Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Just Another Snow Day

We've had our share of snow days and delays this month.  In fact, I'm pretty sure I've only worked five full days since before Winter Break, so that's been extremely nice.  We're a little stir-crazy, and the kids are getting tired of only playing with each other and us on most days, but we try to stay happy and have fun.  Today was no different!

I was feeling very proud of myself this morning because last night, I made myself write all 23 comments for my report cards.  The comments are what I dread the most, so I decided to start there.  I usually procrastinate and do everything else under the sun before I'll sit down to tackle report card comments, but this time I tried a different approach, and I must say, it made me happy.  And then, when my alarm went off early this morning, I saw the text that schools were closed, and I happily rolled over and drifted back to sleep.  It's always a good way to start the day...

We had a lazy morning.  I made sausage for breakfast, or rather, I heated up some sausage, and then the kids and I were just laying around after Brad left for work.  Hannah came up to me with a little shy smile and a marker and announced she was making a picture.  Awhile later I got to send this adorable picture to Brad:

Clearly, I shouldn't have assumed it was for me :)  

After that, Hannah was anxious to get outside in the snow.  She can't get enough, and she loves to help us shovel.  Jack was feeling better after a low-grade fever this weekend, so we bundled up and headed outside.

They love to show off all of their hard work!

Making snow angels

I love just watching them fall back into the snow, and they're oh-so-happy about it.

Jack's masterpiece

I took them sledding down the mini-hill on the side of our house, and when I turn to miss the fence, they spill out and laugh and laugh.

We went inside and had lunch, and then a couple of hours later, Hannah comes into my room wearing a swimsuit and announcing she's going to make a pool to go swimming!

Ready for a swim

Her pool.  Side-note: as soon as I fold these blankets and put them away, they are pulled back out to make a fort, a pool, a tent, or something of that nature.  Maybe I should just leave them out?

A happy swimmer

Tomorrow I'm sure we'll have school.  Not too bad, considering I'll only have a three-day work week.  And my report cards are pretty much finished, so there's always that :)

Sunday, January 11, 2015

I Call Her a Chocolate Detective

So, Hannah has a sweet tooth like her mom.

She loves chocolate (and says choc-o-lit in the most adorable way possible).

Admittedly, she gets a fair amount of chocolate here and there, but we try to only give the kids candy in very small amounts and way before bedtime.

Sometimes (okay, frequently) I get a chocolate-craving during a time when Hannah shouldn't be eating chocolate.  So I have to sneak off into the kitchen, take a teeny bite, and then meander my way back to whatever we were doing, trying to be as stealthy as possible.

Twice now - she's caught me.

She always sweetly says, "Mommy, I smell something.  What are you eating, Mommy?  Let me see what's in your mouth, it smells so good, Mommy."

This, mind you, is after I've swallowed the chocolate, taken a drink, and slowly made my way back to her.

She's got a nose like a hound dog.  I'm in trouble...

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

I love you 16.

Tonight, after I tucked Jack in and snuggled him tight, Brad and I switched kids' rooms.  I snuggled down with Hannah and gave her a kiss on her head.

I whispered, "I love you so much, Hannah Bear."

She whispered back, "I love you a thousand."

"I love you a thousand and one," I said.

"I love you a thousand and two."

While I lay there amazed at the fact that she could comprehend these high numbers and what it means to love someone so much, she brought me back to reality.

She whispered, "I love you sixteen," and smiled.

And I just smiled back and gave her another kiss.

It was funny because I know the difference between a thousand and two and sixteen, and it is vast.

But I also know that our tiny peanut thinks 16 is also a big number, and her little heart is just swelling with love.

I'm a lucky mama.