Monday, January 31, 2011

15 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 15 Weeks
Size of Baby: Peanut is about the size of an orange
Baby's Developmental Milestones: This week, the baby's ears and eyes have migrated to the right spot on his/her head:)  Peanut can wiggle his/her fingers and toes!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 10 lbs
Maternity Clothes: I'm still wearing most of my regular clothes with the exception of a few maternity shirts   on the weekend because they're just so much more comfortable.  I've pulled out the maternity clothes though and they're ready and waiting in my closet.  It won't be much longer now...
Gender: Five more weeks until we can find out!
Movement: Still no, but hopefully soon!
Sleep: I haven't slept as good this past week.  I have to get up to go to the bathroom and then when I lay back down my mind is racing.  I also toss and turn back and forth all night long trying to get comfortable.
What I miss: Mountain Dew:)
Cravings: Sandwiches, pickles, lemonade, cereal, milk
Symptoms: My skin seems to be reacting not so wonderfully:(  And isn't my hair supposed to be glowing?!
Best Pregnancy Moment this Week: Getting a belly kiss from Brother Bear (aka: Jack)

Jack says often that there is a baby in my belly:)  On Saturday, we went to have dinner with Brad's parents and when we arrived they commented on the growing belly.  Jack was paying close attention, and immediately came over to show them that there is indeed a baby in my promptly lifting up my shirt, exposing my pale, expanding stomach (and my unbuttoned pants), and giving Peanut a proper brotherly kiss.  Adorable, I tell you.  Embarrassing, but adorable.  At least we were with family!

On Sunday during lunch, Jack announced HE has a baby in HIS belly.  Caught his papa and I a little off guard, but we tried to clear up some of the confusion.  He's pretty sure this "baby" everyone keeps talking about is his:)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

9 Months and Counting...

To my sister's wedding, that is!  Last weekend, in less than 20 degree weather, Ryan, John, and I ventured out to take some new engagement photos in search for a fabulous picture for their Save the Dates.  I had been eyeing these two different locations: one with a covered bridge and another with an old, falling apart stone house, but due to the weather we only made it to one of the locations.  The pictures came out really great:)  They did a good job grinning and bearing it through the chilly temps in their attempt to keep one another warm.  I think when you're that in love, it's easier to stand outside without a coat on.  I, on the other hand, had on several layers and was FREEZING:)  I did not include the photo they both chose for the Save the Dates, but once I receive mine in the mail, I'll be sure to post so you can see how beautiful they turned out!

I wonder if you can tell which one is my favorite?!  (And by the way...don't you want your picture taken under this bridge?!  Just you wait until spring, Baby Jack!)

Friday, January 28, 2011

A Perfectly Fun, Wonderful Day

Thursday was such a wonderful day!  We had another snow day (which is causing major work stress, by the way, but what am I gonna do about it?), and lucky for us, Daddy had a snow day as well.  It was so nice to have him home all day with Jack and I, and we took full advantage of this rare occasion.  

{Side note about this picture: when looking at my edited pictures, Brad was commenting on the fact that he was indeed smiling for all of these pictures because he thought he was in them.  I had to explain I was going for a little more focus on the baby with the waist down of the adult idea - one I stole from other photographers.  I don't think he was loving that!}

In the morning, Jack and I watched cartoons and had breakfast, and then we did some straightening up around the house.  We all got cleaned up and planned to go out to lunch together as a family.

We headed to California Tortilla (one of my favorite lunching spots) and had such a good time.  Jack ate a Kids-a-dilla with grilled chicken and some taco chips, which he LOVES.  It usually takes a little coaxing, and we have to refer to it as pizza, but this time around, he ate very well.  We were rather impressed.

While we were there, a much older boy left the table he was eating at with his mom and brother and headed outside to their car on his own.  Under Jack's very watchful eye.  Sure enough, when we were finished eating, Jack wanted to do just that.  He asked me to put his coat on and said he wanted to go outside "all by myself."  I tried to explain that the boy was much older than Jack, but he wasn't having that.  So we faked it - we put his little coat on, let him push through the first set of doors, and then I sent Brad after him secretly, but safely.  Very cute.  

When we got home, Jack and I took a very nice nap.  We love our nap:)

After snack time, everyone got bundled up so we could play outside in the snow.  Jack always looks so adorable all bundled up, and I was so excited because the snow pants we bought last year which were "grow with me" pants, actually did grow with him:)  What a deal...

{apparently this was another picture that Brad was actually smiling for!}

Jack was a little nervous about walking around in the snow by himself because he would sink down into it, which he wasn't loving.  But holding tight to Daddy's hand, he wandered around the yard for a bit before I remembered, "Ohmygoodness - we bought a sled at the beginning of the season!"

As you can see, we spent some time sledding down the tiny slope between our house and our neighbor's house.  It was the perfect toddler-hill, and Jack seemed to enjoy himself.

I realized that Brad is a lot like my dad...super protective and probably overly-careful.  He was very nervous about the perfect toddler hill because of the fence and the neighbor's gutter, and so he planted himself several feet in front of the "danger zones" so as to protect his little family from being seriously injured.  Which meant (to me) that our perfect toddler hill suddenly became a very short slope.  It was very cute.

After Daddy deemed the hill too dangerous, I dragged Jack around the front yard in his sled for a little while, but then some snow made its way into his glove and onto his little wrist, and he was absolutely we were done with the snow.

We headed inside, took off our snow gear, and started to make a very yummy dinner together - we had pork chops and onions, potatoes, peas, and sweet peach iced tea.  Oh, it was so good.  And it was so nice to have Brad at home to help because usually he doesn't get home until after dinner time has come and gone.  It goes much faster with two extra hands:)

It was bath night for Jack, so shortly after dinner I gave my little man a bath and we cuddled up for story time.  I had the pleasure of reading Toy Story for the 3,685,245th time:)  Sometimes I dream about Toy Story in my that bad?  We tucked our little man in, and smiled when he said, "See you in the morrow."  It's one of our favorite things...his little combination of "See you in the morning," and, "See you tomorrow."  I don't want it to ever go away...

All in all, it was a perfect day from start to finish.  I don't like being cooped up at home day after day, and I feel like I haven't had a normal week between sickness and snow since Christmas, so it was so nice to have Brad home all day with us and to have fun things to do all day long.  I was loving it, and so were my boys!  

Monday, January 24, 2011

14 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 14 Weeks
Size of Baby: Peanut is about the size of your clenched fist
Baby's Developmental Milestones: The roof of Peanut's mouth is developing and intestinal activity is occurring!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 8 lbs
Maternity Clothes: Hmm...a few shirts here and there, but I'm still wearing my regular pants.  They just might not be buttoned!
Gender: Too soon to tell - six more weeks to go!
Movement: I asked the doctor about possibly feeling the baby move, and she said she thinks it's too soon.  Apparently what I've been feeling is just some tummy rumblings. 
Sleep: I really don't have a problem sleeping
What I miss: Nothing too badly
Cravings: I want to eat out a lot.  I get a taste for things at specific restaurants that I can't make!
Symptoms: Still some occasional nausea...and a quickly expanding belly
Best Pregnancy Moment this Week: Entering our second trimester! 

I'm feeling good, and I'm glad to be looking obviously pregnant rather than looking like I just might be gaining lots of weight.  A little nervous about the current size of the belly though...with Jack I didn't look like this at 5 months pregnant, so that's a little concerning.  The doctor has assured me that there's only one peanut in there, though - and for that we are very lucky!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Today, I am thankful for...

*Jack, who referred to me as a pretty princess while inspecting my hair

*Jim the Groomer, who cut Gracie and Belle's hair today and made them look beautiful and smell great

*a lunch date to Potbelly's with Kimmee

*understanding teachers who don't go crazy when I have to reschedule visits

*Tums - the incredibly carbonated Cream Soda that I was craving for lunch was NOT what Peanut was craving

*Stouffer's Family Size meals because I just didn't have the energy to do anything other than heat up dinner tonight

*Jack, for reenacting a scene from Giraffes Can't Dance where the author writes, "'I am dancing.  Look I'm dancing!  I am dancing!' Gerald cried."  And was as cute as it sounds!

*Saltines - oh how would I survive without you?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Jaw-Dropping Goodness

Jack and I were at home again today.  Last night, his fever returned, and so we headed back to the doctor's office this afternoon.  It seems that all of the medications Jack has been on have weakened his immune system, allowing him to catch a little virus:(  Poor baby.

It was a rough day - I'm not gonna lie.  He was irritable, I'm suffering from a bit of cabin-fever, and we just didn't have a terribly smooth day.  While recapping for Daddy this evening, I did remember a few good, jaw-dropping moments that we just knew had to be documented.

While looking at my cell phone earlier today, Jack said, "Mama, there's a Earth on there."  Immediately, I responded with,  "What?!  What did you say?!"  He repeated himself.  After I picked my jaw up off of the floor and thought about what he'd said for a second, I asked Jack to show me where the Earth was.  Sure enough, he took his chubby little finger and pointed to the icon for my web browser on the main menu of my phone.  This was the moment I realized, "Ohmygoodness - he actually knows what Earth is and what it looks like."  He could tell I was amazed, and so I said, "Jack that is so smart, you're right, that is the Earth!"  He had the biggest, proudest grin on his adorable face.  Precious.

This evening we spent some time before dinner looking through several of Jack's Wild Animal Baby booklets, and I was amazed at the level with which he could participate in the given activities.  He was able to find most of the animals listed beside pictures designed to be like I Spy.  He could count the animals on a given page that asked how many.  He could find shapes and match animals and colors and mimic finger movements to little animal songs.  It was adorable, and we had so much fun!

Baby Jack, Daddy and I are so amazed at the crazy amount you're continuing to learn on a daily basis.  We are so proud of you.  You're the smartest little boy that we know, and we're so glad that you're ours.  We hope that you're feeling better soon.  Love, Mama and Daddy

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Snow Day Photo Shoot

While Jack and I were cooped up at home today due to the ice and snow, we decided to do a little photo shoot:)  Mind you, I took approximately 60 pictures, and 27 of them made the cut.  That's just the way it works when you're trying to catch some perfect moments with a toddler that NEVER stops moving.  Some of these I obviously edited, but some are straight out of the camera.  I was very proud of the results!  Only one of these photos required a just keeps getting better and better:)

Can you tell which poses were Mommy's idea and which ones Jack came up with all on his own?  I bet you can!

Monday, January 17, 2011

13 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 13 Weeks
Size of baby: Peanut is about 3 inches long and the size of a peach
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 6.5 lbs
Maternity Clothes: Not yet, but I'm finding I can't quite wear all of my regular clothes either
Gender: Too soon to tell!
Movement: I think I've felt the baby move just in the last week, but it seems awfully early to me, so maybe I'm just being crazy
Sleep: I'm sleeping just fine
What I miss: Going an entire day without feeling nauseous
Cravings: I'm just hungry in general right now
Symptoms: Nausea, some irritability, constantly going to the bathroom, a little sleepy still
Best Pregnancy Moment this Week: Getting to see our little Peanut at our ultrasound appointment

Take a peek for yourself!

While I'm pretty impressed with myself for keeping such a secret from the blog for so long, I still documented with photos that I knew I could share's some of what you've missed up until this point!

{Eight weeks - can you see it?  Cause I can!}

{So small and tiny on 12.21.10.  The first time we heard Peanut's strong, healthy heartbeat!}

{12 weeks}

This pregnancy has been a little bit trickier than my pregnancy with Jack, just based on the sheer fact that with Jack I was only nauseous for a week (and I didn't get the flu when I was pregnant with Jack).  This little peanut keeps me guessing, some days I'm fine, and other days I just feel so sick.  I think having a two and half year old to take care of at the same time probably makes it a little bit harder as well:)

We told Jack that he's going to be a big brother - right after we heard the heartbeat and before we told our families.  While I am really anxious about his reaction, I want to be super happy and positive for him so that this is as enjoyable an experience for him as possible.  So when we told him, we were super excited and talked about how he's going to be a big brother and what an important job that is.  He immediately said, "No," and got face-down on the ground in a pouting fashion.  I have no idea where this came from, but we've got some time to work on it.

He doesn't really seem to understand too much at this point.  He says there's a baby in mommy's belly, and he knows he has to be gentle around mommy, but I still don't think he really understands.  Maybe once I get a little bit bigger still...and I need to find some good books to start reading to him as well.  Maybe he needs a baby doll...ha!

We are so excited!!!!!  I can't believe we're going to have two babies!