Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thankful Thanksgiving Thursday

There are so many reasons to be thankful today...

Here's a list of some of the things that I'm most thankful:

*my loving husband, and our very precious, baby boy

*my family whom I miss very much today

*Brad's family whom helped to make this holiday a fun one

*my new Mac from which I am typing on AS WE SPEAK:)

*our health (you know...hives, runny noses, and sinus infections aside.  It could be worse.  We know this, and we are thankful it is not.)

*my new camera lens which allowed me to take these precious photos today

*our beautiful home, especially our newly decorated, grown-up bedroom.  Oh, how I love you!

*my puppy dogs, whose unabashed love for playing and rolling in the leaves reminded me to enjoy the simple things

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Happy Birthday, Rypie!

{Picture Coming Soon}

Today is my little sister's 27th birthday.  Jack and I came home from school and painted her a special picture frame, and then we went out to dinner with Ryan and John and my parents to celebrate.  We had a very nice time despite Jack's fussy mood, and I ate WAY too much.  I think Ryan liked her presents:)

Ryan, we love you like crazy.  It is so great for us to spend time together and for you to spend time with Baby Jack.  He adores you, and if you only knew the number of times he "calls" you in the middle of the day to say, "I went to school, and I went to church, and I went to the store.  I went potty like a big boy.  Okay, I love you, buh-bye," you would realize just how much he really does love you.  I know we owe you a picture for your soon as the computer is back together.  I promise.

We also wanted to say congratulations on a two year endeavor that we are oh so proud of you for.  The strength and courage you have displayed these past two years is remarkable, and we are so happy for you.  It was amazing to celebrate that accomplishment with you, and I'm so thankful for the relationship that we have today.  You have worked so hard to make that happen, and I thank you.  I love you so much.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Saturday Silliness

Sorry it's been so long since my last post.  We're trying to switch computers over, and it hasn't been as smooth of a transition as I'd hoped.  My goal is to have everything up and running by Tuesday evening, so we'll see. 

I have pictures to share with this post, but I can't upload them just yet, so I'll have to add them later.  Still, you may enjoy the stories...

Today, Jack was driving his car around the main level.  He drove it right into a corner, and when Daddy offered to help him back up and turn around, Jack popped out of the car.  Here's how their conversation went:

Daddy:  Jack, do you want me to help you turn around?

Jack: No.

Daddy: What are you going to do now?

Jack: I'm going to go play wit sumpting else.

And that he did.  Leaving the car in the corner by the coat rack.


Later this evening, we took Jack to Chik-Fil-A for dinner.  Afterwards, I remembered that I still needed to give him his vitamin (since he refuses to eat anything that comes close to a vegetable).

Mommy: Jack, come here, I have your vitamin for you.

Jack: I'll be there in just a second (as he busily played with his Toy Story friends).

He's just such a good, little communicator these days.  He keeps us on our toes, that's for sure!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy Birthday, Grampy!

We had so much fun celebrating your birthday with you tonight!  You are very loved, and we hope you enjoy your Jack-painted picture frame.  Jack can't wait to play with your new toy car with you once its batteries are charged!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Child Prodigy? We Think So.

And we have hard-core evidence:

1.  While working with magnetic letters, Jack very clearly spelled OPEN on the lid of the trash can.  By himself.  Not only can he obviously spell OPEN, but he also knows that's something we do to the trash can.

2.  While playing with Legos during a sick day with Daddy, Jack built this completely symmetrical Lego-man.  By himself.  Daddy was so thrilled.

Genius.  We're certainly beaming with pride.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Suspicions Confirmed

About a month or two before Jack was born, I found out we were having a baby boy (I hadn't wanted to know before then).  I was so excited and couldn't wait to raise a little man with Brad.  My first born.  A son.  I was thrilled.

About 30 seconds later, I realized that perhaps one day Baby Jack would grow up to play soccer.  I could be a soccer mom.  Practice in the afternoons, games on the weekends, soccer parties for the team.  So much to look forward to...if Baby Jack happened to like love soccer. 

The least I can do is expose him to soccer at an early age.  Perhaps this would make him more outgoing than I was.  I never played sports or took dance.  I don't really like organized, group activities, and I don't want him to be held back for the same reason.  So I decided to sign him up for SoccerTots. 

Yes, there is such a thing.

Jack's Fancy Footwork

Coach's Helper

I love him so much.

The agility of a superstar

I knew it.  My suspicions have been confirmed.  I did, indeed, birth the next Beckham.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A First Time for Everything

Yay ~

Before you have children, or at least before I had Jack, I always used to think about the little pitter-patter of feet that would come towards our bedroom.  I'd imagine a warm little toddler would hop up into our bed and snuggle amongst our pillows and blankets.

Then you have a baby and realize suddenly, that that's a long way off.  However, within a week of moving into his toddler bed, Jack finally realized that he could actually leave the room on his own accord.  And Saturday morning, he did just that. 

I was waking up, listening to the baby monitor for sounds that Jack was also waking up, when I heard the little pitter-patter of feet.  He was so proud of himself and hopped right up to snuggle with me for just a bit before we came down to get breakfast.  Be still my little heart...

It has happened every morning since, and I have to say...I absolutely am loving it:)


Bronchiolitis = an infection and inflammation of the very smallest breathing tubes in your child's lungs, called the bronchioles.  It is caused by infection with a virus, and as the small airways become narrow or blocked, you may hear wheezing as your child breathes.

Poor thing.  My heart just breaks every time he has to have his breathing treatment, but I was lucky enough to get to stay home with him yesterday and snuggle.  Today is Daddy's turn.  Tomorrow I'll be back.

Wish Jack well!

Monday, November 1, 2010

A Not-So Happy Halloween

Alternately Titled: Mother of the Year Award = FAIL

Perhaps you were wondering why I got this look yesterday?  Allow me to explain.

Yeah, so this would be the second time that someone else has clued me in to the fact that Jack may not be feeling so well.  When we went over to my mom and dad's to celebrate my mom's birthday on Saturday, she mentioned that Jack felt a little warm to her.  I hadn't noticed anything and suggested that perhaps it was because I'd just taken his warm coat off.  Incorrect.

After we got home, he seemed to go downhill rather quickly.  Super fussy - very warm.  He definitely had a  fever.  And, out of nowhere, a horrible, hacking cough.  It kept him up through some of the night.  He had a very rough Halloween.  Poor thing:(  He was not into trick-or-treating at all, and I was only able to get him into his costume for about 45 seconds. 

Here are some of our photos from the festivities:

Jack was convinced the potato head was missing from the packaging...

until Daddy showed him that the pieces were to make a Mr. Pumpkin Head!

Jack adored Mr. Pumpkin Head

This was the best picture of the three of them together

Jack and I made Halloween cookies

Then we tried to get dressed in his costume...

and as you can see,

he was not having it.

Oh well.

Maybe next year...