Sunday, September 30, 2012

Between the hours of 4 and 9 pm

I was singing along with the radio on the way home, and Jack asked me to stop.  When I asked why, he stated that he was "allergic to singing."  At least he's polite:)

Hannah Bear tried to wipe my nose with a tissue, completely unsolicited.

While I was in the middle of feeding the puppy dogs, Hannah made her usual beeline for the dog food.  Before I knew it, my girl and I were wrestling for dog food and she gasped and reached for more.

When I was cooking dinner, Hannah stood beneath me, tugging at my dress.

Once again, while we ate, Hannah was voraciously eating her food like someone might try to take it away from her.  She even lifted her plate to see if any more grapes were hiding underneath it.  I love that about her:)

When I asked Jack whether he wanted stickers or a lollipop as a reward, he replied, "Eww, that's a tough one."

I was trying a new job chart with Jack to get him to help me a little bit more around the house.  It's not going wonderfully.  Tonight, I found it squirreled away.  Pretty sure he's trying to help me forget about it all together!

These little lovelies definitely keep me on toes - that's for sure!

Moments ago...

Moments ago I stole a few minutes from a busy, Sunday evening.

I snuck into Jack's bedroom and snuggled up next to him under his Spider-man covers.  He quietly said, "Awesome.  Thanks for checking on me," with that adorable, little-boy smile I love.

You see, we're both trying to adjust to a quicker tuck-in routine, and the truth is, I miss our night-time snuggle as much as he does.

One day, sooner than I want it to appear, it will no longer be welcomed to cuddle in close with Jack, and I want to soak it up while I can.

We laid there, staring up at the full moon, just watching in silence.  Those moments - they're at the top of the charts for me.  And maybe for him, too.

I mean, he did say, "Awesome."

Friday, September 21, 2012

Little Scientist, Little Sister

It seems that we have a little scientist on our hands.  Today, on Jack's progress report from school, his teacher mentioned that he can't get enough of the new science topics that they introduce.  He's always very interested to learn as much as he can, she wrote, and recently, he enjoyed learning about finger prints and "trying to find the cookie thief."  I can tell you with certainty, he did not get this interest or specialty from me.  I would not have passed chemistry without Brad's help {for those of you who don't know or have forgotten - Brad and I met in high school, my sophomore year during a chemistry class.  I was seated next to him by the teacher in hopes of quieting him down:)}.  I also would not have passed physics my junior year without his help.  And in college?  When I took geology because I figured, "Seriously, how hard can rocks be?"  Let's just say they can be trickier than you'd imagine.  I'm a language arts and social studies kind of girl - through and through.

Seems like maybe Jack will take after his daddy in this cute!
In other news, Miss Hannah can say, "Jack."  Most of the time, she says, "Jack-Jack!" but it usually comes out sounding like, "Gack-Gack!"  We don't care one bit - it's the sweetest sound in the world.  I think we're both more excited about that than when she first said, "mama," or, "dada."  Such a bright girl, and what a happy big brother!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Family Photos

For a couple of years now, we've been having our family photos taken at The Picture People in the mall, and I've never been disappointed.

In fact, the sheer fact that I have any pictures at all to share with you from our latest session means no less than the photographer was a super star.  Let's just say that the littles were not cooperating on that afternoon:)

I already shared my favorite from the day, but here are some others you might enjoy:

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


This past weekend, Ryan and I took the kids to a local farm to do some apple-picking.  It was a lot of work and a lot of walking, but we had such a good time.  I love trying to find new things to do with the kids, and apple-picking outside on a beautiful, fall day seemed like something they'd enjoy.  And they did.  Not only did we get to pick apples, but they got to jump on a giant pillow, see some animals, play on a playground, go down a huge slide, take a tractor ride, and have lunch on a farm.

But without a stroller (due to rough terrain) and carrying a big diaper bag and two cameras:), Ryan and I were exhausted by the time we got back into the car.  Hannah fell asleep before we made it out of the country, and Jack napped very well once we got home.  We have tons of apples (which is funny because had I gone to the store to buy apples, I would've bought three, but now we have close to 20).  And lots of great pictures...see for yourself!

{oh, that dimple kills me}

{again, with the dimples - this time, her elbow}

{off in the distance...Aunt Jessica's wedding location!}

{one of my favorite sibling shots EVER}

We had so much fun - I can't wait to take them back there!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Grandparents Day

Happy Grandparents Day!

It's only taken four years, but we were finally able to pull something together in time for Grandparents Day so that the littles could deliver a little "present" to their grandparents.  And if I'm being completely honest, it wouldn't have happened without a helpful reminder from Aunt Ryan:)

After our Father's Day project, I learned that Hannah isn't ready for handprints just yet, so we settled on a footprint butterfly (and let me just say, it took both Brad and me to get those perfect, little footprints...and several attempts as well).  I found both project ideas on Pinterest.  I might be slightly addicted.


Grammy and Grampy,
Jack and Hannah love spending Wednesday evenings with you, eating at IHOP, and shopping for holidays.  

Grandma and Grandpa,
Jack and Hannah love spending days with you on the weekend, going to the movies, and eating at McDonald's or Chuck E. Cheese's.

To both sets of grandparents,
Thank you for loving our babies so much.  It is so special to all of us that we live so close and are able to see one another often.  We are so happy that the kids get to grow up being around each of you and spending as much time with you as they do.  They are lucky, and we know this!  We love you!

And finally, to my grandma and Jack and Hannah's Great-Grandma Stella,
We love you so much.  Even though we don't get to see you that often, we think about you every day.  My memories of spending time with you when I was a little girl are very special - I remember making chocolates, celebrating birthdays at your house, and dressing up for Easter to look for Easter eggs.  I am so happy that you are a part of Jack and Hannah's lives.  You are so generous with them, and they love receiving presents from Great-Grandma Stella, but even if you never bought them another thing - they'd love you just the same!  We hope you are doing well, and we'll see you soon!  I love you.


Grandpa - I miss you still.  Every day.  You would have loved Jack and Hannah so much!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

9/11 Heroes Run and Tackleboxes

This weekend, Aunt Jess invited us to join her for the 9/11 Heroes Run in our area.  Actually, she invited us to walk the 5K with her.  I decided that not only was it for a great cause, but that we would have a great time.  So early this morning, I dressed the littles up in red, white, and blue (if I've failed to mention that I love all things patriotic before on this blog, forgive me), packed up the littles and our double stroller, and we headed off to the race.

We had a little trouble locating it, but once we got there, we were all set.  The weather was beautiful, and we had so much fun.  We did, however, only end up walking the mile, but it was perfect just the same.  And probably a good call since the littles probably wouldn't have made it through a 5k:)

{note: the roads were closed down except for race traffic, so I was not just letting Jack run wild in the open streets}

{last photo: courtesy of the volunteer fire department}


This is for Daddy: Tonight, Brad gave Jack some tackle boxes to organize his tiny toys so that Hannah can't get ahold of them and put them in her mouth.  It started because Jack opened a lego toy that he got for his birthday with lots of little pieces.  They went off to the basement, and the next thing I know, Jack has three tackleboxes: one for his super hero Squinkies, one for other Squinkies, and one for rocks.  Jack collects rocks.  But his rocks didn't go in the tackle box, Brad let Jack go through his own rock collection and choose more rocks for his new tackle box.  Jack was so excited about these boxes.  He sorted for at least an hour.  And then just carried them around.  Brad said he'd remember this night for the rest of his life.  That seems blog-worthy:)  I love those boys.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Hot Dogs

Tonight we had a slightly scary, and then very funny episode at the dinner table.

I had made the kids hot dogs, and Jack was being a little overzealous.  He took a little too-large bite, and I could tell it got stuck for a moment before he coughed and was fine.

But he immediately said, "I just swallowed a whole piece down my tummy.  It hurt a little.  I almost died." {insert huge grin}

We had a little chat about appropriately-sized bites.  But at least he's learning to lay on the drama!

I Won't Be That Mom

This was Jack's homework this week - yes, that's right.  I said homework.  And we're just going to move right past that into the real reason behind this post because otherwise we'd be here for days.  We finished his homework last night, and he took it into school this morning to proudly show his class during show and share.

He was enjoying himself last night as he worked.  He was excited to talk about each of the sections, and he loved that he was doing the work himself, with the exception of the family motto.  I wonder how one (one that is four years old) is supposed to know about family mottos and then choose one that reflects his family dynamics.  Can that be done in pictures?  I surely don't know.  So we talked and then I wrote it - couldn't figure that one out without doing some writing of my own.  I promise I tried.

Anyway, so he came up with the family colors.  He knows his and mine and Brad's favorite colors, and then makes the assumption that Hannah loves pink:)  For the family symbol, he started by drawing Gracie and Belle, and then drew each of us and Spider-man!  The family tradition is meant to reflect visiting the turtles at the local nature preserve.

But when we finished working on it last night, and I was celebrating his hard work, Jack made the comment that one of his friend's papers looked prettier.  I just told Jack how great it was that he'd done the work all by himself and that his artwork was wonderful, and how much I loved it.  But it made me sad that he was comparing his creative piece of art to one that was done mostly by parents.

As a teacher, I could never understand projects that would come back done completely by parents.  I remember thinking, "I am with your child every day.  I see the work that they produce when working independently.  Do you not think I'll notice that this project is perfect?  And completely different from anything else he/she has done before?"  I remember feeling badly for the students who did the assignment themselves, but noticed the difference between their work and their peers'.

I refuse to do assignments for my babies.  Their work is important - just the way they envision it - that's how it should be.  I do not want to send the message that what they do is not good enough by doing it better or by doing it myself.  I know this.  In my core.  I only hope that the teachers that they will one day have will also value the work that they do for themselves and celebrate their hard work the way I surely will.

Monkey - your Coat of Arms is beautiful.  I had so much fun watching you work and talking about our family with you.  I love you, Little Man.  You make me proud!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Dear Momma,

Today I am most thankful for you, my sister - you are making me an Auntie, and it's a dream come true!  I can't even tell you how completely excited I am for this tiny, little baby of yours to join our family.

I am thrilled that Jack and Hannah will have a cousin so close in age.  I'm imagining sleep-overs and vacations and trick-or-treating and back to school shopping trips.

I can't wait to see how Jack looks after his baby cousin.  What will Hannah think of a baby at Grammy's?  Will she give the baby kisses?  Will Jack share his toys?

I am lucky and anxious to be able to cuddle another take newborn pictures and kiss chunky, baby cheeks.

I'm looking forward to shopping for tiny, newborn clothes and to planning the BEST BABY SHOWER EVER.

I can't wait to share stories my babies have loved and clothes that they once could wear.

But most of all, I'm thankful that I will get to share this raw, mothering experience with you.  That I will get a front seat to watching you transform the moment you hold that tiny baby in your arms for the first time.  This baby will teach you to love in ways you can't imagine.  He or she will teach you to be patient.  To be compassionate.  That things you think are the biggest deals right now, actually don't matter at all.  Not even a tiny, little bit.

Some days, all that matters is the way tiny fingers look in newborn fists.  Or the way your newborn's head fits perfectly in the nook on your shoulder.  Maybe it's the crystal, clear color in your newborn's eyes.  It might be the sound Baby makes at night, when you go in once, twice, maybe three times just to listen to him breathing (there - I said it - I think it's a boy!).  Or maybe it's dropping off the baby at daycare for the first time.  Or sending your little one off to Pre-K.

Some nights you will lay awake thinking about what your baby will be when he grows up.  Whether he  will play sports or write books.  How the curve of his chin and the shape of his tiny, baby nose might one day change.  And you will want to stop time.  You'll worry about the temperature of Baby's room and whether her (maybe?) crib is comfy enough.  You'll worry about her first broken heart.

These are the things that will matter soon.

I am so, so happy for you.

And so very thankful.



{Momma and Baby at 12 weeks}

PS - I'm also thankful for this afternoon light, that tutu (thanks Aunt Jess!), my baby girl, and her sweet brother who agreed to head to the window so his tiny sister would follow, allowing Mama to capture this picture: