Monday, September 30, 2013

Circus Schmircus

Well, this weekend was a bust.

Late Thursday night, Brad woke me up because Jack was coughing like crazy.  I say coughing, but really it was more like a bark.  We set up the humidifier, and he seemed to settle in.  Friday morning, when I went to wake him up, I could tell right away that he had a fever.  Lucky for me, Brad was able to stay home and telecommute so that Jack could stay home and rest.

I went off to work, but on my way in, I was feeling under the weather myself.  My throat was sore, and as the day progressed, I started to lose my voice.  Friday night, I was feeling so icky that I actually cancelled our house-cleaning plans for Saturday.  You know it's bad when that happens...

Saturday morning was worse - like razorblades across my throat.  Jack still had a fever.  And Hannah?  She was starting to cough, too.  We did not like where this was going.  We were scheduled to attend the circus at 4.  We'd bought tickets months ago.  Jack had been looking forward to it for weeks.  Hannah had never been.  We wanted this so bad, but we needed a miracle.

It didn't come.  We knew we couldn't go.

We called around to see if anyone could go in our place, and no one else was available.  Those poor tickets went to waste.  Jack was a trooper though - when Daddy broke the news to him, he didn't cry.  He is sad he has to wait another year, but he understood, and we were thankful for that.

On top of having to cancel our circus plans, we also had to cancel our Sunday Steak Dinner plans with our neighbors.  They have preemie twins, so there was no way we could expose them to these germs.

So our weekend was a bummer.  But on the other hand?  We had a low-key, nap-a-lot weekend, and after lots of extra sleep on Saturday, I did feel better.  Just not great.

Lucky for us, Jack's and Hannah's fever went away before the weekend was through.  They both have residual coughs and are taking breathing treatments before bed, but at least they feel better.

Me?  I feel okay, except I sound awful, and my throat feels raw.  It's a tricky thing when you're a teacher, and you lose your voice.  Or when you have two, loud little lovelies and you lose your voice, for that matter.  But I'm managing.

The worst part?

It's a tie between having to tell Jack we couldn't go to the circus and not getting to eat circus food.  Because you know I'm all about the circus food.

And Hannah would be, too.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Not too tired/busy to notice...

Just this evening:

Hannah likes to hold my hand sometimes when she's sad in the car.  This can be tricky depending on where we're driving.  Tonight, when she started to cry because I couldn't hold her hand?  The best, big brother in the whole-wide-world said, "Here Hannah, you can hold my hand."

And she stopped.  And we rode like that for miles and miles.

So seriously sweet.


While we were tucking Hannah into bed, I called her Hannah Bear.

She looked at me and said, "I'm not Hannah Bear."

"You're not?"

"I Hannah."

Just like that.  She's now trying to get rid of my nickname for her.  And I'm not having it.


Jack is loving school.  Loving it.  He thinks it's awesome, and every day, he comes home and tells me about the new things he's learning without me having to ask.  He's learning the days of the week and the months, he's learning the names of various coins, he knows when his birthday is and what country and state he lives in.  He's soaking it all up, and I'm so happy that he's so happy.  It makes my mommy/teacher heart soar:)


Yesterday, I borrowed a book from Jack's bookshelf to read to my class.  I did it under the radar so that he wouldn't be upset, and since we don't read it very often, I knew I'd be able to return it before he went looking for it.

After we tucked Hannah into bed, we went into Jack's room, and I asked him to choose a story.

"Let's read that book about the bear that gets tricked."

"Which bear?"  (thinking surely he's not talking about the book that I borrowed, we have lots of bear books)

"You know...the one with the vegetables?"

My inner monologue - "Oh my goodness - how does he know I have that book?!?!  I have no choice."

"Oh, Buddy, I borrowed that book to read it to my class, and I forgot it at school today, but I can bring it home tomorrow night."

Jack: Completely devastated and bummed out, almost didn't want to read another story before bed.  He finally settled on Bear Snores On, another one of our bear favorites.

He caught me red-handed.  And wanted to read that book tonight just to see what I'd done with it.  He's so, so smart.  And absolutely nothing gets by that kid.  Nothing.


So even on what felt like the longest day, and when I'm so physically and emotionally exhausted - these things had to be documented.  They're just that good.

And a video for your viewing pleasure:

{Video: Hannah reads Everyone Poops}

Good night:)

Monday, September 23, 2013



This seems to be the only word in Hannah's vocabulary, which, in all honesty, is highly ironic since she almost never hears the word "no" spoken to her.

She looks so sweet and innocent right there.

But in reality?

Everything is, "No - I don't want to."


Time to take a bath, time to go potty, time to change your pull-up, time to eat dinner, time to clean up our toys, time to _____ (fill-in-the-blank).

"No, I don't want to."

I can already tell our teenage years will be nothing but fun.  Somehow we've made the feistiest, sassiest, most strong-headed girl on the planet.

The other night we argued over going potty before bed for a good 10 minutes before I just gave up.  Any suggestions on how one might make someone else use the potty?  Time-out didn't work.  She went boneless.  She flailed around like a crazy person.  She continued to say, "No, I don't want to."  And as far as I can tell, I couldn't physically put her on the potty without hurting her or myself.  So she won.  And I was not happy.

Here's how she posed for her cubby picture at school:

Yep, that's our girl:)  She normally loves to have her picture taken, but since it was someone else's idea and not her own - this was the face she gave.

We see that face a million times a day.  Often followed by high-pitched squeals and screams - she threw  five tantrums today at the mall in the two hours we were there.  Five.  In public.



In other news...

We've known for awhile that Miss Hannah has some "junk in the trunk" if you know what I'm sayin'.  But lately, her teachers have noticed and commented as well on her cute, little body and the fact that her pants fit her so nicely except for the fact that they don't ever quite cover her tushy.  She's a 2T everywhere except her tushy - that's a 3T/4T, and I'm not exaggerating:)


Tonight Hannah "read" her first book, Everyone Poops.  It was the cutest thing, and it's now my life's mission to get it on video.

We'll have to ask her permission to videotape first, of course.

Keep your fingers crossed;)

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Weekend Update (x2)

Our past two weekends have been really full and fun, and I don't want to forget about them.

I'm sure you could tell from our Grandparent's Day post that we spent the day with Grammy and Grampy.  Brad was out of town for work that weekend, and Grandma and Grandpa were off enjoying a beautiful Alaskan Disney cruise.  I know, we were jealous, too.

The kids and I decided that on Saturday night, we would spend the night at Grammy and Grampy's new house.  Jack and Hannah had been asking to have a sleepover for a long time, but I certainly didn't want to stay at our house completely by myself, and we all thought it would be fun to have one big pajama party.

Saturday morning, Ryan and Dylan came over to a play for a little bit.  The kids had a good time in the ball pit with their cousin:)

After we had played with Ryan and Dylan, had the house cleaned, and put all of our groceries away and got ourselves a tiny bit organized, we went to one of Jack's friend's birthday party.  Jack had a very good time, but Hannah Bear was a little too shy to play.

On our way home from the party, we passed Grammy and Grampy on their motorcycles, coming home after a ride.  We made a U-Turn and followed them home; Jack and Hannah love to watch Grammy and Grampy on their motorcycles!

Then we went home for a bit to pack up our things, and headed over for the sleepover at about dinner time.  Grammy and I made an easy kids' dinner for Jack and Hannah, and they both played with their new toys from Grammy and Grampy, a Star Wars Lego set for Jack, and a new baby doll for Hannah.  Afterwards, we ordered pizza for the adults and watched Iron Man.  We gave the kids a bath in Grammy and Grampy's tub, and while I had fully intended to have an all-out dance party, by the time we got around to it, it was too late, and we'd probably have woken the neighbors.  We ended up putting Jack and Hannah to bed in their new room for the first time.  It was a low-key and relaxing evening, and while I had packed school stuff to do after the kids went to bed, I didn't even open my bags.

(where we found one of Hannah's babies)

I spent the night snuggled in bed next to my little lovelies, and the next morning, we made breakfast and played before meeting up with Ryan and Dylan, and heading off to the Grandparent's Day Festival in my parents' new neighborhood.  It was really fun - they had bounce houses, temporary tattoos (which my kids love!), sno-cones, popcorn, and hot dogs.  Jack also got to climb into a fire truck!  The kids and I had a blast, and I think Grammy and Grampy had a good time, too.

Thanks for such a great weekend, Grammy and Grampy!  We hope you had as much fun as we did!


Last weekend was another awesome weekend because Daddy finally came home from his work trip.  The kids and I were so excited to see him on Friday night.  His plane landed around 4:30, so I tried to rush after school to get the kids and get home in time to make a Welcome Home banner for Daddy's side of the garage before he got home.  We almost made it!

Instead, Daddy got to help the littles make the banner:)

We ordered dinner and just enjoyed spending time all together after so many days apart.

Last Saturday was a beautiful day, so we took the kids to the park.  I was sure it would be crowded because it was so pretty, but only one other family was there, and it was very nice to have so much room to run around.  Jack went across the monkey bars all by himself for the very first time - we were so proud of him!

{Video: Jack on the Monkey Bars}

(This video was taken after he'd already gone across several times - his poor arms were tired!)

Saturday night, we ran some errands and then on Sunday, we just spent a lazy day at home together.  

It was another perfect weekend, for sure.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

a beautiful day

our saturday was spent like this:

and we wouldn't have it any other way!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Goodbyes are never easy

It's been about a month since the puppies moved away.  Most days, we do pretty well.  The kiddos only ask about them now and then, and we've adjusted to life without dogs.

But every now and then, it's like a sucker-punch to the gut.

Brad's been traveling a lot for work, and I've been staying up late doing school work and finding my first grade bearings.  Yesterday, I was checking on the little lovelies, and I came back down the hall towards my room, when I caught myself looking forward to seeing my puppy dogs all curled up in their beds, snoring and sighing away.

And then I remembered that they were gone, and it made me cry.  Randomly, after a month, just standing in the middle of the upstairs hallway like, "Where in the world did that just come from?!"

I missed their smell.  Not the wet-dog smell or the bad puppy breath smell, but that warm, sleepy fur smell that was here when they slept next to my side of the bed.

I guess I got used to having the extra company when Brad was away, and now it's just so very quiet once Jack and Hannah are in bed.

I texted our friend Joe today to let him know to give them kisses from me, and he sent me this picture of Gracie-girl:

Isn't she just so perfectly beautiful?

Belle was in the picture, too, but she heard something as Joe snapped the picture, and she was off!  Sounds just like Belle!

When it's really hard and I miss the girls so much, I think about how Jack hasn't gotten blotchy in three weeks.  About how he rarely sneezes.  About how soon he'll be able to come off of his inhaler.

And I think, I can do this.

For that boy?  I would do anything.


Also, while Hannah is loving her old school once again, she is not loving the policy of no binkies allowed in the two's room.  Mama's having a hard time, too, but I try not to let her see that.  Today, I hid her binky when I dropped her off, and when I picked her up, and she asked me for it, I told her I didn't know where it was.  That it went bye-bye because she was such a big girl, and she doesn't need it anymore.  She was very unhappy.

But eventually she got over it and started playing.  She asked me again before bedtime, and she cried a little when I put her down for the night, but everyone's right - it's time.  I know this.  I just hate to see that little girl sad.

She fell asleep after only a few short minutes.  I scurried around, found all the binkies and hid them away.  I cannot go backwards this time.  I cannot.

Please don't let me.

If fact, if someone could come over here and hide them from me, that would be wonderful.


Just don't throw them away.  At least not the pink one - I need it as a keepsake.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Silent Sunday

{Happy Grandparent's Day!}

To Grammy and Grampy, and to Grandma and Grandpa, who are on their way back from a fabulous Alaskan cruise: We love you, and we, and our babies, are so lucky to have you as such a big part of our daily lives.  

Friday, September 6, 2013

Mama Bear Has Spoken

It's been a tough couple of days, but we are here and we are happy.

Today, our babies returned to their former daycare.  After three weeks of trying to make it work and trying to help Hannah adjust, I decided that it just wasn't the place for us.  Hannah has never been more miserable, and in my mommy-gut, I was just not impressed.  In fact, I was completely underwhelmed.  And every day that I went in and Hannah still didn't have her name or her photo on her cubby made it worse.  When I dropped Hannah off Thursday morning, yet again not in her own classroom and with a teacher that she was unfamiliar with and didn't know her name, I made the decision to call our old school to see if they had space for our little lovelies.

Thank goodness, they did.

Within twenty-four hours, new job and all, I had pulled them out of their current school, prepared an emergency contact list for the change, emailed Jack's kindergarten teacher so she would be aware of where to send Jack after school, called the front office, packed their school materials, and had taken them back to where they belong.

When we walked in this morning, the teachers and staff cheered and welcomed us with open arms.  Free of charge today!

Hannah was upset when I left - I knew she would be.  Too much has been going on, and she doesn't feel settled.  And I get it.

But when I got there this afternoon?

She was smiling and playing outside with her friends.  Sans lovey and binky.  She had a wonderful day - ate her whole lunch and napped like a doll.  She is happy.

And Jack?  Jack was like a mini-celebrity when he got back to the school after kindergarten.

He and his "girlfriend" Lola were once again inseparable.

They are so happy.  And so am I.

My job?

I haven't worked this hard in years.  But like I said, I am happy.  I feel fulfilled - I am doing something that really matters to me.  I am surrounding myself with little ones who, for the most part, are eager to learn. I realize the weight of that responsibility, but it makes me feel good.

It's what I was meant to do.

I appreciate your patience while I find my bearings in a new job and new grade level:)

And when I'm not working?  I'm soaking up these little ones.  Forgive me.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

First Day

Today was a big day.  And I have to write about it before I can sleep.  Because I want to remember it - it was that big.

Today was Jack's first day of kindergarten.

This morning, when I went in to wake Jack up, I sang him our good morning song, as usual, and snuggled up next to my little man.  I was rubbing his back and talking about what a big day it was for him.  And do you know what he said?  His first words today?  Barely a whisper, he said, "I'm scared." So I put on my brave face and told him there was nothing to be scared of and about all of the fun he would have.

Jack decided he would prefer that I drop him off at school rather than he ride the bus, so that's just what we did.  We dropped off Hannah Bear (who did slightly better today - no screaming, just teary-eyes!), and then we drove to Jack's new school.  I got out and gave him a hug, and he whispered that he was scared and couldn't remember where to go.  And as bravely as I could, I walked him to a complete stranger, explained that he was starting kindergarten and didn't know where to go, and before I knew it, he was whisked off to the building where teachers would help to guide him.  I called out to him, "I love you, Jack - have a good day!"

And just like that - he was gone.

I had no choice but to get in my car and drive away.

I cried the entire way to work.  But not in front of Jack.  

And my little man?  He didn't cry at all - he was so brave.

I simply could not have been more proud of him today.  My heart was just bursting at the seams.

He had a great day - he said it was awesome:)  He said they took a tour of the classroom and had circle time.  They talked about the weather and used straws to count the day of school.  He said they played on the playground and that he didn't cry when he got a little scrape on his ankle.  He said he loved the bus ride to his new daycare.  But that he doesn't want to ride the bus in the morning.  He said kindergarten is great, and I just couldn't be happier.

Today was a big day.  Indeed.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Silent Sunday

{best - husband - ever: do you see those bookshelves?}