Thursday, June 30, 2011

Thankful Thursday

This mama just has so many things to be thankful for, but here's a few from the top of my list today:

* my perfect day yesterday with my little man

* the fact that I still get summers off to be able to spend more time with my family

* pedicures

* 'Smores.  Need I say more?

* country music.  Lately, I'm kind of addicted.

* a great check-up proving that Peanut is strong and healthy (today's BPM ranged from 155-165 - she was ON THE GO!)

* the beautiful baby girl things that I've been organizing and putting in her room after my surprise shower last week...which by the way, here are some of the photos of the goodies we received:

Someone wanted in on the action

And not surprisingly at all, as my co-workers predicted, Jack tried out his sister's princess gear right away.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Perfectly, Wonderful Day

So I realize this is the third post for a random Wednesday, but I'd already had the Wordless Wednesday post planned, and then the day ended up being so fantastic, I just had to add to it:)  You already know about how my night ended, but the daytime was perfect too.

Last night, I planned to take Jack into the city to a children's play museum that is located very close to where Brad works.  So this morning, Jack and I got ready to leave the house at the same time as Daddy, and we followed him into the city.  We parted ways and headed to the children's museum for about an hour and a half, and then we planned to head to Daddy's office to visit and then to go have lunch. 

I'm so glad that I found out about the museum through another mommy's blog because I agree with her - the best $6 spent in a long time.  Jack was completely engaged the whole time we were there, and he could've continued to play for hours if his mama and daddy hadn't been so hungry!

Ready for an adventure

Digging in the sandbox

Building with Lincoln logs

The house that Jack (and I) built

He loved the pulley system




Chinese Water Dragon

Taking orders at Dominos

"Eating" a pepperoni pizza lunch served by Mommy

The grocery store

He had a blast!

Jack's purchases - which very much reflected our weekly shops to the grocery store, minus the eggplant.

The museum was so much fun, and we can't wait to go back with some friends.  After Jack played and explored in every room, we headed to Daddy's office.  We walked around and said hello to everyone, and then we took a nice walk to lunch.  We had a great meal, said goodbye to Daddy, and then headed home for naptime.  After our very busy morning, I wasn't surprised that Jack fell asleep in the car about 2 1/2 minutes into the trip home.  When we got home, he wasn't tired anymore, so we just had quiet time in his room for a little while so Mommy could rest:)

I taught Jack how to play Chutes and Ladders and Candyland (which he absolutely loves!) in the afternoon, and then Grammy came to pick him up for a playdate with her and Grampy.  They headed to Chuck E. Cheese's, and I got things ready for a donation pick-up and reorganized the garage. 

All in all, a perfect day:)

This Moment

More about the rest of this fantastic day later, but I want to remember this moment forever.  Just now, as I was snuggling my little man into bed:

Me: (whispering)  I love you so much.  You are such a good boy, Jack.

Jack: You're such a good girl.

Me: You're so silly!

Jack: You're a good mommy, Mommy.

Wordless Wednesday

{Proof that we're living with an OCD-version of Spiderman - that sash, it belongs to one of my maternity dresses, and it serves as Spiderman's web.  Spiderman's picture is on the backside of those underpants.  Those socks have been deemed Spiderman socks since they have red on them.  This is exactly how Jack laid out his "Spiderman costume" before having to get dressed for school.}

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

36 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 36 weeks (and 1 day)
Size of Baby: Peanut weighs about six pounds and is probably about 20 inches long.
Baby's Developmental Milestones: At this point, all of Baby Girl's systems are a go, and her digestive system will kick into gear as soon as she arrives.
Total Weight Gain: 42 1/2 lbs. - I'm still holding out hope that my weight gain won't match what it was when I was pregnant with Jack.
Maternity Clothes: It's so much easier to get dressed in the morning now that I don't have to go to work every day:)
Movement: Yes, but not as much.  I think she's running out of room!  I'm pretty sure she's had the hiccups twice this week though...
Sleep: I haven't been sleeping as well.  I get way too hot at night (so much so that I've considered sleeping on the basement couch) and I have to get up every 2-3 hours to go to the bathroom.  And getting up in itself is a task because I have to roll off the bed in the least graceful way you could imagine.
What I miss: Having Jack sit on my lap easily...
Cravings: Cereal and lemonade.
Symptoms: Braxton Hicks and a few headaches here and there.  Constant trips to the bathroom.  Feeling like a furnace.  Achy legs and feet...but nothing that isn't totally worth it!
Best Pregnancy Moment this Week: A box of girly photo props that I ordered for Peanut's newborn photos came this week, and when I opened it up and saw the adorably feminine blankets and hats, I have to admit, I squealed with delight.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Graduate

Jack is now an official graduate of the big sibling class provided by the hospital.  This morning we took Jack to learn all about becoming a big brother, and it was a huge success - thanks to Daddy stepping in to make sure our little man got some one-on-one assistance with baby care techniques.  I snapped photos and tried not to overheat:)

A baby-holding lesson from Daddy

Snuggling his baby

Practicing his holding skills

Daddy models a swaddle

Practicing the swaddling skills

Jack enjoyed making a "baby taco"

Changing a diaper

Receiving his certificate for the Best Big Brother

Jack did so well during the class and even throughout the tour.  He loved seeing the rooms where he was born and where his sister will be born.  It was pretty cute, and hopefully it will make visiting the hospital a little bit smoother.  We'll see...

After our class, we came home and Daddy set to work painting our fence.  Jack and I took the opportunity to play out on the deck, so we set up the water table, the baby pool, and the sandbox and he went to town.  We had lunch, took a great nap, and played outside some more.

This evening, we went out to get more fence paint and to have dinner at Famous Dave's.  Jack was so well-behaved and practiced his coloring skills during dinner.  When we got home, we got ready for bed, and Jack and Daddy snuggled and watched nature shows on TV for a little while.  

It was the perfect ending to a perfect, summer day.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Just Jack...Recently

Jack is as busy as ever these days, and I can barely keep up with recording all of the hilarious and adorable things that he does every day.  He definitely keeps us on our toes, that's for sure...

Yesterday at his yearly check-up he weighed 30 pounds (25-50th percentile) and was 37 inches tall (50th percentile).  Brad and I were thinking he might get really lucky and be built like Grampy and Grandpa, but with those percentages, it's not seeming very likely.  Developmentally, he's doing great, although I did learn that we need to work on knowing our full name:)  Jack received a clean bill of health while we were there, and he's all set for another year.  We even escaped without any shots, so that was wonderful and made it much easier to head to school afterwards too.  

Here he is eating dinner with Skinny Bear in what he deemed was his new spot at the table.

Jack has always been extremely observant, but lately I've been surprised by his comments and just how much he really is watching and listening to every single thing around him.  One morning on our way to school he announced that his toy "has green eyes like Daddy."  I was astonished to find out that he knew what color Daddy's eyes are, and then I asked him what color my eyes were, and he said, "Blue, like Jack's eyes."  Indeed.

While watching The Cat in the Hat, he noticed that it was raining in the movie, and immediately made a connection, saying, "It's raining today just like ours is raining."  Meaning that while it was raining in the movie, it was also raining outside our house.  His teachers will love his making connections skills:)

After watching an episode of Blue's Clues where Steve leaves for college, Jack looked up at me and said, "I wish I could go to college like Steve."  I bravely told him that one day he can, and then considered running to the bathroom to cry my eyes out.  My only consolation is that it's still 15 years away.  I've got some time to adjust...

Every night when Jack hears Brad open the garage door, he runs outside to greet him.

When we leave for school in the mornings, he'll often glance outside the garage and comment, "What a nice day today," with just my inflection.  Even if it's raining or cloudy or cold.  Adorable.

On our way to the minute clinic last month, I told Jack we were going to see a different doctor.  When we pulled into the shopping center, he said, "But Mommy, this is where dinner lives," because he could see restaurants and didn't recognize the area as a place a doctor's office would be located.

When he wants to know what something says, he'll ask, "Mommy, what's this about?"

Cute vocabulary words:

buh-loo = blue
meelk = milk
grills = girls (our puppy dogs)

Not sure why he adds extra syllables or has an accent occasionally, but it's too adorable for the time being!

He loves to climb up in Daddy's lap, and this night, very much enjoyed posing for pictures.

At three years old, Jack is a pretty strong negotiator and loves to make a plan.  For example, while eating Sunday Steak Dinner one night, he pulled out three pieces of steak and said, "I'll eat these steaks and then I can have an Oreo."  Or he might say, "First, I'm going to go get new underwear and socks, and then I'll go potty."

Jack is very in touch with his body.  Just tonight, after his shower, he asked me, "Mama, what's wrong with my nipples?"  When I asked him what he meant, he said that they were all red.  So I had to example that his nipples are always a different color from the rest of his chest, and that seemed to be a perfectly acceptable answer to him, thankgoodness.

The other afternoon, he came running from the bathroom, crying and saying that he couldn't find his toy airplane.  When I went in to investigate, I didn't see it anywhere and said it must be somewhere else.  He started crying harder and jumping up and down, and then he pointed to the air vent.  Finally, he said, "Mommy, it went in there!"  Like it had just flown in all by itself.  Or maybe the vent just sucked it up.  I asked Jack if he put the airplane in the vent, and he said yes:)  Now we were getting somewhere...

If we go for a walk and Jack wants to ride in the stroller, he says that we're going for a "green walk."  You know...since our stroller is green, of course!

Love. Love. Love. this picture

Jack loves the puppy dogs, although he doesn't always love their kisses or the fact that they may a) steal his food or b) chew on his toys.  He does routinely "scrub them" (rub their backs) and check their ears to see if they have an ear infection.  Apparently, he's noticed that Belle is rather prone to ear infections.  This morning, he was trying to check Gracie's ears when he announced that he couldn't find them.  I don't blame him; she is a little furry:)

He's currently learning to color inside the lines!  One night at dinner, Daddy colored a picture for Jack.  The entire time, Jack was intently watching what Brad was doing, and when Brad handed him the picture of Buzz, colored inside the lines, he just stared and stared at it.  Immediately, he chose another picture and began focusing on the details of the drawing with his little markers.  It was the cutest thing - I laminated both the Buzz picture and the picture Jack did immediately after because I was so proud.

And finally, this whole "big brother" thing...  While I think he may be a little unclear about some of the details, I also firmly believe that Jack is going to be the best big brother ever.  To hear him talk about Peanut is the cutest thing in the world...makes this mama's heart melt.

Whenever he wants to kiss the baby, he insists that I pull my shirt up and looks for one of the freckles on my stomach to kiss that spot.  Apparently, he thinks she hides behind the freckles and can only feel his kisses if my belly is bare:)

The other morning when I asked him if he thought Baby Girl would like her room, he responded with, "I think my sister will like {insert Baby Girl's name} room.  Hmmm...does he think they're two different people?

When his soccer coach asked him if he was having a little brother or sister, he explained that he's having a boy and I'm having a girl.  Uh-oh!

This morning he was playing with his Mickey airplane which he can ride on, but it also has a handle so that a toddler can push it around.  He was asking me what the handle was for, and when I explained, he said that Baby Girl will like to push it around and that he will show her how to do it.  So adorable.  Then he reiterated that, "I will tell her how to do it."  Okay, great, I was thinking.  But then he said, "Pick your shirt up," and I realized he was going to tell her RIGHT THEN.  And that he did.  Brought tears to my eyes at how absolutely sweet and innocent the whole exchange was...

There were two little bags of M&M's in our key bowl this evening that Jack found while eating dinner - one pink and one blue (left over from my surprise shower).  He quickly explained to me that the blue M&M's were his, but the pink ones are for Baby Girl.  Too cute...

I so love this time with him.  He's at such a fun age and is soaking up so much of the world around's amazing to watch.  

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summer, I Love You

Not only was today the official first day of summer, but it was actually my first day of summer vacation as well.  And I'm already loving it:)

While initially I wasn't thrilled about the idea of being big and pregnant through July, I'm now looking forward to the time I have to spend with just Jack before his sister arrives.  This time is also going to help me get ready and allow me some extra time for nesting without having to take leave before the baby arrives.  I've already started washing baby clothes and getting her room ready - I feel more prepared today than I felt yesterday in case she were to come a little early.

Today, I took Jack to the doctor for his yearly check-up and then dropped him off at school.  I thoroughly enjoyed a prenatal massage {thanks to a gift card from my sister:)} and then spent the rest of my day making to-do lists, getting organized, going through paperwork, and napping before I went to pick Jack up.

Today was perfect, and tomorrow I get to spend my day with my little man.  Is there any better way to spend a summer day?  I think not.

Monday, June 20, 2011

35 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 35 Weeks
Size of Baby: Peanut weighs about five and a half pounds and is continuing to gain weight steadily until she's born.
Baby's Developmental Milestones: Fetal brain development is the most important developmental milestone going on these days.
Total Weight Gain: 39 1/2 lbs.
Maternity Clothes: You know it's a bad sign when the jammies you bought for the time being, and especially for the hospital, are starting to feel too snug:(
Movement: Still moving around and still crazy to watch.  My whole stomach shifts form when I relax in the evening.
Sleep: I've slept pretty well this week.  Still getting up a couple of times, but it's not too bad.
What I miss: Clothes that fit well and look cute all at the same time:)
Cravings: I really haven't craved anything this week.
Symptoms: Braxton Hicks contractions...which seem much stronger than they should be!  I didn't have them with Jack, so I don't really know what to expect, but they're pretty powerful when they happen.
Best Pregnancy Moment this Week: The surprise baby shower that the girls at work threw for me - I got some of the cutest things for our baby girl.