Wednesday, August 24, 2011

One Month Old

Sweet Hannah Bear,

Today you are one month old.  I can't believe how fast time is flying...

I feel like it was just yesterday that you and I were in the hospital, snuggling through our first night together.

You are such a precious girl, and we are loving having all of this pink in the house.

You are a great sleeper, and you're continuing to nurse wonderfully.  During the day, you eat every 1 1/2  to 4 hours.  Within the past few days, you've starting sleeping through the night.  Mama is very happy about that:)

You're wearing a size 1 diaper.  You still wear some newborn clothes, but you're wearing three month sleepers because you're so long and your tootsies were getting cramped.

You get the hiccups at least four times a day.  You've started to smile at us when you hear our voices or see us smile at you.

You love your big brother, Jack.  You let him take really good care of you, and you smile when he puts his face close to yours.  You also love when he rubs you on the head:)

You love to be held and to sleep on my chest.  I don't mind at all, and we usually take at least one nap together every day.  

We are so lucky that you're ours.  You have made our home an even happier place, and even in this short amount of time we've had together, we can't imagine our lives without you.  We love you so much,  Baby Girl.  



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