Thursday, July 8, 2010

Mommy Heaven

That's where I found myself today. In pure Mommy heaven. I hadn't seen my little man since early Monday morning, and while I selfishly went into his room late last night and lifted his sleepy, little body out of his crib so I could snuggle and smell him for a few short minutes, I didn't really get to be with him until this morning. It wasn't a school day for Jack, and we had the day all to ourselves. I woke up to his sweet voice coming across the monitor and after waiting a few minutes to see if he'd go back to sleep, I went to get him out of bed. I thought maybe he would be super-surprised to see me since it had been a crazy few days for him, but as soon as I lifted him out, he wanted down to go choose some toys to carry to the family room with us.

We spent our morning playing, and I was so surprised to find that he'd already changed since I'd seen him last. Instead of random words, he was stringing full sentences together all morning long:

"This is my juice."

"I make puzzles."

"I do art."

"I go downstairs."

What a proud Mama am I:)

We played cars, we did puzzles, we watched Toy Story 2, and he climbed and jumped all over me as I relished every second. I was so excited to just do our boring old routine: lunch, nap, errands, dinner, bath time (how I couldn't wait to trim his fingernails!), and bedtime. I soaked it all in, and it was a perfect day. Now I can always remember it:)

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