Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Observant One

Every five years, teachers in Virginia are required to renew their teaching license.  As part of my licensure renewal, I had to take a First Aid and CPR course, which I completed last night.

This morning, as we were all getting ready for work/school, I told my family that I had an announcement to make: I could now save their lives in a medical emergency.

I heard Brad whisper to Hannah, "No, she couldn't."

So I started to defend myself by listing off my new skill-set: rigid splints, soft splints, compression wraps, Epi-pen administration, CPR, stop bleeding, and the use of an AED.

Brad especially didn't believe that I could operate an AED.  So he asked me, "What does AED stand for?"

To which I replied, "I don't know, but I know how to use one to save your life."

He laughed, I laughed, Hannah laughed, and then Brad shared that he knew that I wouldn't know the answer to that question before he even asked.

"Notice how Daddy makes fun of me?" I asked Hannah.

"Yeah...I noticed that a long time ago!" she giggled.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

First Comes Love

Our neighbor friends came over to play with the kiddos today.  In their adventures, Riley and Emerson found a giant, two-headed, stuffed snake, so Jack was making it hiss and pretending to have it crawl towards the girls.

One of them shared that she didn't like snakes, so Jack took it upon himself to tell her that his daddy used to breed snakes.  "Do you know what breed means?" he asked.

As I tried to figure out the best way to intervene, Jack explained as best he could.

"It means when two snakes love each other and they make a completely new snake!"

So I quietly walked away and jotted that little nugget down so that I wouldn't forget how completely tactful and appropriate my little man was in explaining a tricky subject to his four year old friends.

And then I smiled because, somewhere along the way, he's learned that loves come first :)