Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Good Citizens

Today as I was driving the kiddos home from daycare, Hannah was chatting (as she typically does) in the back seat.  She said something about how on one of the days when "we're just lazy-ing around," we should pick up trash instead.

"Hmm...maybe.  What gave you that idea?"

"Well, if we pick up trash, that would be us being good citizens."

And I smiled.  Because I know that she is learning about citizenship in kindergarten, just like my first graders are studying citizenship now.  And she's obviously paying attention and soaking it all in.  It makes my mama-heart and my teacher-heart oh, so very happy.

Now, I guess I need to plan a clean-up excursion with my not-so-tiny peanut.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016


While we were eating dinner tonight (and when I say dinner, what I really mean is a frozen meal I heated up because I am so very, very tired), we were talking about after dinner snacks as we were trying to convince Hannah to at least try the chicken enchiladas.

Jack was listing the various things he might have eaten if he finished his dinner, and at some point, I shared the fact that I often eat a bowl of cereal right before I go to bed.  (Don't judge.)

Jack was intrigued by this fun fact: "Really?" he asked.

"Yeah, I do it a lot.  Why?"

"Aww...that's so adorable."

Just like that.  It was the cutest thing, and I immediately smiled and jotted it down.  I'm not sure what is so adorable about me eating breakfast right before bed, but the fact that Jack had that reaction to it was the most adorable part.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Back to School

Today was a very big day.  It was the first day of school, and somehow I woke up to a third grader and a kindergartner!  I was surprised at how smoothly we were able to get up, get ready, take pictures, and get everyone to school in plenty of time.

Aside from a comedy of errors when we were in the Kiss & Ride line, all went smoothly.  Hannah couldn't open the car door, Jack had to climb over her seat, his foot got stuck in her armrest, and then he nearly fell out of the car and onto the curb as Hannah tumbled out after him.  But after they were both firmly on their feet, I said I love you, and I watched as my two babies walked towards the front doors, hand in hand.  And my mama-heart just soared.

Tonight, we are exhausted, understandably.  But I will leave you with some of my favorite back to school photos from our day!

Our babies aren't so small anymore

First Day of Third Grade

1st Day of Kindergarten

They were so excited and happy!

And very patient with my picture-taking

My loves

Excuse my florescent orange shirt, but that was our first day of school uniform :)

Hannah and one of her best friends on the mid-day bus to daycare...looks like she had a good day!

Look, Mama - no tears!

I couldn't have asked for a better first day experience.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Silent Sunday

{printable available here)

Our back-to-school teacher gifts are ready to go!