Tuesday, September 18, 2012


This past weekend, Ryan and I took the kids to a local farm to do some apple-picking.  It was a lot of work and a lot of walking, but we had such a good time.  I love trying to find new things to do with the kids, and apple-picking outside on a beautiful, fall day seemed like something they'd enjoy.  And they did.  Not only did we get to pick apples, but they got to jump on a giant pillow, see some animals, play on a playground, go down a huge slide, take a tractor ride, and have lunch on a farm.

But without a stroller (due to rough terrain) and carrying a big diaper bag and two cameras:), Ryan and I were exhausted by the time we got back into the car.  Hannah fell asleep before we made it out of the country, and Jack napped very well once we got home.  We have tons of apples (which is funny because had I gone to the store to buy apples, I would've bought three, but now we have close to 20).  And lots of great pictures...see for yourself!

{oh, that dimple kills me}

{again, with the dimples - this time, her elbow}

{off in the distance...Aunt Jessica's wedding location!}

{one of my favorite sibling shots EVER}

We had so much fun - I can't wait to take them back there!

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