Saturday, July 31, 2010

Many Roses Amongst Thorns

I had to let this story sit awhile before I could really type it out.  Thursday was a crazy, crazy day for me and Jack.  It actually started on Wednesday evening when I took Jack to get his haircut in preparation for our picture appointment on Thursday morning.  We didn't want him to look too shaggy, so I thought a little trim would do.  It didn't come out exactly the way that I was hoping, so when I woke up on Thursday, I had a decision to make.  And if you know me, I don't make decisions well...or alone.  Do I leave his hair for the pictures, or do I buzz it with Brad's clippers even though I usually prefer his hair a little longer?  And if I buzz it, will we even make it to our picture appointment on time?

I had to call Kimmee for reinforcements, but without seeing the haircut, it was hard to say.  I decided it would be best to take a picture with my phone and send it to her immediately.  Jack didn't love that idea so much, so in the pictures Kimmee received, he was angry and running away, but she thought his hair looked good, and I'd be better off leaving it alone.

As we were about to get off the phone, Jack announced he had to go potty and we made our mad dash to his bathroom like we're currently doing MANY times a day.  We're still in the stage where I have to completely undress him from the waist down, and I can't do all of that with a phone in my hand, so I handed it to Jack to play with and pretend-talk to Kimmee.  While we're waiting for him to go potty - HE DROPS MY PHONE IN THE TOILET.  (and then makes the cutest, surprised face I've ever seen, by the way)

Unfortunately, I immediately reach in and rescue my phone, and like a mad woman try to dry it off and save its life all at the same time.  It's not coming on, and I think life as I know it may be coming to an end...but if I don't move, and quickly, we're going to be late for our picture appointment, and I have to be there early to let Jack warm up a bit.  He doesn't adjust to change well.  I have no idea where he gets that from;)

I rush to get Jack dressed when I realize he's wearing his cowboy boots.  Oh no - my mind starts racing, "How am I going to get him out of his cowboy boots before we leave the house!?"  I have to call Kimmee back (from the house phone, obviously) to share the events of the past 45 seconds.  My morning went from being a little rushed to a level of sheer panic.

Somehow, and I can't remember how - that's how traumatic my morning was - we got out of the cowboy boots and into his sandals.  We packed a bag of possible props in the event of a freak-out (Jack, not me) like last time and the remnants of my cell phone and headed out the door.  Jack was wearing a plastic construction hat and neon yellow sunglasses, but I'd deal with that later.   

We arrived at the picture place and surprisingly, Jack did amazingly well.  There was another little boy there about his age, and they started playing separately, but simultaneously together, and when it was his turn, he walked right into the studio.  Thank goodness he announced he had to go potty because like I mentioned earlier, I have to strip him down from the waist, and this allowed me to take off his sandals and get the barefoot pictures I'd been hoping for all morning!

Jack was an angel and posed very well...the woman who photographed him was definitely smitten.  She asked if I would sign a waiver for them to use his portraits because she was loving them (and him) so much.  She was sure he could be a model if I wanted him to.  I was beaming...not that I'm proud, or anything!

He even behaved and played around while I made the horrible decision of which photos (and how many?) to purchase without my cell phone and the use of reinforcements!  I ended up paying a small fortune, but my goodness, how great are these photos?

Turns out that my phone is definitely fried.  Jack and I bought a new one while at the mall, but I couldn't call or text anyone to tell them about our great picture-taking experience because I don't know anyone's number and/or how to use my new phone.  All in good time. 

P.S.  Any thoughts on the haircut?

Friday, July 30, 2010

Out of the Mouth of Jack

Here's just a few of the wonderful and adorably cute things I've heard Jack say just this week:

  • "You wanna piece of me!" - as he chases Belle back and forth across the house.  Thankyouverymuch, Toy Story:)

  • After napping in Mama's bed, Gracie decided she wanted some snuggle-time with me, and Jack thought she got a little too close.  So he smooshed himself inbetween me and her, nuzzling his face in Gracie's fur.  With big, blue eyes and a serious face, he looks up at me, and says, "I love her." (

  • This morning, while getting dressed, I decided on a pair of green shorts, when Jack announced, "It's cute."  My first compliment from my precious son:)
Oh, I love him! 

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wordless Wednesday...Almost

I have been waiting to take this picture for weeks - and this morning, Jack finally allowed me to do so.  He loves to cuddle up in Daddy's spot, strike a Daddy pose, and watch Wall-E in the morning while we get ready!  Too cute:)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Our Sweet Gracie-Girl

There was a time when Gracie was our baby.  Brad and I had just gotten married, and one weekend we wandered into a pet shop with adorable puppies.  I'd picked her up, snuggled her, and then we went home.  I went to work the next day (which happened to be our two month anniversary), and I couldn't stop thinking about her beautiful face and her warm, snuggly fur.  I named her.  Then I called Brad at work, and told him we just had to get Gracie.  I went to pick her up that evening.  This was her first photo as our puppy:

She was so tiny, and so, so sweet.  Like, melt your heart, sweet.  We were in love. 


Her first night with us, she barked throughout the night, and we wondered if we'd made a mistake, but then, we learned that puppies like to be close to you - that they don't want to be left alone in a crate. So we brought her into our bedroom, and she slept soundly next to our bed. In the wee hours of the morning, I would carry her downstairs and outside so she could go potty. Gracie was such a smart puppy - she was trained within two weeks.

We would take family photos with Gracie, and sometimes, she would sleep in our bed.  She got presents for the holidays, and on her birthday, I made her cupcakes.  Seriously, she was my baby.  I took to calling her, "Baby Bear."

Last Thursday was Gracie's fifth birthday, and I forgot:(  Since having Jack, Gracie is no longer my baby, even though she is still loved very much.  So last night, we threw her a proper birthday party.  Jack was so excited, all day he kept saying, "Happy Birthday to Gracie, Mama?"

Jack blew out the candles before we even had a chance to sing!

Just LOOK at Jack's wild eyes with the candles glowing

 Happy Birthday, Gracie!

Jack takes over the singing

Preparing to blow out the candles

A little help from Mom

Jack got a birthday cookie - notice the drool on his chin from blowing out the candles?  A-DORABLE:)

And again...

 Loving on his BFF while she eats some peanut butter ice cream

Gracie hides hers until the table so as to avoid the same snuggles

Opted for an Oreo instead

I can't explain

Gracie with her present
Gracie-Girl, You are such a sweet puppy, and we are so lucky to have you in our home. You are very loyal, and we love your human eyes. You're so smart, and we love to watch you figure things out. We love when you rub your back with your yellow ball in the morning and that you've figured out how to be extra quiet in the morning. Please teach your sister how to do that as well. We love your snuggles and your kisses. While we wish that you loved Jack a little more than you do, we appreciate that you are always gentle with him, and we know you would never hurt him. Thanks for letting him play with you sometimes - it means a lot to him and to us! We love you, and we hope you had a happy birthday!

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Literally, not figuratively:)  Today the contractors finished installing our fence, and this evening, it cooled down enough for us to go out and take a peek.  I don't know who was more excited - Daddy or Jack.

Our new fence

Jack and his BFF investigate the backyard

Our little man was really excited about "his gate"

Scoping out the other gate

The view from here

Of course, since we were outside, and it was a beautiful day, I had to snap a few pictures of my family and not just our fence.  I just can't help myself!

This is a favorite

Couldn't get him to smile, but I like the brooding stare as well...just not as much as I love the curled toes!

Happy weekend!

6:23 am

That is precisely the time that Jack woke me up this morning.  I heard him shouting that he had to go potty and immediately knew there was no hope that he would fall back to sleep alone.  So we went potty.  Then, we tried to go back to bed (meaning I committed a very bad Mommy-no-no by bringing him into our bed, but I was desperate for just a little more sleep).  It was not meant to be...Jack was WIDE AWAKE.

But it's not that this was just any morning that Jack woke up a little early.  This just happened to be the morning after I saw Dave Matthews Band - my night was a blast, but whenever Kimmee and I team up for any event, the night is inevitably going to take some unexpected turns. 

First, we couldn't get to the Metro the way we'd planned because there was a huge accident.  We feared if we went our original way, we'd miss the whole opening act - the Zac Brown Band, who I happen to love, and who Kimmee believes is VERY country based on her facial expressions in the car:) 

Thanks to my Harley-riding parents, I had a hunch that you could go another way, what with all the back road rides they do:)  Turns out my hunch was right, and while Kimmee was skeptical that we'd make the 5:48 train with an arrival of 5:36 - my late ways knew otherwise.  We were golden.

Until we were standing on the platform, and Kimmee's flip flop broke. 

Have you ever tried to walk with a broken flip flop on?  YOU CAN'T!  Needless to say, poor Kimmee had to walk half barefoot for a good, long while.  Like, until we got into the stadium and found first aid.  Lovely.

But we made the 5:48 train after paying twice as much as we probably needed to, I'm pretty sure, but how in the heck are you supposed to decipher those Metro signs?!

We stepped onto the train, only to realize there was NO AIR-CONDITIONING.  (Perhaps I had failed to mention until this point that it was 102 degrees outside and we were already sweating prior to exiting my car.)

At the first stop, we hopped cars hoping we'd just picked a dud the first time, but no.  The whole train did not have air-conditioning.  Perfect.

At this point, we were still believing everything was going to be okay, and we'd cool down, and be able to buy Kimmee some Nationals flip flops at the stadium.  Upon arrival, we quickly found there were no flip flops for sale, but if we didn't get something to drink and eat, I was likely to die.  I'd been fasting all day in anticipation of the great food - probably not a good idea what with the heat and all.

We got some food (sub-par) and headed off in search of First Aid.  Luckily, they were able to provide some relief for poor Kimmee.

At this point, sweat was dripping out of every pore, and we were hoping our seats were located on the west so as not to be in the direct sunlight, but they were not.  We opted to walk around a bit to try to catch a breeze.  After ditching the dinner that was inedible with the braces, I ended up with a coke, some ice cream, and a bottle of water.  As the sun started to go down, we found our way to our seats.
There were maybe 5 rows behind us

A packed stadium

Nationals Park

A self-portrait.  We may not look that sweaty, but really, WE ARE.

With all of the hiccups, the concert was great:)  We had so much fun listening to our Dave favorites, hearing some new music, and people-watching.  Can you really be unhappy at a Dave Matthews Band concert?  I think not.

Dave's the tiny, black speck in the middle:)

We enjoyed the dancing.

And the thankyouverymuch, thankyouverymuches.

And Kimmee's taped feet.

After the concert, I got a couple of new DMB t-shirts (I can't resist), and then we headed out.  Here's the last two pictures of us from our evening - at this point, we felt like we'd just stepped out of the shower, we were so soaked.


A good Samaritan helped us out

Needless to say, we did take a small trip on the wrong Metro line and a wrong turn on 66, but we made it home around 1:30 or so.  I'm old - and it was WAY past my bedtime.  But I stayed up to shower and fill in my hubby about our super eventful evening, and didn't get to sleep until 3:30. 

So when I heard Jack calling at 6:23 - I almost cried.  But instead, I smiled, got up to take him potty and snuggle, and fed him breakfast.

I will happily sleep while Baby sleeps at naptime:)