Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Tonight as we got out of the car, Jack referred to himself as Jack-a-Bear.

And I knew just what he meant:)

"You mean like Hannah Bear, only Jack-a-Bear?"

"That's right, Mama!"

"You are so stinkin' cute, my little man.  I love you."

Couldn't Make It Up If I Tried

I've been missing a lot lately, and I'm sorry.  Believe it or not, the week before and the week of Thanksgiving were pretty crazy around here.  Things are just starting to get back to some sense of normalcy...and even that's a bit of a stretch.

{Hannah, not sleeping in our hotel room}

To be honest, Brad and I have become addicted to Breaking Bad, a show that's been around for awhile, but is brand new to us.  So that's part of it - we've been downloading episodes and watching them at night like they are going out of style.  A need to get caught up with the rest of the world maybe...I don't know.  But seriously?  It's sucked us in - we both wanted to watch it before Dexter on Sunday, but we felt so disloyal, we just couldn't bring ourselves to do it.  It's kept us away from Homeland for two weeks straight.  What is wrong with us?!

{At this point, she'd already shed her striped tights and her brown boots}

In addition to our new TV addiction, I came down with strep the night we'd taken my dad out for his birthday dinner.  It came on fast and furious, and I missed two days of work.  I missed appointments with teachers and had to reschedule coaching visits - never a fun task.  I started to feel better by Friday, but just in time to get really, really sick on Sunday night.

{Reading in the hotel room - Jack was so excited to go to a hotel!}

Maybe it was food poisoning.  Maybe it was a stomach bug.  Who knows?  All I know is that it was horrible, and whatever it was, it nearly killed me.  I went six hours, and then I couldn't take it anymore. Brad drove me to the hospital while my dad came over and spent the night on our couch while the babies slept upstairs.  We were at the hospital until four in the morning, and even though they gave me fluids, anti-nausea medication, and painkillers, I was still a mess when we got home.  And so, so sick.  I missed two more days of work.  More appointments with teachers were canceled.

{Down home cookin' at Cracker Barrel}

Tuesday night I felt well enough to begin to pack us up for our trip to North Carolina.  As I was packing and cleaning and getting organized, the littles went around and meticulously reversed all of my hard work:)  Somedays, it seems like that's what they do best.

{Sleepy and warm.}

We left on Wednesday around noon.  Very bad idea.  A trip that should have taken us six hours took nine and a half instead.  On back, country roads.  With two children under five.  I have to say, I was impressed with their car-trip behavior.  They really were troopers that day.  They went four and a half hours without stopping, and then we got out, went potty, played tag as the sun set, had a little snack, and got back in the car.  We stopped a couple of hours later for dinner, and Jack and Hannah chased each other around Subway, laughing and chatting away.  We usually don't let them run amok in restaurants, but they needed some play time, so we just watched.

{Jack and Great-Uncle Danny, playing in a tree that Daddy used to climb.}

We went straight to our hotel upon our arrival in North Carolina because it was too late to visit with family.  We unpacked and attempted to get everyone to bed.  I could tell Brad wasn't sleeping well - he was tossing and turning, and then at four in the morning, I heard him get up, and I could tell he was very sick.

{Aunt Jess, Jack, and Great-Uncle Danny}

He didn't leave our hotel on Thanksgiving Day - he spent the day in bed, mostly by himself as the kids and I spent time with his family.  I went back and forth, bringing medicine and Gatorade.  Poor thing - I felt so bad.

{Reading with Hannah Bear}

Lucky for us, he was well enough to do the Black Friday shopping he loves so much, and we were all able to spend time with family on Friday evening.

{Sleeping on Great-Uncle Danny}

On Saturday, my birthday, we made the car trip back home.  The ride wasn't too bad and only took us the six hours it should have.  But when we got home, we quickly learned that our fridge broke during our absence.  We came home to a fridge-full of warm, spoiled food.  By the time we unloaded the car and emptied the fridge, our clean home looked like a bomb had gone off.  Happy Birthday to me!

{Not even close to all of the stuff we unpacked from the car}

{Fridge disaster...}

We dropped everything.  We left the mess and headed to dinner, just the four of us, for a little birthday celebration.  The food was yummy, but Hannah was fussy.  She'd had enough:(

Thanksgiving certainly did not go as planned, but it's definitely one that won't be forgotten.  We got to spend time with family.  While we might not have been feeling 100%, we are still healthy.  We have everything we need.  And that's what matters.

Now - bring on the normalcy:)  Pretty please.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving







Happy Thanksgiving, Friends!

Friday, November 16, 2012

A Teacher's Dream Come True

This next video clip I'm about to share with you deserves a little set up -

*Jack is reading a book called Pajama Time! by Sandra Boynton.  It's one of Hannah's favorites - we read it almost every night.  While he doesn't have the entire thing memorized, he has the general idea.

*Hannah has impeccable book-handling skills for a 15 month old, if you ask me.

*The bow in her hair?  Jack put that there, and it's the only bow she hasn't immediately taken out.  Oh, and he also put those polka dot socks on her little tootsies.

*Ignore Hannah's temper tantrum.  And the impatient twitch that comes from Jack as a result of said temper tantrum.  It gets better.

*When Hannah starts reading, it's because after Jack read, "Pajammy to the left, pajammy to the right," she knows that the next line is, "Jamma, jamma, jamma, jamma, P! J!"  He forgot - she was trying to remind him.

*Notice that Jack uses the volume of his voice in wonderful, read-aloud fashion.  The text itself calls for this, but remember - he is four.  And he's whispering the end of the book that's meant to help little ones go to sleep.

*I'm completely in love with these two brilliant children.  I know I'm biased.  I'm their mom.  And a teacher.  But seriously?!  Sheer brilliance.  They're marked for greatness.


{Video: Jack and Hannah, Reading}

Monday, November 12, 2012

Fall Photo Shoot = FAIL

Coming home from work on Friday afternoon, I was mesmerized by the afternoon light.  I knew that if I hurried, I'd be able to take some great pictures of the kids.  The images I was planning in my head were beautiful...sun flares, fall leaves, and us, me and my little lovelies on a Friday afternoon.

I ran by the house to grab snacks and juice.  The littles aren't happy without snacks and juice, so while I was there, I quickly decided to grab a toddler arm chair and the pretty quilt I used in my sister's photo shoot to jazz up our session a bit.  I grabbed my tripod, my camera, my good lens, and I was out the door.

I quickly picked up the kids from school, racing against the setting sun, but as usual, Jack had "an idea."  Instead of heading to the park we usually go to after school on Fridays, he wanted to go to the park by our house.  No problem.  We have time.  We'll make it, I told myself.

We got to the park, which happens to have a beautiful field right next to it, and I started to unload the kids, their gear, and our photo shoot supplies when I realized I may have made a mistake.  It's a lot to carry without someone there to help you.

We finally wrangled our way to a spot, and set up shop.  I was ready to go...the sun was getting lower and lower in the sky.  We had to hurry.  I've learned this lesson before, but apparently, it's one I needed to learn again.  You cannot hurry toddlers.  It can't be done.  And when you try?  Disaster.  At least, in my case.

While I got my sun flare, I didn't get the pictures I'd had in my head.  I didn't make it into a single one of them.  The tripod was never even set up.  I was sweating hard enough just trying to get pictures of the two of them looking at the camera.

See how they're both looking longingly at the park off to my right?  FAIL

See the beautiful sun rays?  Now see how Jack is not looking at me and Hannah won't let go of her juice?  FAIL

Hmm...again, beautiful sun rays, but Jack has his completely disinterested smile and Hannah is not making eye contact.  FAIL

And now, she's rolling on the quilt while her brother dreams of the park.  Oh, and look, I've finally achieved an actual sun flare.  FAIL

So, there you have it.  The good news is that I did get a few shots that were, of course, worth celebrating.  Maybe just not the ones I'd planned:)

I think I'll keep them.  And this adorable video I captured before I was worried she might fall off that springy horse:

{Video: Hannah on the Springy Horse}

Maybe our Christmas card photo shoot I'm planning for this weekend will go much smoother.

Fingers crossed.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Grampy's Birthday

Happy Birthday, Grampy!  We love you, and we hope you had a good time this evening:)

Hannah Bear says thank you for the corn:

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

Hannah, 15 months

Jack, 15 months

I know, right?!  We're in for some treats.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Possibly my most productive day this year...

Today did not follow our usual Sunday pattern.  Our usual Sunday pattern involves me not getting out of my jammies (or showering!), not doing my makeup, cozying up on the couch, and napping with the littles before dinner and bedtime routines.

But not today.  Maybe I felt blessed by the extra hour I'd been given?

After getting up with the littles and getting everyone settled with juice and breakfast, I immediately went to work.  First,  I downloaded some new printables for the frame on our kitchen counter.  I'd gotten lazy and hadn't changed our frame out since Back to School.  I found a cute Halloween printable for next year, and then a Thanksgiving one that I love.

Then, I searched my Yummy Pinterest board for some great recipes to try.  I decided I'd make Chicken Tortilla Soup and then made our shopping list.

I got in the shower and Brad and I got ready for the day while the littles played together in the playroom.  Afterwards, the kids and I went to the grocery store and did our big shopping trip for the next few weeks.  We came home, and I made the kids lunch.  While they ate, I got the soup ready to go into the crock pot.  Me and the littles took a nap, and I woke up feeling refreshed and ready, and so did Jack.  Jack does not usually wake up happy, so this was a big deal.

I gave the kids a snack while I threw in a load of laundry, and then we headed to the mall with Grammy to buy Jack some new jeans.  While his waist is still tiny, his legs are growing longer and longer, and his pants were looking a little too short.  While we were at the mall, we happened upon my birthday present - a beautiful, black coat that I'm so excited to wear!  And I used a gift card Brad had given me for Mother's Day to get a beautiful scarf to go with my new coat:)  I love coats.  Like pajamas.  And children's books.  You can never have too many.

When we got home from the mall, I made dinner for the kids and Brad I had our chicken tortilla soup.

It was so good - I highly recommend it!

Brad cleaned up the kitchen while I put away the Halloween decorations and did another load of laundry.  We put the littles to bed and cleaned up the house so that we'd have a tidy house on Monday morning.  I love having a tidy house on Monday makes the weak seem more achievable.

This may not seem like a lot for one day, but I'm telling you, for us - this day was huge.

And I am exhausted.

Rightly so.

And now I get to reward myself with Dexter and Homeland.  Oh, how I love you Showtime!

Good night.

Saturday, November 3, 2012


Look what Hannah learned how to do:

{Video: Hannah Jumps}

Friday, November 2, 2012


This was our best Halloween yet!  For the first time since Jack was five months old, he was healthy again on Halloween.  And not only that, but this year, our little Peanut could really participate in the festivities as well.

The evening started out at school - they had a cute Halloween parade and then Jack's classroom had a little party with snacks.  I was able to make it just in time for the parade -

Ducky in the baby buggy

Our little Wolverine, in his class parade

Mama and Ducky-Girl

Jack, dressed as Wolverine, and his Pre-Kindergarten class

Oh, the ducky feet

My little man


She loves Oreos:)

After school, I took the kids home and they relaxed and played for a bit while I decorated the outside.

Our Boo-banner from Great-Grandma Stella

Jack painted a little pumpkin (which I'm just now noticing is symmetrical)

Our scarecrow

Our "spooky" sign

When I finished decorating, I brought the pumpkins inside to start carving.  Aunt Ryan came over to help me cook dinner for the littles so that I could work on the pumpkins and get them started before Brad got home from work.  We were creative this year with our carving, and I was proud of the way the jack-o-lanterns turned out.

I carved this ghost completely by myself.

Spider-man pumpkin glowing in the dark

I carved the eye on the right, but then Brad got home.  Just in time too, because I wasn't sure how to make the web.  

Grammy came over to see the kids in costume, and then we headed out to do some trick-or-treating while Aunt Ryan stayed behind to pass out candy.  It was a great big help - I've never been able to do the trick-or-treating before because someone always has to stay and do the candy.  Hannah was waving and saying "hi," to everyone, and Jack was getting braver and braver to go up to each new house and say, "Trick or treat!"  Brad really worked with him this year on making eye contact and saying thank you, and he did a really great job.  We were really proud of our Wolverine!  When we got home, Aunt Jess and Uncle Jimmy stopped by to see the kids in costume and share some of their leftover candy.

Daddy and Ducky

Daddy and the littles

Wolverine, Grammy, and Ducky

Wolverine, Jess, and Jimmy

Hannah, trick-or-treating at Grandma's house.  We went over there for dinner the Friday before Halloween because Grandma was going to be out of town.

Grandma and Hannah Bear

Me and my little trick-or-treaters.  I don't know why, but I absolutely adore this photo.

We had such a blast - I can't wait until next year!  Jack's already talking about his costume...maybe a mummy.  Or a pirate.  So far, he's changed his mind twice:)