Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My Latest Compliment

***Warning - If you don't want to hear a story about boogers, don't read the following!***

So for the past few days, Jack's been a little congested.  He hates to be congested, and he'll usually announce, "Mama, I got the boogers," which I happen to think is quite cute, but I do realize that it's because he's mine.

Tonight, I had to leave Daddy and Jack at bedtime because Hannah was super fussy and needed to be taken care of.  Over the monitor I heard Jack announce that "he had the boogers," and I could tell Daddy was doing his best to help Jack feel better.  

When I finally went back in to snuggle with Jack, I assumed all was well.  But before I was getting ready to leave, Jack said, "Mama, I got the boogers.  Daddy tried to get them, but you have to.  You're the best getter."

Is it weird that I felt a sense of pride from that statement?

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Newborn Photo Shoot

When I had Jack, I didn't leave the house for what felt like months.  I just couldn't get it all together - I wasn't feeling well, I was nervous about having to feed him in public, and the list of things I all of a sudden had to carry with me felt too overwhelming.  Needless to say, he was seven weeks old before I had his first professional pictures taken, and it's one of my biggest regrets.  I hadn't realized that you're really supposed to get newborn pictures taken within the first two weeks.

I knew that if we had more babies, I wanted to have newborn photos taken, but I also knew that they are very expensive.  The more I practiced with my camera, the more I thought I may be able to take the pictures myself.  If the project ended in failure, I could always rush to a studio...really, what was the worst that could happen?

Turns out the worst that could happen is that Baby may not sleep as soundly as you'd hoped and may go to the bathroom on every backdrop you have:)  But the pictures I got of my little girl at just 13 days old?  Let's just say, I'm very pleased!

Not bad, right?

Monday, August 29, 2011

Just Jack

My little man's been cracking us up, as usual...enjoy these little snippets, why don't you?


While organizing train track pieces with his daddy, Brad informed him that a piece didn't fit with another piece.  Jack's response?

"I submit that it does."

A phrase he learned from his daddy, no doubt.  But we were pretty impressed that he used it correctly:)


Jack and Daddy ran up to Walgreens the other night to pick up a prescription.  On the way home, they were playing a game they call "favorite things."  Apparently, Brad asked Jack what Daddy's favorite things were.  Jack came up with this list:

red lights and green lights

Too funny!


Before heading off to work the other day, Brad asked Jack to "be a good boy for mommy."  As Jack gave kisses and hugs and waved goodbye, he shouted, "Be a good daddy!"


The following is a conversation I observed between Jack and Hannah:

Jack: Hannah, you came out of mommy's belly.  That must've been fun!

Hannah: {crickets}

Jack:  I took a really long time, huh?

Hannah: {crickets}

(He didn't seem to mind her lack of response in the least, thank goodness.)


While clarifying what he wanted for dinner, Jack told me that he wanted "regular noodles.  Not other noodles.  Those are not my favorite.  I just want regular noodles, Mama."  Meaning, buttered noodles instead of noodles with spaghetti sauce.  Got it.  Coming right up!


The other morning, Hannah Bear was a bit fussy, and I must have said something to Jack like, "She did not like that."

He chimed in with, "Not one little bit.  She did not like it, not one little bit."

I knew it came straight from a book I've read to him, but I couldn't place it right then.  I thought I'd ask Jack.

Without even stopping to think about, he replied, "The Cat in the Hat."

Right you were, my smart little man.


Because one day he'll say these words correctly, and I'll want to cry, I'm noting them hear so I can always remember...

mogurt = yogurt
bringrilla = umbrella

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Silent Sunday

{design by}

The quality isn't great because I had to scan it in, but I wanted to share Hannah's birth announcement. 

Coming soon - more newborn pictures I took myself!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Train Tracks and a Birthday

This morning after breakfast and feeding Hannah, I set to work on fixing Jack's train tracks.  A few weeks ago we got him some multi-level risers, but we hadn't had the time to really work on the tracks.  I was nervous about this task, for good reason.

In high school, I had to take this test where you had to look at diagrams of flat boxes, and determine what the box would actually look like if you put it together.  I failed.  With flying colors.  Spatial reasoning = not my forte.

So anyway, I figured how hard could a train track be that's built for three-year olds?  Very hard.  About two hours and twenty minutes into my attempt, this is what I had:

Jack was not pleased.  I took a picture and texted it to Brad, hoping for some suggestions.  Instead, he laughed.  I admit, the lack of skill is pretty funny.  He promised he'd work on it when he got home, but although I'm not good at putting tracks together, I also can't leave a project unfinished.

So another forty minutes later, I finally got all of the tracks connected.  I was pretty impressed with myself and sent another picture to my hubby.  He thought it looked pretty good.

Jack, on the other hand?  Not so much.  While I had successfully made another bridge with the use of a riser, I had not figured out how to have an upper level.  And that was the first thing Jack noticed.  My track was unacceptable to my three-year old son.  He did not play on it all day, and when Daddy got home, he asked him to fix it.  It no longer looks like it did in the above picture.  It is definitely multi-level:)  The lesson I learned?  Do not attempt to fix the train tracks - I will waste approximately three hours of my life.


Happy Birthday, Cuddlebug!  May all of your puppy-dog dreams come true!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

One Month Old

Sweet Hannah Bear,

Today you are one month old.  I can't believe how fast time is flying...

I feel like it was just yesterday that you and I were in the hospital, snuggling through our first night together.

You are such a precious girl, and we are loving having all of this pink in the house.

You are a great sleeper, and you're continuing to nurse wonderfully.  During the day, you eat every 1 1/2  to 4 hours.  Within the past few days, you've starting sleeping through the night.  Mama is very happy about that:)

You're wearing a size 1 diaper.  You still wear some newborn clothes, but you're wearing three month sleepers because you're so long and your tootsies were getting cramped.

You get the hiccups at least four times a day.  You've started to smile at us when you hear our voices or see us smile at you.

You love your big brother, Jack.  You let him take really good care of you, and you smile when he puts his face close to yours.  You also love when he rubs you on the head:)

You love to be held and to sleep on my chest.  I don't mind at all, and we usually take at least one nap together every day.  

We are so lucky that you're ours.  You have made our home an even happier place, and even in this short amount of time we've had together, we can't imagine our lives without you.  We love you so much,  Baby Girl.  



Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Spectacular Spiderman

I'm pretty sure I've mentioned Jack's recent obsession with Spiderman.  If I haven't, it's because I've been in a coma.  No, seriously - OBSESSED.

I have to sneak his Spiderman pajamas away so that I can wash them.  And that's even after buying a second, back-up pair.  As soon as he gets home from anywhere, he runs up to his room to change and "be Spectacular Spiderman."  He's constantly shooting webs, chasing bad guys, and singing the "Neighborhood Spiderman" song.

This past weekend, Jack took an opportunity to practice his soaring skills.  And me?  I took the opportunity to take some great pictures of my little man in all his superhero glory.

When was the last time you had that much fun?  

And by the way - that bean bag chair?  Might've been the best present we've ever bought him.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Rypie's Bridal Shower

The answer to yesterday's question: Hannah was all dolled-up for Aunt Ryan's bridal shower:)

The party was a blast.  It's so fun to celebrate with my sister as she gets closer and closer to her wedding day.  She and John received tons of beautiful gifts for their first home together, and we enjoyed the food, games, and company.  Here are some of my photos from the special day:

The bride-to-be and Hannah Bear

Beautiful packages

Ryan and our cousin, Owen

The cake table

Cutting the cake

Hannah and Rypie

Wedding bells

Pink party balloons

Napping post-party

Presents and more presents


She's so happy

The bride-to-be and her bouquet

Rypie - I'm getting more and more excited for you with each day that passes.  I can't wait to be there with you on your wedding day...what a special moment it will be.  You have found a man so deserving of your love, and I know that you two will continue to make each other happy for the rest of your lives.

Next wedding celebration to come - the bachelorette weekend:)