Monday, September 29, 2014

Just a Tiny Smidge

This is all I can give you tonight because I need to sleep in order to survive tomorrow.  Tomorrow is only Tuesday.  And it's a soccer day.  And bath night.  So you get it...

Last night, around 1:30, Hannah snuck into our bedroom and whimpered next to my side of the bed.  I hauled her up and snuggled her a few minutes before dragging myself from my warm spot and returning her to her nice, warm bed.

At 2:30, she returned.  I could sense her crawling up onto the ottoman to find her way under our covers, and my body just couldn't get up again.  So next to me she slept, you know, with her foot in my back and her hand on my face.  I was that tired...

This morning, I got up, took a shower, and got dressed, and then I came to get Miss Hannah to take her down for breakfast.  She sat up and I could see the lion's mane around her tiny head.  She looked at me, rolled over, and said, "Mommy, I'm going to sleep for just a little bit longer.  Just a tiny smidge."

Daddy, who had been fast asleep, smiled because of that adorableness.


Tonight, while I was simultaneously cooking two dinners (the kids don't like stir-fry...and as it turns out, neither does Brad, but this is not a post on how much I hate making dinner), Hannah came in to announce that she wanted me to come sit with her for "just a tiny smidge".  I had to explain that I couldn't because I was making dinner.

She came over to inspect what I was making.  She promptly stated that she didn't like broccoli or carrots, to which I said, "Hannah, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."

Johnny-on-the-spot replied, "I do, and it's please come sit with me."

I guess she won?  I was certainly speechless...

Friday, September 19, 2014

We must be doing something right.

Some days, at the end of a really hard week, it takes all I can muster to make it to bedtime on Friday night.  We've survived school-morning rushes, meltdowns over the clothes we refused to wear or the snacks we weren't allowed to eat.  I made dinners, washed dishes, packed lunches, lugged numerous bags and chairs to and from soccer practice, and read Ninjago and Olivia until I was blue in the face.  I wrote lesson plans, emailed parents, and paid bills.  It's a lot.

This parenting business is tricky work.

And at least several times I day I wonder if I'm doing it wrong.  Is there a better way?  How can I avoid this behavior tomorrow?  Surely, that is my fault...  Parents are inundated with these thoughts.  (I mean, we are.  Right?  It's not just me?)

So - at the tail-end of a very long and painful week, when all I want to do is scoop the kids up from school and rush home, but instead something happens that makes me smile, I think, "We must be doing something right."

Today, when I came into Hannah's classroom, she came running at me full-speed to share that she'd had two little accidents.  One is occasional; two is practically unheard of, so as I was pondering this situation, she continued.

"My bagina isn't feeling very well."

So while the two teachers looked over, and the little kids painted and read books and built things, I smiled.  Because my little three year old knows the precise name of her body parts (although, not quite the pronunciation).  And not only that - but she also knows when to use well in place of good.

So when a doctor's visit loomed and it's Friday night and soccer starts at 10 the next morning, I smiled.

"We must be doing something right," I thought.

Even if it's grammar.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Silly Teacher

This morning at drop-off, Hannah's new teacher shared with me some artwork that Hannah had done in class.  Miss Sheila also taught Jack when he was in the Three's room, but she's quickly learning that Jack and Hannah are two very different people :)

Here is Hannah's work:

The students have been talking about their families, and the teachers wanted to get a feel for where everyone was in regards to drawing people.  So they asked all of the lovely three year olds to draw a picture of someone from their family, and Miss Hannah chose to draw Jack.  She really loves her big brother!

Miss Sheila was going around commenting on everyone's work, and when she got to Hannah, she complimented Hannah on how nicely she had drawn silly Jack hanging upside down.  

To which Hannah, who promptly turned her paper upside down:

said, "Jack's not upside down, the silly words are upside down!"

Miss Sheila got quite a little kick out of that.  She told me she likes strong, independent personalities. 

It's a good thing ;)

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Super Stars

When Jack was about 1 1/2 years old, we enrolled in him in Soccer Tots.  We took him to tumbles classes and slowly, over time, that grew into swimming and soccer and Tae Kwon Do.  After Hannah was born, I took her along with me and kept her busy while Jack swam or played on the field.  At a very early age, she wanted up.  She wanted to be next to the pool, she wanted to be on the mats, she wanted to run around and kick her own soccer ball.

Over the past couple of weeks, Jack started practice, and Hannah couldn't understand why she didn't get to practice, too, after I'd told her that we'd signed her up for soccer.  She demanded that she wear her soccer gear to his practice, and then she'd sit on the sidelines and eat her snack.  I felt so bad :(

She's been very patient, but today was her day.

And boy, did she shine!

Pow-wow with the trainer 
(You'll notice Hannah is not wearing the shirt everyone else is wearing - she flat-out refused.)

Showing off her skills

Water break!

Her big brother was so proud of her and wanted her to know she was doing a great job :)

Keeping up with her teammates (there's only one other little girl on her team)

Sweaty girl and elbow dimples

Check out the form!


Anyone else look at this picture and see Jack?

Speaking of was Jack's first official game of the season.  It also happened to be the first game he's ever played where the score was kept and the coaches had to coach from the sidelines.  I could tell he was really nervous when it first started, but he found his stride eventually.  It was a brutally hot day, so I'm sure they were both exhausted!

Goal kick

Ready to move up the field

Heading back to midfield

While Hannah was on the sidelines watching her brother play and fussing about her snack, she came over, grabbed my face in her chubby little hands, and said, "Mama, you're my super-star."

It was so precious.  But really?  These kids?  They're the super-stars, and I couldn't be more proud.

(By the way, if you don't receive my blog posts via email, you may miss the back-blogging posts that I add.  You can sign up for email notifications on the right sidebar of our page.  If you're interested, you can read about Jack's birthday celebrations here.)

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

First Day

Today was a big day around our house.

Our first-born headed off to first grade for the very first time. I was nervous and excited and scared for him all at once.  He may be six and growing taller by the day, but he's still my baby.  I want him to love school.  I want him to do well.  I want him to be brave and to make friends.  I want him to reach out to kids that are lonely.  I want other kids to like him.  I want him to listen to his teacher.

And I wonder what he wants or how he's feeling...  Last night, he mentioned that he was a little scared, but he didn't seem as committed to that feeling as he was on that very first morning of kindergarten.  He's getting braver, my boy.

This morning, we got up a little extra early so that I could take some first day pictures.  I think it's kind of losing it's shine for Jack, but Hannah was loving the chance to be a model :)

Would you guess that this last picture was my favorite from the morning?  It truly encapsulates this time in our lives...sibling rivalry and out-of-nowhere meltdowns.  

I love Hannah's face.  I love Jack's face and the fact that he's still touching the frame just enough to make Hannah make that face.  I love that Hannah wanted this picture to be all about her.  I love it all.  
Luckily, both kids had a great day.  Jack seems very excited about all things first grade, and Hannah did very well in the Three's room for her first full day with her new teachers.  They are sleepy little children, but they had fun and are excited for another day tomorrow.  For this, I am thankful.