking-up completely refreshed feeling, it is definitely a much happier world - I miss my family!

Their smiles and giggles and hugs - that's what I miss.  Thank goodness Daddy and Grandma are sending me pictures while I'm away!

I am here, in San Antonio, for the 58th Annual IRA Convention (International Reading Association).

There are so many educators in this city right now, it is unbelievable to me, and somehow, the locals can spot us and our areas of teaching very quickly:)  Just last night, I was walking on the Riverwalk with Kimmee - we were on our way to dinner, and one of the hosts at a restaurant said, "Come on in teachers - maybe you can learn me something!"

We were headed to another restaurant, so we waved and said, "No, thank you!" and told him he was correct about the teacher part, and then as we walked past, he shouted, "Elementary Education, too!"

And no, we weren't wearing our badges.  

I guess they can just tell.  I don't mind oozing elementary education teacher, personally.  Kinda makes me smile...

The city is very pretty - it makes me feel a little European (maybe Venice or France?) which is strange since we are oh so close to Mexico.  I think it's the water way and the dining outside; I imagine - I've actually never been to Europe.  In fact, this is the furthest west I've ever been in the United States.

Later today, we're going to take a Riverboat tour, and I'm excited to hear more about the area.  

We're learning a lot of great information to bring back to our team.  It's very exciting, but it's also things like this that make me desperately want to go back to the classroom.  Maybe once Jack gets to first grade - maybe then I'll be ready.

I think I'm going to get to meet Lucy Calkins today - I'm so nervous!

Yesterday I met Curious George - I was not nervous then, but the picture came out pretty good, and Jack thought it was awesome after I sent it to Brad.  

Later that night, over the phone, Jack asked me if I also got to meet Donald Duck.  I think he might think I'm at Disney World without him.  I told him I would never go meet Donald Duck without him:)

Sunday, April 14, 2013


This morning, Hannah followed me into the bathroom.  I had to go, and she didn't want to be on the other side of the closed door - you know how it goes.  So she came along, and in the most adorable way ever, clapped her hands and said, "Good job, Mommy!"

I suppose that makes sense when everyone you know cheers and throws a party every.single.time. you go:)

Melted this mama's heart, for sure!


Two and a half years.

That's how long it has taken since I talked to Jack's doctor about the fact that he doesn't willingly eat a single vegetable on his own.

She suggested that I give him daily vitamins and continue to give him a small portion of whatever we eat.  She said that repeated exposure would eventually cause him to change his mind.  That one day he'd eat veggies without us making a deal or bribing him with treats.

He never changed his mind.  Until tonight.

Tonight, Jack ate his mandatory one bite of corn.  (You know...the corn that Hannah throws a fit about because she wants to eat it the second it comes out of the oven rather than waiting for it to cool down enough not to burn her tiny tongue.)

And then?

Then, he asked if he could have another bite.

Brad and I tried really, really hard not to react.  At all.  We just gave him another bite and went on, making eyes at one another across the table.  Eyes that said, "OH MY GOODNESS HE JUST ASKED US FOR MORE CORN!  WHAT DAY IS THIS?  WRITE THIS DOWN - IT HAS TO GO ON THE BLOG!  THIS IS A MILESTONE!!!"

He did not ask for another bite.  But that's okay - tonight was progress.

Two and a half years.

Oh, happy day:)

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Getting What I Deserve

Here are a couple of videos I've taken of Hannah Bear.  The first one was taken this week - our tiny tot learned how to say, "I miss you," and it was just too cute not to get on tape.

The second is actually a video that I took in February, but then I completely forgot to share it.  Remember when I told you that Hannah Bear squeezes her baby girl thighs and says, "Chunky, chunky"?  Here it is:

And getting what I deserve?  This evening while Hannah and I were cuddling on the bed and watching TV, she gathered the skin around my knee and whispered, "Chunky, chunky!"

Guess I should've thought that through before I taught her that!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

One Week Ago

One week ago today, Aunt Jess married Jimmy.

It was a beautiful, spring day, and an even more magical night.

Jessica was the most beautiful bride.

And the love in that room was amazing...

Here are some sneak peek images from the photographer...

{all photos courtesy of Timeless Memories Photography}

I'm so happy we were part of such a special day! 

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Thankful Thursday

Tonight, I'm thankful for this crew:

Because, really?  How could you not be?