Tuesday, May 31, 2011

32 Weeks

{for comparison purposes - 8 months pregnant with Jack}

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 32 weeks (and 1 day) = 8 months!
Size of Baby: Peanut weighs just about four pounds and is topping out at about 19 inches.
Baby's Developmental Milestones: She's busy practicing her survival skills, such as kicking, sucking, breathing, and swallowing.  Her skin is also becoming less and less transparent and more and more opaque as she continues to gain weight.
Total Weight Gain: I held steady this week at 35 pounds.
Maternity Clothes: My clothes are almost strictly maternity clothes at this point...and some of those are a little snug!
Movement: Yep - and the doctor confirmed today that she's definitely got her head up by my rib cage, her feet on my bladder, and her knees in my belly button:)  No worries though - the doctor said there's still plenty of time for her to flip herself around!
Sleep: I'm so thankful that I can sleep even when she's wiggling around.  As soon as I lay down at night, she's on the go:)
What I miss: Walking without waddling.
Cravings: Cereal and fruit.  Salad.  Really any foods that are cold!
Symptoms: My feet are killing me, and now I'm in a state of being perpetually too hot.  During training this week, I asked the room full of teachers if they thought the room was too warm so that I could have the temperature adjusted if anyone was uncomfortable.  Come to find out, they were all freezing to death, and I was the only one sweating like a madman.  In fact, one person was actually using a sweater as a blanket she was so cold.  Nope, not me! 
Best Pregnancy Moment this Week: I got to hear Baby Girl's heartbeat this afternoon at my appointment.  And yesterday, while putting together puzzles, Jack looked at me and said, "Maybe {insert Baby Girl's name here} will like to do puzzles with me, Mama.  Yeah, that would be fun!  I think she will." Melted this mama's heart...

Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Birthday, My Little Man

Three years ago today started like any other day, except for the fact that I was one week overdue to have our precious little boy.  I woke up, had breakfast, and wasn't feeling well, so I was planning to go back to bed when my water broke.  In a flurry of excitement, we got cleaned up, packed our bags, called our family and friends, and headed to the hospital. 

At 5:54 pm, our love story truly began.  Of course, we loved you from the moment we knew we were going to have a little baby, but nothing is the same as the feeling you get when you see and hold that baby for the very first time.

There really aren't words to describe it, but for lack of a better word, I'm just going to call it simply amazing.  Life-changing really.  So much love you think your heart might burst.  And in an instant, life is more precious than you ever realized before.  And all you can think about is protecting and caring for this little boy, and you would instantly give your life to do so.  Sounds dramatic, I know.  But it's true.

Baby Jack,

For three years, you have made every day of our lives better than the one before it.  It has been an awesome thing to be able to watch you grow and change each and every day, and we can't remember a time when you weren't a part of our story.  You have changed both of us in ways we can't describe...you have made us better, more loving, more patient, more compassionate people, and we thank you.  You can make any day better just by being you...by giving us kisses and hugs and telling us you love us.  By snuggling before bedtime.  By singing silly songs and reading us books.  We are so proud of the little boy you're becoming, and we love you more than words can say!


Mommy and Daddy   

P.S.  Happy Anniversary to my parents, who so willingingly and lovingly share their special day (31 years today!) with our beautiful baby boy.  What an anniversary present that was, don't you think?  I've never told you this before, but I planned it that way;)

P.P.S.  Happy Memorial Day - to those who have served our country so courageously, and to those whose loved ones never came home, we thank you for your sacrifice, for keeping us safe, and for helping to make our country what it is today. 

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Silent Sunday

{playing in his new sandbox while wearing all three pieces of his new Spiderman pajamas}

Friday, May 27, 2011

Sleeping in Mommy's Spot

This is what I found yesterday morning when I got out of the shower and walked into my room to get dressed.  I had to be at work early since I was training, and so I didn't get to snuggle my little man like I usually do in the morning.  But true to his routine, he woke up, curled up in my spot, and fell back asleep all while I was in the shower.  I just couldn't help myself and took this picture.  And I love it - especially because he also brought his very faithful friend, Skinny Bear:)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

31 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 31 Weeks (and 3 days)
Size of Baby: Peanut still weighs a little over three pounds (and has about 3-5 more pounds to go!) and is about 18 inches long.
Baby's Developmental Milestones: She is using all five senses and is beginning to develop patterns of longer stretches of rest and then some wakefulness.
Total Weight Gain: 35 pounds
Maternity Clothes: My clothes are almost strictly maternity clothes at this point...
Movement: She's very active:)  I'm pretty sure that she's sitting facing out with her knees in my belly button region.  I can feel knees glide across the belly constantly...  (In looking at a picture just now, it could be that she's head down and those are her elbows I'm feeling...)
Sleep: I'm still sleeping great, thank goodness!
What I miss: It hasn't changed - I'm desperately wanting a Mountain Dew from Taco Bell or Arby's.
Cravings: Cereal and fruit.
Symptoms: Although I've clearly been gaining weight, I'm not eating a ton.  I just haven't been super-hungry, and I think it's just because I'm running out of room.  I often find myself short of breath - today when I was training teachers, I could hear myself gasping for air and had to explain that something was crowding my lungs a bit:)  Lately, my feet have been killing me.  My legs are sore too, especially my shins and my calves.  I think it's time to cash in another one of my maternity massage gift certificates!  
Best Pregnancy Moment this Week: Starting to work on the nursery for our precious baby girl.  I'll do a blog post soon to share our progress...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Revelation of Sorts

We've recently purchased some storybooks that are centered around being a big brother and adding a new baby to the family to help Jack with his upcoming transition.  I'd love for it to go as smoothly as possible, and this is one of the ways I could think of, especially since Jack loves books as much as he does.

Tonight before bed, Jack chose to read this book:

When we came to these pages, and I read the part about Papa Bear, Mama Bear, and Small Bear, Jack proudly pointed to the illustrations, explaining, "That's Daddy, and that's you, Mama, and that's Jack," just like I've done many times before...

only this time we were interrupted by Daddy (whom I often refer to as Papa Bear, by the way).  

You see, apparently Brad had this book as a small child.  And he was also read this book before his sister Jessica was born.  So when Jack went rattling off the characters and how they matched up to our family, Brad nearly corrected him to say that no, in fact, Small Bear was actually him.  And then he realized that he was, indeed, the Papa bear, gave a little chuckle, and filled me in on everything he'd just realized.  

I laughed so hard I cried.  Which made Jack laugh, and exclaim that, "Daddy's silly!"  And then, in all seriousness, Jack looked at Brad and said, "You're an old bear."

And I laughed so hard I cried some more.  I love story time with my boys - definitely never a dull moment!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Happy Birthday, Aunt Kimmee!

Kimmee and I have known each other now for eight years, but it seems like we've known each other forever.  When I got my first teaching job, our students shared a bathroom that was housed between our two classrooms, and Kimmee and I immediately hit it off.  We found we had a lot in common, in some ways were polar opposites, and our personalities just clicked.  We'd sometimes show up to work dressed similarly; very often we'd find that we'd made some of the same purchases.  Students and parents alike asked us if we were sisters.  We never run out of things to talk about.  In the past eight years, each of us has gotten married, had babies, changed jobs...through it all, we've been there for one another.

Kimmee - I'm so lucky to have met you and to have you in my life.  Your friendship is very special to me, and I'm so glad that even though our lives have changed so much since we first met, we're still able to keep our friendship strong.  I hope you had a wonderful birthday!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Be Still My Little Heart

This is the conversation that occurred between me and Jack this morning on our way to SoccerTots:

Jack: Can I wear my hat into SoccerTots?  Would that be okay?

Me: Of course, Sweetheart.

Jack: (after a moment of quiet contemplation)  You make me happy, Mama.

Little Man, you will never know exactly how happy you make me on a daily basis.  You are my sunshine, and Mama loves you!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

30 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 30 Weeks (and 3 days)
Size of Baby: Peanut weighs a little over three pounds and will be gaining about 1/2 a pound each week for the next seven weeks.
Baby's Developmental Milestones: Baby's brain is growing and developing those characteristic grooves and wrinkles.  She can regulate her own body temperature now, so she'll be busy shedding her downy body hair that's been keeping her cozy.
Total Weight Gain: 32 pounds
Maternity Clothes: My clothes are almost strictly maternity clothes at this point...
Movement: Baby Girl is still a wiggle-worm, although she gave us quite a scare on Sunday when she didn't move around for most of the day.  After a quick trip to the hospital, we were assured that Baby is perfectly happy and healthy.  Maybe she was hiding or sleepy, but since our visit, she hasn't stopped letting me know she's there, and that's perfectly wonderful with me.
Sleep: I'm still sleeping really well.  Funny story - the nurse called last week and asked if I was feeling sluggish.  I laughed and explained that yes, indeed - I do feel sluggish, but I'm pregnant and have a nearly-three year old boy to chase after.  Apparently, my iron was really low, so now I'm on an iron supplement on top of my prenatal vitamins.  At least they aren't the size of horse pills.
What I miss: Honestly - Mountain Dew.  Badly.
Cravings: Hmmm...I haven't really had any cravings this week.
Symptoms: My hair and nails are growing like weeds.  The leg cramps that I'd avoided so well returned last Friday morning at 2:47 am.  I had them almost every night when I was pregnant with Jack, but this time around I was doing really well.  I would catch myself stretching a certain way and be able to prevent the cramp, but I must have been sound asleep.  Sure enough - searing pain in my calf.  My yelps actually woke Brad up, and it took me awhile to get back to sleep.  Luckily, it's only happened once, so keep your fingers crossed.
Best Pregnancy Moment this Week: The reassuring graph that Peanut's heartbeat made as soon as they attached the fetal heart monitor to my belly Sunday night.  We were so worried, and what a sigh of relief...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Just Jack...Recently

I can't believe our little man is almost three years old - the time goes by way too fast.  I wish I could push pause...  Here are some of his latest sayings and doings that I want to remember always:

* Jack says "of course" all the time.  It's the cutest thing ever because he very clearly says it with my inflection, but if I ask him if he'd like a cookie or some more milk for example, he'll go, "Of course."  I can't get enough...

* He's constantly saying "watch me," or "look at me, Mama."  He loves to show off and wants to make us proud - he always succeeds:)

* He also says "Because, because, because..." in response to most questions.  I guess he just repeats it so many times to think of the real answer, but it's pretty darn cute either way.

* He can put puzzles together like a mad man.  I'm super impressed, but you'll have to take my word for it because while I thought of videotaping it, you'd probably fall asleep watching a video of someone else's kid putting together a puzzle.  You're welcome:)

* He still loves to snuggle.  Thankyouthankyouthankyou!

* After a trip to the reservoir to release a box turtle with Daddy, Jack was picking up rocks.  When Daddy asked him if he could put the rock down, Jack replied, "No, because because because I'm going to give it to Mommy and she'll love it forever and ever."  He then proceeded to pick up other rocks, but Daddy was able to convince him I'd only need one.  And so this very normal, every day rock is now a staple in my nightstand:)

* While he knows that Mommy is having a baby girl and he's going to be a big brother to a little sister, Jack is still convinced that he's having a boy.  This could be tricky...

* Jack is still learning how to conjugate the verb "do."  For example, one afternoon, he was telling me that Cuddlebug wanted to come into the bathroom with him, and I was trying to explain that she didn't want to.  He replied, "I think she doos."  I did correct him by saying, "You think she does?" but it's still the cutest thing under the sun.

* He compliments me, and my heart melts every time he does it:)  The other morning I came out of the bathroom from doing my makeup, and he said, "Oh Mommy you have your flower shirt on.  It's so pretty!"  This past weekend, as I was putting it into the washing machine, he asked, "Is that your flower shirt, Mommy?"  I think he's got the memory of an elephant...

*  He has very skilled negotiating skills.  In other words - I'm in trouble.  The other morning as we were preparing for SoccerTots, Jack asked if he could have some Oreos (this is at 9 am).  When I said no, he explained, "Okay, well we'll just take them in the car and then after SoccerTots we'll have a snack and we can eat them in the car.  I think that would be good idea, Mama."

Oh, we love him so much!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wordless Wednesday




Have I ever told you how much I love him?!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Big Boy Bedroom 103

As promised, here are some pictures of what Jack's big boy room currently looks like.  Last week we were finally able to get his things hung on the walls, and I really only have one more finishing touch that  I want to put on the room.  

The view from his doorway

Skinny Bear's Special Spot
{note: cowboy hat and boots on headboard:)}

Extra toy storage cubby at the foot of the bed

The view from the closet corner
{this bare wall is the last finishing touch...I'm planning a canvas collage)

A place to READ
{note: the beanbag chair is also known as Cuddlebug's napping spot}

Chest of drawers

So much is in the details...

Night light

Step stool

A tub for toy storage

He'll always be my baby... and so these followed him from his nursery

Small side story - before taking these pictures I straightened up Jack's room and made the bed.  As soon as I was done snapping the above photos, Jack came upstairs to visit, and immediately took to work to "fix" his bed.  Usually, the blankets are rolled down a bit and the shams are behind the pillows that he actually sleeps on.  Jack, our little OCD clone, apparently thinks that THAT is how you make his bed, and that I had very obviously done it wrong or gotten seriously confused.  I apologized, he fixed, and all was well.  So while it looks very nice in the above photo, the bed never actually looks that way...and by the looks of it, it probably won't again for some time.  

Monday, May 9, 2011

29 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 29 Weeks
Size of Baby: Peanut is about 17 inches long (very close to the length she'll probably be at birth) and weighs almost three pounds.
Baby's Developmental Milestones: Her wrinkled skin is smoothing out as she's gaining more fat:)  From now until she's born, she'll most likely double - and possibly triple - her weight.  
Total Weight Gain: I'm still at thirty pounds for weight gain:)
Maternity Clothes: Yes, but even some of those are starting to fit more snuggly than before...
Movement: Like crazy...and constant.  I'm not sure she sleeps, to be honest (it's actually making me quite nervous).  I feel like she's much more "on the go" than Jack was at this stage...
Sleep: I don't think there's ever been a time when I couldn't sleep, honestly...
What I miss: Nothing currently...
Cravings: Salad and fruit.  I'm feeling very healthy!
Symptoms: My belly is still itchy:(  The oil I thought was doing the trick actually caused a slight rash, so I had to discontinue its use!  
Best Pregnancy Moment this Week: Getting to hear Baby Girl's heartbeat at my appointment last week - a healthy 152 bpm.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Today was a lovely day.  I woke to snuggles with my little man and beautiful flowers from him and his daddy.  We had a lazy morning and got ready for church; then Jack and I did our usual grocery shopping.  We met my family for lunch, and then came home and took one of our together naps in Jack's big boy room:)  We both slept very well, thankyouverymuch.  This afternoon, we did some straightening up around the house and then we headed to Grandma and Grandpa's for Steak Dinner Sunday.  It was a busy, but beautiful day...one that certainly made me think about how lucky I am to be a mommy:)

To my mom - you are an amazing mother.  You made this job look effortless, and I now know that it is so far from effortless.  It is self-sacrificing and hard and wonderful all at the same time, and (most days) I know that I am doing a good job because you taught me how.  Saying thank you is not enough, but there are no words...

To my grandma - thank you for all of the beautiful memories I have of being a little girl and spending time at grandma's house, especially the baking and chocolate-making:)  You are very special to me, and I am blessed to have you around as my babies are growing up.

To my mother-in-law - you welcomed me into your family long before Brad ever asked me to marry him.  I have never felt like an outsider or that I didn't belong, and I have you to thank for that.

And finally, to my wonderful husband, my sweet Baby Jack, and Peanut - you made me a mommy!  It is my most treasured role...my most important job.  I work every day to be great at it for you because you all deserve the best.  My life would be incomplete without each of you, and I hope you know how much I love you.  Thank you for giving me the greatest gifts on earth:)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Future College Roommates? Perhaps.

Peeking out of Madison and Cooper's playground

Last Saturday we headed down to the Rappahannock River to celebrate a very special birthday.  Brad's best friends from college, Drew and Lindsay, have a son who is a month older than Jack.  Cooper was having a 3rd birthday party - a dinosaur party, and we couldn't wait to see Jack and Cooper play together.

Scoping out the pinata with Daddy

Lindsay did a super job planning the party - I was very impressed.  The kids were occupied for two straight hours with nothing but dinosaur-driven activities: digging for dinosaurs, hunting for dinosaur eggs, a dinosaur adoption, a dinosaur coloring station, dinosaur fruit snacks and chicken nuggets...it was simply amazing.  Jack thoroughly enjoyed himself!

In fact, here he is taking his very first swing at a pinata - a dinosaur pinata to be exact.

Scooping up some candy...even though he doesn't like to eat any of it!

The birthday boy and his dinosaur ice cream cake - so yummy:)

Uncle Drew, Cooper, and Jack playing with birthday toys after opening presents.

It was so fun to see Drew, Lindsay, Madison, and Cooper.  On the way home, Brad and I were talking about how much we miss hanging out with them.  We'll have to make it a point to see each other more often...we'd love for our kids to be close friends growing up.  

Who knows?  Maybe one day, Jack and Cooper will be roommates at JMU just like their daddies:)